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2020年人教版英语九年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.成长心语:Success belongs to the persevering.胜利属于坚忍不拔的人。第一课时 1a-2c一、预习目标Vocabulary单词名词 n.truck, picnic, rabbit 代词 pron.whose形容词 adj.whosePhrases词组1. belong to2. ones favorite writer3. a toy truck4. Lindas magazine5. at the picnic6. listen to pop music7. the only little kid8. love rabbits9. hair band1. 属于2. 某人最喜爱的作家3. 一辆玩具卡车4. 琳达的杂志5. 野餐时6. 听流行音乐7. 唯一的一个小孩8. 喜爱兔子9. 发带Structures句型1. Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.2. He was the only kid at the picnic.3. That toy truck must belong to Janes little brother. 4. The schoolbag could belong to Rita. Shes always forgetting things. 5. Here is a hair band, so the person cant be a boy.1. 这是谁的排球?它一定是卡拉的。她喜爱排球。2. 他是野餐时唯一的小孩。3. 那个玩具卡车一定是简的小弟弟的。4.书包有可能是丽塔的。她总是忘记东西。5. 这是一个发带,因此这个人一定不会是个男孩。二、预习检测1. 译一译(找出下列短语并在课文中划出)(1) 属于_ (2) 一辆玩具卡车_ (3) 野餐时_ (4) 喜爱兔子_(5) 某人最喜爱的作家_ (6) 发带 _(7) 琳达的杂志_ (8) 唯一的一个小孩 _(9) 听流行音乐_ 2 .写一写 (预习重点句型)(1) 这是谁的排球? 它一定是卡拉的。她喜爱排球。_ volleyball is this? I _. It_ _ Carlas. She _ volleyball. (2) 那个玩具卡车一定是简的小弟弟的。That toy _ must _ _Janes little brother. (3) 他是野餐时唯一的小孩。 He was the _ kid at the _.(4) 这是一个发带,因此这个人一定不会是个男孩。Here is a _ _, so the person _ _ a boy. (5) 书包有可能是丽塔的。她总是忘记东西。 The schoolbag _ _ _ Rita. Shes always _ things.4. 点拨升华 情态动词表示推测时的用法情态动词must, can, could, may, might 表示推测时的用法如下:(1) must (You are almost sure something is true) 表示有根据的推论,意为 “肯定,一定”,语气肯定。(2) might/ could (You think something is possibly true) 表示一种可能性 (推测或猜测),意为 “不可能”,语气稍弱,不那么肯定。(3) may 通常用于肯定句中表示推测,意为 “可能”。推测的把握性不大,但是比might 的把握性大。(4) cant (You are almost sure something is not true) 表示对现在事实的否定推测,把握性较大,语气肯定。练一练:(1) - Look at the young lady in red. Is it Mrs. King? - No. It _ be her. She is wearing a white dress today. A. can B. may C. must D. cant(2) - Excuse me, whose book is this? - It _ be Johns. It has his name on it. A. must B. need C. cant D. may(3) - Where are you going this month? - We _ go to Xiamen, but were not sure. A. neednt B. must C. might D. mustnt我的疑惑:_三、课堂探究选择恰当的情态动词“must, might, could, cant” 填空。 1. The notebook _be Mings. It was on her desk.2. The homework _ be Carols. She wasnt at school today.3. The soccer ball _ be Johns or Tonys. They both play soccer, dont they?4. The French book _ be Li Yings. Shes the only one whos studying French.5. I cant find my backpack. It _be still at school.6. The photo _ be Lus. Those are his parents.7. The red bicycle _ be Hus. She has a blue bicycle.8. This ticket _ be my aunts or uncles. Theyre both going to the concert.四、课时评价(每项5分)预习课堂书写准确率订正总分第二课时 2d, Grammar Focus-4c一、预习目标Vocabulary单词名词 n.laboratory, coat,形容词 adj.valuable, pink, sleepy 动词v.attend代词 pron.anybodyPhrases词组1. attend a concert2. something valuable3. ones pink hair band4. the rest of my friends5. go to a picnic6. pick it up7. in the laboratory8. be hot outdoors9. wear coats10. feel sleepy1. 参加一个音乐会2. 一些贵重的东西3. 