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情态动词详解、典型例题及模拟试题(含答案)1 . must、can、could、may、might、will / would 、shall / should 、need、dare must的肯定式表示 必须”否定式must nt表示禁止,严禁的意思。如:You must come hereYou mustn t take the book away from the library.同义词为have to do ,表示 不得不”一般表示客观原因造成的不得不、被迫so I had to walk home可以”否定式cant表示不能,不会,不可以”女口: My car was broken,can的肯定式表示能、会”女口: He can swimI can同义词为 be able to do ,的区别,主要是它可有时态。如:t swim . You can go now也表示能,会”一般表示经过努力才具有的能力与canHe was able to count to 10,000 whe n he was 3He will be able to walk n ext monthmay表示 可以”否定式may not 表示 不可以表示经某人允许。女口: You may go home now. You may not go home nowwill表示 将要,打算用于将来时,否定式 will not / won 表示 将不”不打算”。女口: He will come here next week. He won t come home .shall用于第一人称后表示将要”打算”否定式shall not表示 将不,不打算”。女口: We shall go home together. I shall go there first.用于其他人称后表示必须,得”与must相近,但表示别人认为主语应该,得”女口: He shall go and see his aunt. Shall he open the door ?need表示需要”否定式need nt表示不需要,不用”女口: He need do some washing. You needn t stay here any more.dare表示 敢于否定式dare not 表示 不敢”女口: He dare say no to wrong things. He dare not go home alone at night注:need与dare除情态动词用法外还有实意动词用法,且意义不变。如:He n eeds some water .He doesn t need to go home .He n eeds to go to the hospital right now2. could , would , should , might这四个词除了做过去式外,还表示委婉语,此时与时态无关。could表示可以”如:You could ope n the door.Could you please give me the cupCould I come in ?would表示可以,是否可以”此时一般只用疑问式且只用于you如:Would you please give me the book ?Would you please not go away ?would like to do表示 愿意,喜欢”如:Would you like to go with me ? I would like to buy this bookshould表示 应该 必须;ought to 用于表示 应该(强调客观上):(大多情况可用should代替)如:You should give me the book backWhat should we do next?He shouldn t go out on such a bad day.You ought to go to see the doctor.You oughtn t (ought not ) to smoke so much .Each member shall wear a n ame card.(表示规定)I should an swer his letter as soon as possible.(表示应该)You shouldn t judge a man always by the clothes.The rules shall take effect onJan . 1st .might表示 可以与may基本上可互换,但他语气较弱。如:You might go home, but you must finish your homework3 .情态动词之间的问答与反义疑问句May / Can I go home now Must I stay here ?Shall we go now ? All rightNeed I return the book ?Shall I make some tea ?【典型例题】例 1 It s nearly seven o clockA. must B . need C . should D(答案为C,表示有把握的主观推测用 且很少用于肯定句中)Jackbe here at any mome ntcanshould 不用can , can表示自然而然的推测,they wait here例 2 Mr . Brown , many students want to see you or outside?A. shall B . will C . can D . would(答案为A, shall用于第三人称时表示征求某人对此人的意见)例 3 When can I come for the photos? I n eed them tomorrow after noonTheybe ready by 12: 00 .A. can B . should C . might D . need(答案为B,同例1 )例 4 Iadvise you not to do that again in the future.A. dare B . would C . should D .need(答案为C,此处should译为必须”,表劝告)例 5 When I went out , whomI meet but our old friend?A . should B . could C . might D . would(答案为A,表示 应该”,需不需要”,征询意见)例 6 The room is so dirty . we clean it?Of courseA . Will B . Shall C . Would D . Do(答案为B,同上)例 7 What s wrong with your car?I don t know . It juststart .A . mustn t B couldn t C .wouldn t D . shouldn t(答案为C,此处不强调车子的能力,而强调事实本身,故用wouldn t,且此句中宜用 can t而不是 couldn t例 8 Youtake my rain coat. Ido without it till tomorrowmorni ngA .may , can B .may , mayC .can , may D . must , can(答案为A,前面表示许可,后面表示能够)例 9 Howthere be such a thing?A . may B . can C . must D . will(答案为B,表示可能性大的推测)例 10 Hehave the book when I finish reading it.A . will B . shall C . must D . ought(答案为A,表示将要)例 11 Be quiet , please , or his voicebe heard.A .can t B . mustn t C . isn t able to D . may not(答案为D,表示可能性,A太绝对)例 12 Whyyou always in terrupt me?A . can B . will C . may D . must(答案为D,此处表示总得,一定要)例 13 Whatwe to do next ?A . have B . used C . ought D . are(答案为C, ought to do疑问式)例 14 If your childre ndo as I tell you, youlet them beA . wont, sha n t B .(不填),willC . dont, sha n t D . must ,shall(答案为C,主将从现)例 15 Mandie without air or water.A . will B . shall C . should Dwould(答案为A,表示大的可能性)例 16 This pen looks like mine, yet it isn.t Whoseit be?A . must B . can C . would Dwill(答案为B,推测提问)例 17I to go and apologize for my mistake?A. Should B . Need C . Ought D . Have(答案为C, ought to do疑问式)例 18 May I talk about it with anyone I like?No , youA. shouldn t B .mustn t C .needn t D .don t have to(答案为B,表示不可以,禁止)例 19 A teacherdo every exercise, but a pupil must .A. may not B .n eed n t C . can t D . must nt(答案为B,表示不必要)【模拟试题】()1 . I get there on time today ? No , you needn t .A . Can B . May C . Must D . Should()2 . May I talk about it with anyone I like ? No , youA . shouldn t B . mustn t C . needn t D .don t have to()3 . A teacher do every exercise, but a pupil must .A . mayri t B .n eed n t C . can t D . must nt()4 . Will you please give her a message when you see her ?Yes , I .A . shall B . will C . can D . must()5 . Would you come back later next time ?No , I .A . sha n t B . would n t C . won t D . must nt()6 . Must