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Book9 Unit1 A Courageous Amateur 勇敢的业余运动员He doomed to be a courageous champion. But, as his profile mentioned, he was in reality born unfit for such work. He majored in economics, and used to work as a receptionist, an accountant, a lawyer, and a politician. Producing scarves, zips, underwear and overcoats, his successful company offered workers high wage and salary. People appreciated his tact, wisdom, virtue and noble deeds. But he attained spiritual satisfaction from none of these. Only conventional sports fascinated him, such as hurdling, boxing, triathlon, and diving from a springboard approximate 10 meters high. He started his entire conception with bidding to accomplish the extremely tough marathon as an amateur. Through meditation, he used soul to urge himself and guide his body adjustment. Though he vomited every time he lunged or somersaulted, though his gymnastics was treated as juggling and caused laughter, he practiced hard. He regretted that he didnt start earlier. Therefore, his sacred motivation of devotion to sports was to live without repentance.(157 words/ 56 new)他注定是一位勇敢的冠军。但是,正如他简历中所提到的,他实际上从出生起就不太健康。他主修经济学,曾经当过招待员、会计、律师、还有政治家。他的公司很成功,生产围巾、拉链、内衣和外套,为工人提供高工资(薪水)。人们都很欣赏他的机敏、智慧、美德和高尚的行为。但是他却没有由此获得精神上的满足,只有那些传统的运动才使他入迷,比如跨栏、拳击、三项全能,还有从约10米高的跳板上一跃入水。他以业余运动员的身份申请完成极端艰难的马拉松比赛,就此开始了他的整个计划。通过冥想,他用精神推动和调节身体。尽管他每次冲刺时都呕吐不已,尽管他的体能训练总是被当作耍把戏,引来笑话,他依然努力练习。他很后悔没有更早开始锻炼,因此,他全身心投入运动的神圣动机就是:不后悔地生活。Book9 Unit2 A Hard Expedition 一次艰难的远征In 1662, an expedition to the North Pole set loose from the equator. The Encyclopedia records the background to this exploration. After outward departure at dusk, the crew deposited their parcels and did their routine. But they couldnt reckon the precise latitude. And the magnetic compass was awkward and not reliable. So they used horizon, celestial objects overhead, seaweed, tide and logs with a knotted rope as reference. To avoid being on a random course heading nowhere, they even sailed alongside cliffs, whose shortcomings were obvious. Gradually, the crew, who were at the mercy of the sea and roaring wind when offshore, lost way. The dilemma lasted long. Starvation and thirst caused psychological tension. Foreseeing the minimum chance of escaping the jaw of death, they ignored seabirds swooping to tear and peck them. With so many hardships and drawbacks, their survival was a miracle. This incident increased the tendency of a compulsory reform on nautical equipment for secure voyage. Portable equipment was simplified and updated.( 164 words/61 new)1662年,一支远征队从赤道向北极出发,百科全书记载了这次探险的背景。船只在黄昏时分启程,船员们放好包裹,开始执行日常事务。但是他们无法计算准确的纬度,磁性指南针也很难操作,不太可靠,因此,他们使用地平线、头顶上的天体、海草、潮汐和绑有打结绳子的圆木做航线参考。为了避免过于随意的航线把他们带到不知名的地方,他们甚至还沿着悬崖航行,这样做的据点是显而易见的。渐渐地,离开海岸后就完全受大海和呼啸的风主宰的船员们迷了路。这种困境持续了很长时间,饥饿和口渴引起了心理的紧张不安。因为预见到很难有(最低的)机会从鬼门关逃脱,他们连海鸟扑下来撕扯、啄食他们的身体都不理会。经历了那么多的艰难和险阻,他们能够培育幸存下来真是奇迹。这一事件促进了为了安全航海、必须革新航海设备的趋势,便找携设备由此得到了简化和更新换代。