某人的粉色发带4. 我的其他朋友5. 去野餐6. 捡到它7. 在实验室8. 外面热9. 穿着外套10. 感觉困倦的Structures句型1. Where did you last put it?2. I attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.3. Do you have anything valuable in your schoolbag?4. so it cant be stolen.5. I think somebody must have picked it up.6. But it might be a boys room because the clothes look like boys clothes.7. Whenever I try to read this book, I feel sleepy.1. 你最后把它放哪里了?2. 昨天我参加了一个音乐会,所以它可能还在音乐厅。3. 你书包里有什么贵重的东西吗?4.所以它不可能被偷。5.我认为一定有人捡到它了。6. 但也可能是一个男孩的房间,因为这些衣服看起来像是男孩的衣服。7. 无论何时我想看这本书,就会感到昏昏欲睡。二、预习检测1. 译一译(找出下列短语并在课文中划出)(1) 穿着外套_ (2) 参加一个音乐会_(3) 外面热_ (4) 在实验室_(5) 我的其他朋友_ (6) 一些贵重的东西_(7) 感觉困倦的_ (8) 某人的粉色发带_2 .写一写 (预习重点句型)(1) 你书包里有什么贵重的东西吗? Do you have_ _ in your schoolbag?(2) 你最后把它放哪里了?Where _ you _ _ it?(3) 所以它不可能被偷。so it _ _ _.(4) 昨天我参加了一个音乐会,所以它可能还在音乐厅。I _ a concert yesterday so it _ still _ in the music hall.(5) 无论何时我想看这本书,就会感到昏昏欲睡。_ I try to _ this book, I feel _.3. 点拨升华易混辨析:四者都可表示 “参加”,区别在于attend指出席或参加某个比较正式的场合,如参加会议、婚礼、典礼、葬礼、听报告、去上课、上学、出席音乐会、听演讲、看演出等。join指加入某个党派、某个组织或某社会团体,着重指成为其中的一员。如参军、入团、入党等,join in一般表示参加竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动,可用于 join sb. in (doing) sth. 结构中。take part in多指参加群体性的活动等,往往指参加者持有积极态度,并在其中起到一定作用。练一练:(1) 这个周末我打算参加一场婚礼。I am going to _ a wedding this weekend. (2) I will never forget the day when I _(参加) the army. (3) He didnt _(参加) the meeting because of _ (ill). (4) We should _(积极参加) school activities. (5) Can you _(参加) us in _(play) the game? must have done sth.的用法must have done sth. “一定已经做了某事”,表示对过去事情的肯定推测、评论或者判断。其否定结构为 cant have done, 表示 “不可能做过”练一练:(1) 他非常喜欢足球。他肯定已经看了昨晚的比赛。He likes football. He _ _ _ the match last night. (2) 我不可能走错了房子呀,我多次核对过地址。I _ _ _ to the _ house. I _ the address repeatedly.三、课堂探究1. 根据中文意思或所给词的适当形式填空,每空一词。Linda is_ (worry) now, because she _ (lose) her schoolbag yesterday. _ (幸运地), there is _ _(没有贵重的东西)but her books, her _(粉色的) hair band and some tennis balls in her schoolbag. It _ (可能) _(仍然) be in the music hall, because she _ _ _ (参加一个音乐会) yesterday. It _ _ (不可能)stolen, because after the concert she _(go) to a picnic. She remembers she had it with her_ _ _ (在野餐时). So it _(可能) still be at the park, or somebody _(肯定) have _(pick) it up. At last, she decided to call _ _ _(其余的) her friends to check if _(任何人) has it.四、课时评价(每项5分)预习课堂书写准确率订正总分第三课时 Section B 1a-1e一、预习目标Vocabulary单词名词 n.noise, policeman, wolf, happening形容词 adj.uneasyPhrases词组1. know each other2. something unusual3. strange happenings4. run away5. feel uneasy6. hear strange noises7. ones next-door neighbor8. a wolf9. be interviewed by 10. call the policemen/ police1. 认识彼此2. 一些不寻常的事3. 怪事4. 逃跑5. 感到不安6. 听到奇怪的声音7. 某人的邻居8. 一匹狼9. 被采访10. 报警Structures句型1. It used to be quiet. Nothing much ever happened around here.2.However, these days, something unusual is happening in our town.3. When he was interviewed by the town newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange noises outside our window ”4. At first, I thought that it might be a dog, but I couldnt see a dog or anything else, either.5. