2829.B 关于民营企业员工流失的控制 外文参考文献译文及原文doc

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2829.B 关于民营企业员工流失的控制 外文参考文献译文及原文doc_第2页
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2829.B 关于民营企业员工流失的控制 外文参考文献译文及原文doc_第3页
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本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1 文献译文.11.1 透视动力.11.2 激励和控制的区别.11.3 态度.31.4 奖励.31.5 激发动力适宜的环境.41.6 做一个有干劲的人.41.7 正确的奖励与正确的结果.62 文献原文.72.1 Perspective Power.72.2 Drive and Control difference.82.3 Manner.102.4 Encourage.102.5 Stimulation power being suitable environment.112.6 Makes one to have the working zeal person.122.7 Correct reward and correct result.131 文献译文1.1透视动力如果你知道什么因素可以激发人们的动力,那你就掌握了和人们沟通交流的最有效的工具。在介绍部分的内容中,我说过,激发动力是大家最普遍的要求,每一个人都想要获得更多的动力,但是他们却不知道动力到底是什么。一个人可能会说他希望获得更大的动力,管理者和领导者会说他们希望拥有一个更加积极的团队,雇主希望雇佣一个有干劲的员工,员工希望有一个能激发他们动力的雇主。事实上,雇主对员工的要求非常高,所以员工应该具有激发自我积极性的能力。动力和力量关系非常紧密,我们可以说一个干劲十足的人拥有无穷的力量。我们可以回想一下一个惊人的故事:一个母亲和她的几个孩子经历了一场车祸,她们的汽车翻了过来,车底朝天,孩子们被困在了车里,母亲被抛出了车外,幸运的是,她并没有受伤。母亲体重约57公斤,身高只有163厘米。当救护队到达时,他们发现母亲把孩子们抱在怀里,孩子们也没有受伤。救护队把他们送到医院,进行了一次全面的检查,结果发现,这位母亲的椎骨被压断了。显然,当时她把汽车举了起来,用脚把孩子们移了出来,在这个过程中,她的背部受到了损伤。我们知道,在正常的条件下,母亲无论如何也是举不起汽车的,她既没有这样的体格,也没有这样的肌肉力量,但是她有动力的力量。希望是所有动力的基础所以,希望是激发人们的动力的一个标准,希望是任何结果的动机,是驱动发动机的燃料。缺少希望,任何人的积极性和动力都不可能被调动和激发。1.2激励和控制的区别让我们先从管理的角度,来看一看激励和控制之间的区别吧。在我看来,控制是强迫某人做某事,是你想让他们做这些事;而激励是让某人自己愿意做某事,因为他们自己想这么做。我的一个伟大的朋友弗兰克迪乔说:“正是这小小的区别造成巨大的不同。”因此,你是使用激励还是控制来运作公司,已经成为衡量旧企业和新企业的标志。看看英国最近的商业史,我们可以看到公司的管理都是在一种寻求控制的制度下进行的。在很多情况下,这种拙劣的管理模式非常复杂,英国一直深受其害。实际上,英国的经理们曾一度停止了和员工之间的对话,管理者和员工之间的交流沟通都是通过工会进行的。在我从事商业咨询和培训的这么多年中,我从来没有见到过优秀的管理层和工会之间会存在大问题,我想不出这样的例子。前面,我已经说过,我们工作的世界是一个以人为本的世界,但是在许多的组织当中,人们获得晋升,承担管理和领导的职位,仅仅是因为这些人在其它的工作岗位上干得很出色,人们接受管理培训的情况太少见了。因为这些人擅长某个职责,在这个岗位上很出色,所以他们的同事希望他们能够承担管理者的职位,这些人似乎得到了上天的恩赐,自然而然就知道如何调动别人的积极性,如果进行沟通,如何管理别人。很多管理者都仿效他们的前任,学习他们的管理模式,这样就形成了一个无穷无尽的恶性循环。当然,控制的管理模式也是有效的,但是这个模式是不能长久的,会造成同事们之间的不信任,形成一种“他们和我们”的敌对局面。在控制的管理模式下,我们不可能达到一种理想的境界,管理者和员工不可能齐心协力,朝着共同的目标和方向前进。如果你鼓励一个有上进心的人参加面试,同时希望他在应聘成功后,对这种控制的管理模式有良好的反应,这简直是太天真了。正如我所说的,激励是让某人自愿去做某事,是因为这些人想要这么做。这条原则同样适用于你我,如果我们真的想做某事,我们会有更大的动力;如果我们不想做某事,我们就缺乏自我动力。所以,在这本书中,我们对方法论、原则和技巧进行探讨,这些方法论、原则和技巧不仅能够帮助你开发自己的动力,而且可以使你激励你接触的周围的人。接受和理解痛苦与快乐原则,可能是非常有帮助的。我们和世界上其它动物一样,尽我们最大的努力避免痛苦。当然,我们都会避免经历任何身体上的疼痛,同样我们也有一种自然的本能,避免任何形式的精神苦恼。有关人类这样的本能反应的例子很多,在我们面对这种令人不快的任务时,我们就会有这样的本能反应,例如,在你面对棘手的电话、繁重的家务活、参加可能发生对抗的会议、打开账单、为了身体健康进行锻炼、戒烟等等。为了寻求快乐或者我们自认为的快乐时,我们常常愿意付出巨大的代价,尽管一些快乐有时如昙花一现,对有些人来说,他们的快乐就是大吃大喝。从积极的角度出发,对快乐的追求是取得成就的关键所在,我们在后面的章节中更细致论述如何实现的目标。我们中的成功者把握了痛苦原则和快乐原则之间的平衡。有时,我们不得不经历一些有限的痛苦,有人可能称这种痛苦为自我约束,有些人称其为自我管理。我的好友史蒂夫班尼特是一个成功的企业家,丛林网络公司()的创始人,他鼓励其他人使用先吃酸葡萄技巧。许多人之所以一无所获,是因为他们在重要的事上、或难以应付的事上拖拖拉拉,在很多情况下,他们不想承受哪怕是一点点苦痛,更没有准备好承担任何风险。史蒂夫在面对各种各样的棘手的情况时,如面对一些令人不快的、困难的工作,痛苦或矛盾的事情时,他总是首先使用先吃酸葡萄技巧。我的建议是,如果你要同时完成两项工作,一份工作是你喜欢的,一份工作是你讨厌的,最好先做你讨厌的那份工作,然后做自己喜欢的工作,作为对自己的奖励。我发现这个技巧是成功的一个办法。我们都清楚地知道,缺乏自我管理的人往往会本末倒置。为了更好地理解如何激发人们的动力,我们必须分辨态度和奖励 之间的区别。我们都知道胡萝卜加大棒式的激励,这仍然是许多人持有的对该问题的看法,现在让我们考察一下态度和奖励的区别。1.3态度态度是人们面对事情时的所思所想,是他们拥有的自信,是他们对自己的信念,对待生活的态度。态度有可能是消极的,也有可能是积极的。态度是他们如何去看待未来,如何去处理过去的事件。我们每一个人时不时都要确信我们拥有正确的态度,在以后的章节中,我们会进行更多的论述。1.4奖励奖励是一个人和一个团队从他们的活动中所收获的成果。我们可以简单地做一个总结:“你做这件事,你可以获得回报。”在第十章中,我们将深入地探讨有关奖励的问题:即鼓舞人们奋进,使人们加倍努力的奖品和奖金的种类。理解态度和奖励之间的差别是非常重要的,而且要接受这样一个观点,把两种激励的方法结合起来才是最有效的。1.5激发动力适宜的环境在了解激发动力的技巧,从正确的角度来看待动力时,我们首先必须知道,不管对于个人、团队来说,只有在适宜的环境下,动力才可能被激发。例如,一个经理为了激发团队的动力,他制定了竞争和鼓励的计划。尽管这个计划非常周到,但是运行这个计划的环境却不利于团队间的和谐,同事之间普遍存在着第相攻击、相互不信任的现象,气氛很不愉快。在这样的环境下,任何奖励和激发动力的措施都达不到预期的效果。你必须留心周围的环境,看看在这样的环境下,你的动力是否能够被激发出来?如果你是一个领导者,观察周围的环境能否激发员工的动力?赫兹伯格教授称这些因素为“卫生因素”。以公司的设施为例。公司的设备运转正常吗?这个地方太冷了,还是太热了?这里干净整齐吗?灯光、空气、洗手间的设施、工作空间如何?这样的环境有利于提高工作效率吗?还有其它抑制工作表现的因素吗?要成为一个出色的经理,或者激励者,你必须拥有领导技巧,如果你缺乏领导技巧,你必须培养这种技巧。尽管这是大家都了解的内容,但是重复这样的原则是值得的。我个人非常喜欢一些老生常谈的观点,一个非常好的观点是:领导者以身作则,跟随者追随榜样当然,人们会模仿他们的同事。激励成果和领导风格是密不可分的。从人类伊始,领导们不断听到这样的告诫“以身作则,树立一个好榜样”。