Book9 Unit3 Welcome to Australia 欢迎到澳洲来Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Australian Day celebration and enjoy the barbecue. Then our travel along the highway winding down the Cradle Mountain via rusty rock barriers will let you see huge enclosures. Farmers have completed sowing. Owing to adequate rainfall, youll enjoy the splendor of the superb tropical agriculture as well. The fortnight timetables are in the travel brochures. The Commonwealth of Australia has six autonomous states. The federal government is responsible for its defense, foreign policy and taxation. Most citizens of this nation are migrants from different birthplaces. Often corresponding with their homelands, they associate Oceania with the world. The aboriginal reservations used to shrink because the authority snatched the land. These desperate people owed their survival to tolerance. So, out of respect for their ancestors, every bachelor will be talked into learning to protect her heritage. Australian ecology is unique. Amongst the creatures, some are dangerous. For example, if your limb is paralyzed by a venomous funnel web spider, go to see a doctor before you become unconscious. Remember, vinegar cant help you recover from the sickness. Thank you.(174 words/53 new)女士们先生们:欢迎参加澳洲日庆典,请享受我们的烧烤野餐。接着我们就会沿着蜿蜓下摇篮山的高速路,经过锈色岩石屏障前行,你将会看见巨大的围场。此外,农民们已经完成了播种,你还可以欣赏到充足降雨滋润下宏伟的热带农业所呈现的壮观。我们两星期的时间表在旅行手册里有。澳大利亚有6个自治州,联邦政府负责防务、对外政策和税收。这个国家大多数的公民都是来自不同出生地的移民。由于经常与家乡通信联络,他们把大洋洲与世界紧密联系在一起。原著民的保留地曾经大量缩减,因为当局抢走了他们的土地,这些绝望的人们把他们的得以幸存归功于他们极大的忍耐力。因此,出于对祖先的尊敬,原著民中的每个单身汉都将被说服要学习如何保护他们珍贵的遗产。澳大利亚的生态是独一无二的。在当地的生物中,有些是很危险的。例如,如果你的肢体被漏斗蜘蛛单板机痹,一定要在失去意识前去看医生。记住,醋是不能帮助你从这样的疾病中康复的。谢谢大家!Book9 Unit4 The Exotic Plants from China 从中国来的外来植物When getting rid of the rotten weeds for the daisy in your courtyard or on your balcony with a spade, do you know it is an exotic plant? As a monument near a pyramid in Egypt shows, collecting exotic plants dates back to around 1,500BC. In the 18th century, European missionaries and botanists anchored in the Yellow Sea and did their endeavor to collect typical Chinese plants on a large scale, such as dove trees which appealed to them very much. The difficulties they met included thunderstorms, restrictions on their movement and conflicts with pirates, who carried spears and never shaved their beards. Their fluency in Chinese helped them a lot. To lower the death rate of the plants, they used strings to fix plants in tightly sealed containers, which were attached to other goods and shipped back to distant Europe. However, a problem appeared. Among these plants, some gave out a delicate or fragrant odor to attract particular beetles or wasps. Some gave out a fruity or musty smell to attract certain bats and moths, while other odourless plants with dull petals used the nectar inside their tubes to attract humming-birds. Without these pollinators which evolved together with the plants to pollinate for them, most plants postponed to get ripe despite enough irrigation.(209 words/ 55 new)当你用铲子给你院子里或阳台上的雏菊除去腐烂的杂草时,你知道它是外来植物吗? 正如一座埃及金字塔旁的纪念碑所记载,收集外来植物可追溯到公元前1500年。在18世纪,欧洲的植物学家在黄海抛锚停泊,努力大规模收集典型的中国植物,例如鸽子树,就非常吸引他们。他们遇见的困难包括雷暴天气,行动的限制,还有与拿长矛、留胡子的海盗发生的冲突。好在流利的中文给了他们很大的帮助。为了降低植物的死亡率,他们用细绳把植物固定在紧紧密封的容器里,然后附加在别的货物上运回遥远的欧洲。然而,有个问题出现了。在这些植物中,有些散发出微妙的或芬芳的气味吸引特定的甲是或黄蜂,有些释放出果味或霉味吸引某种蝙蝠或蛾,而另一些无味、花瓣颜色也不鲜明的动植物则用他们花管中的花蜜引来蜂鸟。