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood.6. The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fun in the neighborhood.1.它过去一直非常安宁,这附近未曾发生过什么事。2.然而,这些天,我们镇上正发生一些不寻常的事。3. 城镇报社采访他时,他说:“每天晚上我们都听到窗外有奇怪的声响”4. 起初,我认为它可能是一只狗,但我没有看见狗,也没看见其它任何东西。5.一定是什么东西光临我们的社区了。6. 这位噪音制造者正享受着在社区制造恐慌的极大乐趣。二、预习检测1. 译一译(找出下列短语并在课文中划出)(1) 一些不寻常的事 _ (2) 一匹狼 _ (3) 怪事_ (4) 被采访 _(5) 某人的邻居_ (6) 感到不安 _(7) 报警_ (8) 听到奇怪的声音 _2 . 写一写 (预习重点句型)(1) .然而,这些天,我们镇上正发生一些不寻常的事。However, these days, _ _ is _ in our town. (2) 一定是什么东西光临我们的社区了。There _ be _ _ the homes in our _.(3) 城镇报社采访他时,他说:“每天晚上我们都听到窗外有奇怪的声响”When he _ _ by the town _, he said, “Every night we hear _ noises _ our window (4) 这位噪音制造者正享受着在社区制造恐慌的极大乐趣。The _ is_ too much fun _fun in the neighborhood. (5) 它过去一直非常安宁,这附近未曾发生过什么事。It used to be _. _ _ ever _ around here. (6) 起初,我认为它可能是一只狗,但我没有看见狗,也没看见其它任何东西。_ _, I thought that it _ _ a dog, but I _ see a dog or _ _, either.3. 点拨升华【原句重现】There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 一定是什么东西光临我们的社区了。(1) There must be + 主语 + doing sth. “一定有正在做某事” (2) there must be 是 there be 句型与情态动词 must 连用,表示对现在情况的肯定推测,意为 “一定有” (3) “There be + 主语 + doing sth.” “有在做某事”练一练:(1) _ must be _(有人) _(take) a shower at home. (2) 附近肯定有很多狼。_ _ _ many _ around here. (3) There are some boys _(打篮球) on the playground.我的疑惑:_三、课堂探究根据中文意思、所给词的适当形式以及上下文连贯的要求完成短文内容。Our neighborhood used to be very _ (安静的). However, these days , _(奇怪的)things are _(happen) in our town. Victor, a teacher is really _ (焦虑的). When he was _(interview)by the town newspaper, he said, “Every night we hear strange _(噪音) outside our window. My wife thinks that it _(可能) be _ _(动物), _ my friends and I think it _(肯定) be teenagers_ _(玩得开心). My parents called the_(警察), but they cant find_ _(一些奇怪的东西). They think it might _ the_ (风). I dont think so!” Victors _ _ (隔壁邻居) Helen is _(worry), too. “At first, I _(think) it _(may)be a dog, but I couldnt see a dog or anything else. _ I guess it _(不可能) be a dog. Maybe it was a _(熊) or a _(狼).” Everyone in our town is _ _(感觉不安), and everyone _ (have) his or her own _(想法). There must be something _ (visit) the homes in our _(小区). The _(噪音制造者) is having too much fun _(create) _(恐慌) in the area. 四、课时评价(每项5分)预习课堂书写准确率订正总分第四课时 1a-1d一、预习目标Vocabulary单词名词 n.suit, alien动词v.landPhrases词组1. something in the sky2. a woman with a camera3. be running for exercise4. something strange5. wear a suit6. catch a bus to work7. an alien8. look kind of afraid9. run after1. 天上的某东西2. 一个拿着相机的女人3. 在跑步锻炼4. 一些奇怪的东西5. 穿着西装6. 赶公共汽车去上班7. 一个外星人8. 看上去有点儿害怕9. 追赶Structures句型1. A UFO is landing.2. He could be running for exercise.3. Hes wearing a suit. He might be running to catch a bus to work.4. And theres something strange getting out. It must be an alien.5. Look at the man running down the street.6. The alien is running after the man. I must be dreaming.1.一个不明飞行物着陆了。2. 