1.6做一个有干劲的人现在让我们在脑海里形成一个干劲十足的人的图像。一个人的外表给我们留下了第一印象,一个干劲十足的人的外表肯定是非常整洁的;他们头发看起来是经过静心照料的,衣服经过了仔细的打理,鞋子清洁。整洁的外表反应出一个人关心自己。许多年来,我的一个公司一直管理着一成功的电话销售队伍。公司有个规定,所有的销售员来上班时,必须穿戴整洁,发型整齐,女性员工必须化妆。我们发现成功的结果和销售队伍的积极性直接成正比。如果他们对自己感觉良好,那么他们的销售量会随着增长。现在,在许多的公司出现了一个不注重穿着的趋势,我知道这是一种更休闲的方式,但是任何事都必须有个限度,我们每一个人都会根据别人的外表做出自己的评价。一个人还应该注意走路的方式。我有一个好朋友,他透过办公室的玻璃,来观察参加面试的应聘者。事实上,他通过应聘者走路的方式来判断是否雇佣这个人。他告诉我说,一个目的明确、步伐轻快的应聘者比一个步调没精打采、走路懒散的人工作出色。要观察一个应聘者是慢步行走,把手放在口袋里,还是脚步充满了活力,手臂充满了力量。第二,肢体语言能表现一个人对事物的热情程度。笑脸、会说话的眼睛和一个积极的面部表情当然能够表现出一个人的积极性。学习肢体语言的学生称,在英国,我们大约能够使用四万个词语和声音进行沟通,但是在日常生活中,我们习惯上只使用四千个单词和声音。另一方面,仅仅来自面部的肢体语言信号就有一万五千个左右。我们知道,大部分人可以控制他们说话的内容。所以如果肢体语言和嘴里说出的话出现了冲突和矛盾,肢体语言传达的信息肯定是正确的。所以如果有人说他感觉很好,但是他的面部表情痛苦,耷拉着肩膀,这说明他感觉并不好,我们通过他的肢体语言就可以推断出他的真实感受。最后,一个干劲十足的人是如何与他人沟通的呢?干劲十足的人肯定充满了热情。干劲十足的人畅谈他的未来,他们正在做的事,他们计划做的事。过去只是一种经历,帮助你发现机遇,把机遇转化为成功。所以,干劲十足的人对生活充满了热情和期待,与这样的人交往是一种快乐。除了上面所有的内容,一个干劲十足的人可以轻易地被描述为一个积极的人。他们表现出的独特的行为特点是:1、积极2、目的感强3、期待成功这种态度会让人产生充足的精力。干劲十足的人看起来精力充沛,你可能听说过下面的话,“如果你想完成一件事,让一个勤勉的人去做。”1.7正确的奖励与正确的结果在这一章的最后,为了让大家对动力有所了解,我想提及迈克尔拉布尔夫的如何激励他人这本书。在书中,他对世界上的管理原则是这样描述的:你可以从给予奖励的行为中获得更多。你得不到你希望、渴望、恳求或请求得到的东西,你得到的就是你奖励的。所以,我们可以看见最伟大的管理原则一再说明那些有奖励的事情总是可以完成的。所以,如果你是一名管理者,或者是一个领导者,你必须自省,问自己,你赏识什么?你奖励什么?我们会在第八章进行仔细的考察。如果正确的行为没有获得奖励,那么你得到的结果可能也是错误的。随身提示1、希望是所有动力的基础2、激励或控制?必须分辨它们之间的区别3、分辨态度和奖励的区别4、寻找干劲十足的人的特点至理名言 “人们常认为成功使人自负、自傲、自我得意,因而会毁了一个人,这种观点是错误的。正好相反,成功使人谦虚、忍让、善良;失败使人变得残酷、刻薄。” 英国作家萨默塞特毛姆2 文献原文2.1 Perspective PowerIf the perspective power you knew any factor may stimulate peoples power, then you have grasped and the people communicate the exchange the most effective tool.In the introduction part content, I had said, the stimulation power is everybody most universal request, each people all want to obtain more powers, but they did not know actually the power is any. A person possibly can say he hoped obtains a bigger power, the superintendent and the leader can say they hoped has a more positive team, the employer hoped hires one to have the working zeal staff, the staff hoped has one to be able to stimulate their power the employer. In fact, the employer is extremely high to staffs request, therefore the staff should have stimulates the self-enthusiastic ability. The power and the strength relations is extremely close, we may say a working zeal full person has the infinite strength. We may recollect a next astonishing story: A mother and her several children have experienced a traffic accident, their automobile turned, the vehicle upside down, the children are stranded in the vehicle outside, the mother is thrown dispatched a vehicle, lucky is, she has not been injured. Mother body weight approximately 57 kilograms, height only then 163 centimeters. When the ambulance corps arrive, they discovered the mother hugs the children in the bosom, the children has not been injured. The ambulance corps deliver them the hospital, has carried on a comprehensive inspection, finally discovered, this mothers vertebra is broken by pressing. Obviously, at that time she has lifted the automobile, moved with the foot the children, in this process, her back has received the damage. We knew that, under the normal condition, the mother also is cannot lift in any event the automobile, she already does not have such physique, also does not have such muscle strength, but she has the power strength. hope is all power foundationTherefore, the hope stimulates a peoples power standard, the hope is any result motive, is actuates the engine the fuel. Lacks the hope, anybody enthusiasm and the power all not impossible to be transferred and the stimulation.2.2 Drive and Control differenceLet us first from the management angle, looks at between the drive and the control difference. In my opinion, the control is forces somebody to