没有这些与植物共同进化的虫媒来给它们授粉,即使给予充分的灌溉,这些植物还是大部分都延迟成熟了。Book9 Unit5 Beware of Advertisements 小心广告Corporations all have budget for the expense of advertisements to promote sales. Billboards over lanes, stereo broadcast and television are their media. The sales partly rely on ads. However, not all advertisers have conscience. Thus, misleading, dishonest, or even immoral ads generated everywhere. They use visual technique to turn bad things, such as drinking litres of alcoholic drinks and smoking tobacco, into decent fashion, which, in fact, is murdering you slowly. Consumers have no use for these ads which dont fit in (with) the ethics and should be banned to protect our ethical basis. Once, a mature actress was appointed to play a typist, wearing a casual garment in a typewriter ad. Her fluent statement informed the target audience of the feature that the suitcase-sized product could raise the speed of typing on sheets of paper. A hostess of a party was misled and bought one to type her invitations. Thought the spokesman of the producer apologized later, she felt offended, and the actress could never refresh her worthy fame. So, beware. If you see any untrustworthy ads, please dial the number of the Consumer Association. The operator will connect you to the chairman directly and give you response soon.( 199 words/ 58 new)公司企业都有做促销广告的费用预算,车道上的广告牌、立体声广播和电视都是他们的媒体。产品的销售在一定程度上要依靠广告。然而,不是所有的登广告者都有道德心。这样,误导的、不诚实的、甚至不道德的广告就到处产生了。他们用视觉上的技巧把喝酒、抽烟等坏的东西变成正派的时尚,实际上却是对你的慢性谋杀。消费者厌恶这些不符合道德的广告,他们应该被禁止,以保护我们的道德基础。一次,一位老练的女演员被指定在一个打印机广告中扮演打字员,她穿着休闲服装,用流利的表达告知目标观众,这台手提箱大小的产品具有能够提高在纸张上打印速度的特点。有位要举办晚会的女主人被误导了,购买了一台拓印邀请函。尽管制造商的发言人人后来道了歉,她还是深感受伤,而且那位女演员也再无法恢复她原本可敬的名声。所以,要小心。如果你看见了不可靠的广告,请拨打消费者协会的电话号码,接线员将直接转拉给协会主席,并尽快给你答复。Book 10 Unit 1The stout captain 顽强的船长As the proverb said, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Hooked by the captions advertisement, the writer gave up his cosy life and grasped the chance to secretly get aboard the ship, which was full of spider webs. Luckily, being tactful, he was liked by the captain and, later, became a chef of no rank after overcoming seasickness.When the ship was crushed by ice, it was so urgent that there was no time to mourn. With Gods blessing, the stewards collected enough stoves, foods, and bedding. Foreseeing the unbearable suffering, the stout captain asked his men to swear to do as he advocated: keep cheerful and never give way to feeling discouraged. He also set out a fair framework for their life to reduce selfish deeds, odd behaviours or unfair punishment. His perseverance and optimism were vital to strengthen their faith of survival and morale. Then, without delay, having given his commitment to return, the captain selected loyal and dynamic stewards to bring help.Living in this freezing circumstance needed special caution and endurance. Booming blasts of wind, which the small huts couldnt block out, made them breathless. Everyone suffered from sun-blindness and blackened rotten toes. They were bored with seal meat and liver, their regular and unchangeable food, which made their stool rather hard. Burning seal fat gave off black smoke which caused everyone to have hoarse voices.Anyhow, they survived and was filled with gratitude for their admirable captain.