他跑步可能是为了锻炼。3. 他穿着一身西装。他跑可能是为了赶公交车去上班。4. 而且有奇怪的东西出来。一定是外星人。5.看那个沿街跑的男人。6. 那个外星人在追那个男人!我一定是在做梦。二、预习检测1. 译一译(找出下列短语并在课文中划出)(1) 穿着西装 _ (2) 一个拿着相机的女人_ (3) 追赶_(4) 赶公共汽车去上班_(5) 天上的某东西_ (6) 在跑步锻炼_ 2. 写一写 (预习重点句型)(1) 一个不明飞行物着陆了。A UFO is _.(2) 他穿着一身西装。他跑可能是为了赶公交车去上班。Hes _ a _. He might be _ to _ a bus to work.(3) 而且有奇怪的东西出来。一定是外星人。And theres_ _ _ out. It _ _ an alien.(4) 那个外星人在追那个男人!我一定是在做梦。The alien is _ _the man. I must be _. (5) 他跑步可能是为了锻炼。He could be _ for _.3. 点拨升华 suit的用法(1) suit 作名词,意为 “西服;套装” (2) suit 作动词,意为 “适合”;后接某人,指符合某人的地位、身份、口味、性格、条件等。suit sb. well 意为 “非常适合某人”练一练:(1) 他穿着一套蓝色的西装。 He is _ a _ _. (2) 我不喜欢穿套装。 I dont like _ _. (3) I think the red coat _(适合) my mother. (4) 这里的气候很适合他。The climate here _ him _.我的疑惑: _三、课堂探究1. 根据中文意思或所给词的适当形式填空,每空一词。The woman and the man are _(talk) about a man _ (run) down the street. He looks kind of _(害怕的). The woman thinks he could be running _ _(为了锻炼) while the man thinks he might _ _ _ _(上班迟到), because hes _(wear) a _(西装). Then they see something in the _(天空). The man guesses it could be a plane. But the woman says it _(不可能) be a plane, because its too big. She thinks it _(肯定) be _ _(一个外星人). Whats going on? The UFO is _(着陆). And theres something strange _ _(出来) and it is _ _(追赶) a man. Before they call the _ (警察), they find a woman _(拿着) a _(照相机). Could she be from the TV news? Look at all these actors. They must be _ _ _ (拍电影).四、课时评价(每项5分)预习课堂书写准确率订正总分第五课时 Section B 2a-Self Check一、预习目标Vocabulary单词名词 n.circle, Britain, leader, purpose, energy, position, victory, enemy, period形容词 adj.medical, hard-working动词v.express, receive, preventPhrases词组1. express a difference2. historical places3. one of the greatest mysteries4. a rock circle5. a burial place6. honor ancestors7. ancient leaders8. celebrate a victory over an enemy9. a long period of time10. be hard-working11. on midsummers morning 12. some historians13. receive more than 750, 000 visitors14. have a medical purpose15. prevent illness16. feel the energy17. the position of the stones18. not only but also 1. 表达不同之处2. 历史古迹3. 最大的谜团之一4. 一个岩石圈5. 一块墓地6. 尊重先人7. 古代的领袖8. 庆祝打败敌人的胜利9. 很长一段时间10. 工作努力11. 在仲夏的早晨12. 一些历史学家13. 接待超过75万名游客14. 有一种医学目的15. 预防疾病16. 感觉到能量17. 石头的位置18. 不仅 . 而且 .Structures句型1. Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries.2. Every year it receives more than 750, 000 visitors.3. They think the stones can prevent illness and keep people healthy.4. “As you walk there, you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body,” said one visitor.5. No one is sure what Stonehenge was used for, but most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose.6. For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods.7. Stonehenge was built slowly over a long period of time.1. 巨石阵,一个岩石圈,不仅是英国的最著名的历史古迹之一,而且还是最大的谜团之一。2. 每年它接待超过75万名游客。3. 他们认为这些石头能够预防疾病,并使人们保持健康。4. “当你走到那儿,你会感到(一股) 能量从脚底蔓延到全身”。一位游客说道。5. 没有人能确定巨石阵被用来做什么,但大多数人赞同石头的位置一定有一个特殊的目的。6. 多年以来,历史学家们认为巨石阵是古代首领试图与神灵沟通的一座庙宇。7. 