make something, is you wants to let them make these matters; But drove is lets somebody own be willing to make something, because they want such to do. My great friend franker enlightens Qiao to say that,” Is precisely this small difference creates the huge difference.” Therefore, you are use the drive or the control operate the company, already became weighs the old enterprise and the new enterprises symbol. Has a look the English recent commercial history, we may see the company the management all is seeks the control in one kind under the system to carry on. In very many situations, this kind of shoddy management pattern is extremely complex, England is continuously deep its evil. In fact, Englands manager once stopped and between staffs dialogue, between the superintendent and staffs exchange communication all was carries on through the trade union. Is engaged in commercial consultation and in training such many years in me, I had not seen between the outstanding management level and the trade union can have the big problem, I cannot find out such example. Front, I had already said, we work the world was a humanist world, but middle many organizations, the people obtain the promotion, undertakes the management and the leadership position, is merely because these people do very much on other operating post splendidly, the people had management training the situation too to be rare. Because these people excel at some responsibility, is very splendid on this post, therefore their colleague hoped they can undertake superintendents position, these people as if obtained the gracious gift which ascends the sky, knew naturally how arouses others enthusiasm, if carries on the communication, how manages others. Very many superintendents all imitate them predecessor, studies their management pattern, has like this formed an inexhaustible vicious circle. Certainly, the control management pattern also is effective, but this pattern cannot long-time, can create the colleague between not to trust, forms one kind “they and we” the hostile aspect. Under the control management pattern, we not impossible to achieve one kind of ideal boundary, the superintendent and the staff not impossible to work as one, to face the common goal and the direction advance. If you encourage one to have the desire to do better person to participate interview, simultaneously hoped after he responds to a call for recruits successfully, has the good response to this kind of control management pattern, this was simply too naive. Just like I said, the drive is lets somebody make something voluntarily, is because these people want such to do.This principle is suitable similarly for your me, if we really want to make something, we can have a bigger power; If we do not want to make something, we lack the self-power.Therefore, in this book, we to the methodology, the principle and the skill carries on the discussion, not only these methodologies, the principle and the skill can help you to develop own power, moreover may cause you to drive you contact periphery person. Accepts and the understanding painful and the pleasure principle, possibly has the help extremely.We and in the world other animals are same, we biggest avoid the pain diligently.Certainly, we can avoid experiencing on any bodily the ache, similarly we also have one kind of natural instinct, avoids any form the spirit being worried.The related human such instinct responded the example are very many, when us facing this kind of unpleasant duty, we can have such instinct to respond, for example, in you facing the thorny telephone, the arduous housework lives, the participation possibly has the resistance conference, opens the bill, carries on