(233word/62new)正如谚语所说:“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”,作者被那船长的广告给迷住了,毅然放弃了舒适的生活,偷偷地抓住机会爬上满是蜘蛛网的船。幸运的是,船长喜欢他的言行得体,在克服了晕船后,他成为一名没有衔职的厨师。当船被冰挤碎时,情况相当紧急,根本没有难过的时间。上帝保佑,乘务员们收集了足够的炉子、食物和被褥。由于预见到难以忍受的艰难困苦,顽强的船长让船员们发誓按他主张的那样去做:保持愉快,永不向气馁低头让步。他还为他们建立起公平的生活框架,以减少自私的行为、古怪的举动、或者不公平的惩罚。他的坚持不懈我乐观精神对增强船员生存的信念和士气是至关重要的。接着,船长毫不迟延地挑选了5名忠实而又精力充沛的船员出发去寻求帮助,并许诺一定会回来救留下的人。生活在这个严寒的环境里需要特别的小心和忍耐力。小棚屋阻挡不住发出轰隆声的阵风,让他们几乎喘不过气来。人人都长了腐料变黑的脚趾,都烦透了海豹肉和海豹肝,这样天天如此、一成不变的食物使他们便秘,而且燃烧海豹油散发出来的黑烟,使每个人的声音都嘶哑不堪。但是无论如何,所有人都幸存了下来,船长赢得了大家的钦佩和感激。Book 10 Unit 2The Story Carved on an Armchair 刻在扶手椅上的故事After the bank confirmed the signature on behalf of the seller and cashed the cheque for him, the armchair belonged to Mr. White. He was very fond of this ancient opera prop found in a vacant storage of an old lord. Hoping to make a name by modernizing the ancient Latin carved on the armchair, he packed up his baggage and shortened his journey. His new terminal was home now. Though allergic to dust, he scratched away the dusty surface himself. Then, sneezing, he read an old story whose author was a famous play writer:Long ago, an old emperor wanted to hand over the burden of responsibility. He decided to allocate his kingdom to his three darling daughters. Whichever of them adored him most would get the best part. The deceitful flattery of the two elder greedy and cunning daughters won his trust. But the honest youngest daughter, though her father prayed that she would say something, responded that she had nothing special to say. Suspecting whether she really cared for him, the emperor redrew boundaries on the map and distributed nothing to her. Then, he drove his innocent little daughter to France, where she luckily met her bridegroom.Forecasting that the emperor was causing friction between him and his daughters, a loyal duke spoke out his opinion to oppose the decision. The emperor demanded that he leave and did not hear out his contradictions.After the emperor gave away the majesty, his two daughters and their staff became disrespectful to him. They insulted him and scolded that his troops were corrupt and filled with drunken soldiers, which was not true.Finally, the youngest daughter came back and defeated her two sisters on the frontier. She put the old emperor back on his throne. And the loyal dukes sacrifice was rewarded.This story was adapted to so wonderful a film that it is, beyond question , worth rewinding to see a second time.(316words/65new)在银行代表卖方确认了签名并兑现了支票,扶手椅就属于怀特先生了。他非常喜欢这件歌剧用的古老道具,它是在一位老地主空荡荡的储藏室里发现的。带着通过把扶手椅上雕刻的古拉丁文译成现代(化)文而成名的希望,他立刻收拾行李,缩短行程,现在,他的新终点站是回家。尽管对灰尘过敏,他还是亲自刮去满是灰尘的表层,接着,他一边不住地打喷嚏,一边读到了一篇古老的故事,作者是一位著名的戏剧作家:很久以前,有位年老的国王想要移交责任的重担,决定将他的王国分给三个亲爱的女儿,哪个最爱他,哪个就获得最好的一份。两个贪婪而狡猾的大姐用不诚实的恭维骗得了他的信任。但是诚实的小女儿在父亲的恳求下却回答说她说不出什么特别的话。因为怀疑她是否真的关心自己,国王重新在地图上画边界,没有分给她任何东西,然后把自己无辜的小女儿赶到法国。幸运的是,她在法国遇见了后来成为她新郎的人。由于预见到国王在自己和女儿之间引发了矛盾,一位忠心耿耿的公爵大胆说出了反对意见。国王没有听完他反驳的话就命令把他赶出了自己的国界。在国王把王权送出之后,他的两个女儿和手下却开始不尊敬他了。他们侮辱他,责骂他的军队既腐败,又整天喝得醉熏熏,但这其实都不是真的。