we finish copying all these articles this morning ?No , you .A . mustn t B . haven t C . not have to D . don t have toshe()7 . The little girl dance before so many guestsA. doesn t dare to , dare B .daren t , doesC.dares not, dare D. darent , dare()8 . youtell me what s happening over there ?A.Could B. May C .Might D . Shall()9 . I have a word with the manager, sir ?A.Will B .Would C .May D .Can()10 . Something flying far away must be a hawkNo , it be a hawk .A . mustn t B . mightn t C . can t D . mightbut()11. Man reach the moon or any other star in the uni verse now we get there years ago.A .can; couldn t B . are able to; weren t able toC .must;needn t D . can ; had to()12 .Gran dfather, my sister come ?A .will Bshall C . would D . could()13 .“ What I do for you ?” means “I help you ?”A .can,May B . shall ; Need C . can;Can D . will ; Shall()14 .May I use your camera this Sun day ?一No ,you .A . n eed n t B . may not C . won t D . must nt()15 . I like to go to the cinema with mother on Saturday eveningA . will B . shall C . would D . can()16 . You mind your own bus in ess.A . should B . are able C . have to D . had better()17 . The speaker spoke slowly so that he be heard clearlyA . would B . should C . could D . shall()18 . The patient live long for his cancer.A . has to B .must n t C . cannot D .n eed nt()19 . That naughty boy go out alone at night.A . dare not B . dare not to C . doesn t dare D . didn t dare()20 . May I see the secretary ?Try .But she (可能不) want to meet anyone.A . can t B . can C . may not D . may be not()21 . Could I borrow your dictionary?Yes , of course youA . might B . will C . can D . should()22 . The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but every oneget out .A. had to B . would C . could D . was able to()23 . The monitor must be in the reading room , ?A. mustn t B . doesn t C needn t D . isn t()24 . He hardlysay anything more, since you know all aboutit.A .don t B . needn t C . needs D . need()25 . Youto the meeti ng this after noon if you have someth ingimporta nt to do .A .needn t to come B .don t nee d comeC .dont n eed comingD.n eed n t come()26 . May I pick a flower in the garden ?A .No ,you needn t B .Not , pleaseC .No ,you must n t D .No , you wont()27 . Helen , will you be at the party tonight ?Yes , but I have so much homework to do that I reallyA . won t B . can t C . mustnt D .shouldn t()28 .If you liste n to me,youhave some can dies,DearyA . shall Bmay C . will D .must()29 .Petercome with us toni ght, but he isn t very sure yetA . may Bcan C . will D .must()30 .-Dare you go home at ni ght ?A . Yes ,I do B . No , I daren tC .No , I don t D. Yes , I dare so .()31 . When you go abroad , do youtake your passportA . have to B . ought to C. be able to D. n eed()32 . You must phone us every week.Yes , I.A . must B . have to C . will D . should()33 . Your Ianguage teacher looks a rather kind womanBut in factshe is cold and hard onus.Youbelieve itA .shouldB . wouldn t C .mustn tD .might not()34 .A wise man _ sometimes make amistake.A .can B. may C . might D. must()35 .Don t get the ink on your shirt, for itA . won t wash out B . won t be washed outC . does n t wash out D . can t be washed out()36 . Is your father still an engineer ?A.Yes ,he was B . He didn t use toC.No , but he used to D . No , but he used to be()37 . There are so many people in the street that Iget throughA.can t B. couldn t C. need n t D . must nt()38 . The classroom is emptyThey must have gone to the sports ground?A.don t they B . didn t they C . haven t they D . hadn t they()39 . You ought to have come earlier.Yes ,I. But the traffic was heavy .A .ought to B . should C . must have D . should have()40 . Last night he hurt his leg , but at last heget home safelyA . could B . can C . dare D . was able to()41 . Shall I tell John about it ?No , you. I ve told him already .A .needn t B . wouldn t C . mustn t D . shouldn t()42 . Tom ought not tome your secret, but he meant no harmA .have told B . tell C . be telling D . having told()43 . When can I come for the photos ? I need them tomorrowafter noonTheybe ready by 12: 00 .A . can B . should C . might D . need()44 . Sorry I m late . Ihave turned off the alarm clock and goneback to sleep aga inA . might B . should C . can D . will()45 . Are you coming to Jeff s party ?I m not sure . Igo to the con cert in stead.A . must B . should C . would D . might()46 . Write to me when you get home.A . I must B . I should C . I will D . lean()47 . I hear you have got a set of valuable Australian coinsI have a look ?Yes ,certainlyA . Do B . May C . Shall D . Should()48 . Is John coming by train ?He should,but henotHe likes drivi ng his carA . must Bcan C .need D .may【试题答案】1 10 CBBBCDDACC1120ABCBCDCCAC21 30 CDDDDCBAAB31 40ACAAADACDD41 48 AABADCBD


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