exercise, no-smoking for the health and so on. In order to seek joyful or us confessed for when joyful, we are willing to pay the huge price frequently, although sometimes some joyful like appears briefly, to some people, they joyful is eats and drinks extravagantly.Embarks from the positive angle, is obtains the achievement to the joyful pursue the key to be at, we are more careful in the behind chapter the goal which how elaborates realizes.In us the upper dog has grasped between the painful principle and the pleasure principle balance. Sometimes, we can not but experience some limited pain, some people possibly call this kind of pain the self-restraint, some personal it for self-control. My good friend Steve Bannite is a successful entrepreneur, the jungle network company () the founder, he encourages other people to use eats the sour grape skill first. Many people the reason that have achieved nothing, is because of them. At the matter which at the important matter, or deals with difficulty hauls, in very many situations, they does not want to withstand even if is the little pain, has not prepared to undertake any risk.Steve when faces various thorny situation, like When facing some unpleasant, difficult work, pain or contradictory matter, he always first uses eats the sour grape skill first.My suggestion is, if you must simultaneously complete two work, a work is you likes, a work is you repugnant, should better first do your repugnant that work, then does the work which oneself likes, takes to own reward. I discovered this skill is successful means.We all clearly knew, lacks the self-control the human often can put the cart before the horse. In order to understand well how stimulates peoples power, we must distinguish between the manner and the reward difference. We all knew the carrot adds the big stick -like drive, this still was many people has to this question view, now lets us inspect the manner and the reward difference.2.3 MannerThe manner is the people thinks facing the matter time thought that, is self-confidence which they have, is they to own faith, the treatment life manner. The manner has the possibility is negative, also has the possibility is positive. How will the manner be they regards the future, how processed the past the event. Our each person all wants to believe firmly once for a while we to have the correct manner, in later chapter, we can carry on more elaboration.2.4 EncourageThe reward is a person and a team the achievement which harvests from theirs activity. We may make a summary simply: “You make this matter, you may obtain the repayment.” In the tenth chapter, we thoroughly will discuss the related reward the question: Namely inspires the people to advance boldly, to cause prize and the bonus type which the people redouble ones efforts. Understood between the manner and the reward difference is extremely important, moreover must accept this kind of viewpoint, unifies two drive methods is most effective.2.5 Stimulation power being suitable environmentWhen the understanding stimulation power skill, regards the power from the correct angle, we first must know, no matter regarding individual, the team, only then under the suitable environment, the power is only then possibly stimulated. For example, a manager in order to stimulate the team the power, he has formulated the competition and the encouragement plan.Although this plan is extremely thorough, but moves this plan environment not to favor the harmony between the team actually, between the colleague generally has the phenomenon which attacks, does not trust mutually, the atmosphere is not very happy.Under such environment, any reward and the stimulation power measure cannot achieve the anticipated