最后,小女儿回来打败了她的两个姐姐,把年迈的国王又扶上了王位,公爵的牺牲也获得了回报。这个故事后来被改编成了电影,如此精彩的电影是毫无疑问值得倒回来再看第二遍的。Book 10 Unit 3 Fighting Against Racial Discrimination 与种族歧视做斗争Without the liberty to register to vote, blacks used to be dominated by whites. Even the almighty God seemed to lose sight of their prayers, so they resolved to fight against racial discrimination themselves.One day, a black woman was arrested for having committed offence to white people when she was unwilling to submit the unjust separation tradition, which prohibited blacks from sitting in the white peoples seats on trolleybuses. This event was seized on by blacks to carry out a nationwide boycott against the trolleybus company.Johnson, who was hopeful to transform his town into an oasis of equality and happiness, put on his sandals and hurried out. He was going to negotiate with the company. “Being punctual” was the creed he always lived out. Saluting the pedestrians marching on the pavement, he ignored the evident hostility, or even abuse, from some white people to avoid collision. His philosophy was that, one day, whites and blacks would play a beautiful symphony of brotherhood together.By coincident, he met Tom, who was skimming the latest newspaper. He quoted the newspaper to tell Johnson that the Supreme Court had declared that the separation was not constitutional. Just like a bomb, his words caused a brief chaos, then a great cheer in the crowds. They knew they had won a fundamental victory in the battle for civil rights.(219words/49new)因为没有登记选举的自由,黑人曾经处于被白人统治支配的地位,就连万能的上帝似乎也无视他们的祈祷,因此,他们决心靠自己和种族歧视做斗争。有一天,一位黑人妇女因为不愿服从在无轨电车上禁止黑人坐白人位人位子的不公平隔离惯例而冒犯了白人,受到逮捕。黑人们抓住这一事件开展了针对电车公司的全国抵制运动。满怀希望把小镇改变成平等、幸福乐土的约翰逊穿上他的凉鞋,匆忙赶了出去,他要去和电车公司谈判,守时一向是他坚持的信条。他一边向人行道上前进的步行者致敬,一边不理会一些白人明显的敌意,甚至是辱骂,以避免引起冲突。他的人生观告诉他,白人和黑人总有一天会一起演奏一曲美妙的手足之歌(交响乐)。很巧,他遇见了汤姆,他正在浏览最新的报纸。他告诉约翰逊,最高法院已经宣布隔离是不符合宪法的。他的话就象一颗炸弹,在人群中引起一阵短暂的混乱,然后是大声的欢呼。他们知道,他们赢得了公民权斗争的基本胜利。Book 10 Unit 4 Dont Assess one by His Appearance不能以貌取人Its frequent that we tend to assess one by his appearance, which is not always accurate.Once, in spite of our great endeavour, the technology adopted by my brewery couldnt efficiently prevent the beer component from going bad when the temperature was beneath degrees centigrade. So I went to attend a seminar in New Zealand to find someone to consult. I previewed the seminar manual in detail, and decided that, among all the names listed underneath the caption, Dr. Smith, a famous technician and educator, was the competent one.Learning that I didnt prepare local currency at the airport, a blind man asked me to share a cab with him to the Lotus Hotel. He was in shabby clothes. And his vague oral English confused me a lot. His bag was in such a messy situation insiderecipes for cuisine, tickets for ballet shows, albums, cassettes and so on, all were mixed up. Luckily, resembling other blind people, his auditory and tactile senses were acute. However, later at the seminar, I learned that he was that famous Dr. Smith.The speeches were tiresome except Dr. Smiths. After the seminar, he presented me a booklet with a picture of bent rainbow on the cover, and said that it was up to me to digest the advanced technology and carry it out. Finally, we succeeded.Besides the concrete technology, my acquisition of the knowledge about how to judge people was a bonus from Dr. Smith.