巨石阵是历经一段很长的时期被慢慢建成的。二、预习检测1. 译一译(找出下列短语并在课文中划出)(1) 预防疾病_ (2) 工作努力 _ (3) 一个岩石圈_ (4) 有一种医学目的 _(5) 石头的位置_ (6) 接待超过75万名游客_(7) 感觉到能量_ (8) 古代的领袖_(9) 表达不同之处 _ (10) 很长一段时间 _3. 写一写 (预习重点句型)(1) 巨石阵是历经一段很长的时期被慢慢建成的。 Stonehenge _ _ slowly over _ _ _ _ _. (2) 巨石阵,一个岩石圈,不仅是英国的最著名的历史古迹之一,而且还是最大的谜团之一。Stonehenge, a rock _, is _ _ one of _ most famous _ places _ _ one of its_ _.(3) 每年它接待超过75万名游客。Every year it _ more than 750, 000 _.(4) 多年以来,历史学家们认为巨石阵是古代首领试图与神灵沟通的一座庙宇。For many years, _ believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient _ tried to _ _ the gods. (5) 没有人能确定巨石阵被用来做什么,但大多数人赞同石头的位置一定有一个特殊的目的。No one is _ what Stonehenge _ _ _, but most _that the _ of the stones must be for a special _. (6) 他们认为这些石头能够预防疾病,并使人们保持健康。They think the _ can _ illness and keep people _. (7) “当你走到那儿,你会感到(一股) 能量从脚底蔓延到全身”。一位游客说道。 “As you _ there, you can feel the _ from your feet move _ your body,” said one visitor.4. 点拨升华 receive 的用法 receive 作动词,意为 “接待;收到;接收”,后接名词或代词作宾语。 【易混辨析】 receive指 “收到”,着重行为本身,不涉及收受者是否接受。accept指 “接受”,着重指接受者经过考虑以后愿意接受。练一练:(1) 她只在星期一下午会客。She only _ guests _ Monday afternoon. (2) 昨天我收到了我最好的朋友的卡片。I _ a card _ my best friend yesterday. (3) Whats the best _(礼物) you have ever _ (收到)? (4) Elizabeth has _(收到) his watch, but she will not _ (接受) it. prevent的用法prevent 作动词,意为 “阻止;阻挠”; prevent sb. (from) doing sth. 意为 “阻止某人做某事” 。【拓展】(1)表示 “阻止某人做某事”的其他结构prevent sb. (from) doing sth. = stop sb. (from) doing sth. = keep sb. from doing sth.(2) 表示 “保护 不受 侵袭”的结构protect from , from 后接能带来伤害或损害之物。练一练:(1) 你能想出一个更好的防止污染的办法吗? Can you think of a _ way to _ _? (2) Nothing can _(阻止) us from _(实现) our dreams. (3) 你最好戴上太阳镜以保护你的眼睛免受太阳的照晒。 Youd better _ sunglasses to _ your eyes _ the sun.我的疑惑:_三、课堂探究根据中文意思、所给词的适当形式以及上下文连贯的要求完成短文内容。 Stonehenge is an ancient _(圆圈) of _(stone) in the _(南方) of England. It is _ _ (不仅) one of _(大不列颠) most famous _(history) _(地方) _ _ (而且) one of its greatest _(mystery). Most _(历史学家) _(相信) it must _ almost 5,000 years old. It was _(build) _ about 80 big and _(重的) _(石头). And each of them is about five _(米) tall. They were _ (put) together _ a certain way for some unknown _ (目的). The workers _(bring) them from hills _ the west of the country over 200 _(公里) away. It was probably a _(安葬) place or a place to _ _ (祭祖), or somewhere _ (study) the star and the _(天空) at night. No one is sure _ Stonehenge was _(use) for, but its _(仍然) one of the most _(wonder) places of the world. _(visit) around the world are _(mystery) about the question “How did the _(plan) move these huge _(piece) of stone from so far away?” However, no one _(know) the answer. 四、课时评价(每项5分)预习课堂书写准确率订正总分Unit8 单元重点知识汇总单元目标检测I. 词汇变形1. value (形容词) _ 2. noisy (名词) _3. policeman (复数) _ 4. lead (名词) _5. receive (过去式) _ 6. medicine (形容词) _7. wolf (复数) _ 8. history (名词)/ (形容词) _9. mystery (复数) _ 10. circle (过去式) _11. Britain (名词所有格) _ 12. sleep (形容词) _II. 重点词组1. 属于_ 2. 一辆玩具卡车_3. 野餐时_ 4. 喜


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