(244words/45new) 我们时常会倾向于根据外来来评定一个人,这并不总是准确的。有一回,尽管做了极大的努力,我的啤酒厂采用的技术总不能在温度低于10摄氏度时有效地防止啤酒成分变质。因此,我去新西兰参加了一场研讨会,想找个人请教。我事先详细查看了研讨会手册并决定,在标题下开列的名字中,史密斯博士,著名的技术师和教育家,就是能胜任的人。在机场,有位盲人得知我没有准备当地的货币后,邀请我和他坐同一辆出租车到莲花洒店。他身穿破旧的衣服,含糊的口头英语让我总是听不清楚,而且他的包里也杂乱得很烹饪菜谱、芭蕾表演的门票、相册、磁带等等,都混杂在一起。所幸的是,他和别的盲人一样,有敏锐的听觉和触觉。然而,后来在研讨会上,我却得知,他就是那位著名的史密斯博士。除了史密斯博士,其他人的演说都令人厌倦。会后,他送给我一本封面上有道弯弯彩虹的小册子,说,接下来由我自己好好理解消化这先进的技术并付诸实施。我们最终成功地解决了啤酒厂的问题。除了有形的技术,获得如何判断人的知识是史密斯博士赠送的又一件特别奖励。Book 10 Unit 5Betty was not the Burglar 贝蒂不是窃贼Betty, the black heroine of this book, was sensible, generous, outspoken and was never hopeless. Because her growth in a bungalow with a semicircle roof was a miserable experience, she had determined to struggle against prejudice and injustice since childhood. She got round all obstacles and did everything in her power to stand out, though black people were thought ill of and so many limitations were in force at that time.Her initial job was keeping goods in sequence in a warehouse for storing bargains, which was possessed by an arrogant and eccentric merchant. He was so skeptical and sensitive that any try to win his trust was in vain. He always said he could see through any deception.One morning, while inspecting, the merchant found some goods were lost. When enquired, Betty denied straight away that she was the burglar. But he discounted her words and insulted her with ironic words. The fact was twisted. Betty declined to make any concession against her will. Her explicit contradiction helped her win other staffs approval. At length, they reached a consensus that the merchant should admit his fault.When giving his ambiguous apology, suddenly, the merchant heard something squeaking, and felt a claw in his collar. He fell down on a bench with terror. When he hastily pulled himself up, everyone present saw a squirrel dangling on the chain connecting the warehouse with a pine tree. That was the burglar.The revelation of this event led to Bettys becoming a famous writer and critic. In her early works of different literary genres under the name of Betty, she recounted this experience as vividly as a romance. She rejoiced to be the premier sponsor of “the Movement for Equality”. Wherever she went, her appearance always signalled the crowd to hail her achievement.(305words/73new) 贝蒂,本书的女主角,是一位明智、慷慨、坦言,而从不感到绝望的黑人。她成长在一间有半圆形屋顶的平房里,那是一段痛苦的经历。正因如此,她自童年起就下定决心与对黑人的偏见和不公平做斗争。尽管当时对黑人的评价不好,也存在那么多的限制,她还是克服了所有的障碍,竭尽全力出类拔萃。她的第一份工作是在一间储存便宜货的仓库负责将货物按顺序摆放整齐,这间仓库由一位傲慢古怪的商人拥有。他是如此地多疑和敏感,任何想争取他信任的努力都是徒劳的。他总是说他能看穿任何诡计。一天早晨,在视察的时候,商人发现有些货物丢失了。当询问到贝蒂时,她立即否认她是窃贼。但是她不相信她的话,还有讽刺的语言侮辱她。事实被扭曲了。贝蒂拒绝做聘书任何违心的让步,她清楚明确的反驳帮助她赢得了其他同事的支持,最后,他们达成了共识:商人应该承认错误。当商人含糊其词地道歉时,突然,他听到什么东西吱吱地叫着,并且感觉到一只爪子伸进他的衣领。他吓得倒在长凳上。当他惊慌失措地站起来时,在场的人都看见一只松鼠正悬挂在连接仓库和一棵松树的锁链上。那才是窃贼呢!这次事件给予贝蒂的启示,最终导致了她成为一位著名的作家和评论家,在她早期以贝蒂的名字出版的各种文学体裁的作品中,她都把这次经历叙述得如浪漫故事般生动。她非常乐意被尊为“平等运动”的第一发起人,无论走到哪里,她的出现都是引来人们热烈欢呼的信号。


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