effect. Periphery you must pay attention the environment, has a look under such environment, whether your power can stimulate? If you are a leader, whether periphery the observation environment does stimulate staffs power? Hertz Professor Bergh called these factors are “the hygienic factor”. Take companys facility as an example.Companys equipment revolution normal? This place too has been cold, was too hot? Here clean neat? Light, air, washroom facility, working space how? Such environment is advantageous to the enhancement working efficiency? Also has other suppression work performance factor? Must become an outstanding manager, or the stimulator, you must have the leadership skill, if you lack the leadership skill, you must raise this skill.Although this is a content which everybody understood, but duplicates such principle is worth. I must often likes some platitudes the viewpoint, an extremely good viewpoint is: leader sets an example, the follower follows the exampleCertainly, the people can imitate them the colleague. Drove the achievement and the leader style are inseparable. From the human beginning, the leaders hear such warning “to set an example unceasingly, set up a good example”.2.6 Makes one to have the working zeal personNow lets us form a working zeal full persons image in the mind. A persons semblance has made the first impression to us, a working zeal full persons semblance definitely is extremely neat; Their hair looks like is the process peaceful mind care, clothes passed through careful handling, the shoe have been clean.The neat semblance responded a person cares about oneself. For many years, my company is continuously managing a success telephone marketing team.The company has a stipulation, when all sellers go to work, must dress neatly, the hairstyle is neat, the feminine staff must put on make-up.We discovered the successful result and marketing teams enthusiasm is proportional directly.If they feel good to oneself, then their sales volume can along with the growth. Now, had does not pay great attention to is putting on the tendency in many companies, I knew this is one kind goes off duty and rest the idle way, but any matter all must have a limit, our each person can act according to others semblance to make own appraisal. A person also should pay attention to the way which walks.I have a good friend, he penetrates the office the glass, observes the applicant who the participation interviews. In fact, whether he the way which walks through the applicant judges hires this person. He tells me to say that, a goal is clear about, the step lively applicant compared to a step listless, walks the sluggish man-power to do splendidly. Must observe an applicant is slows pace walks, places the hand in the pocket, the footsteps were full of the energy, the arm have filled the strength. Second, the body language can display a person to the thing warm degree.The smiling face, can speak the eye and a positive facial expression can certainly display a persons enthusiasm. The study body language student stated that, in England, we can use 40,000 words and expressions and the sound approximately carries on the communication, but in the daily life, we is familiar with on only uses 4000 words and the sound.On the other hand, comes from the face body language signal to have about merely 15,000. We knew that, the majority of people may control the content which they speak.If therefore in the body language and the mouth says appeared the conflict and the contradiction, the body language transmission information definitely is correct. If therefore some people said he feels very well, but his facial expression pain, is drooping the shoulder, this explained he felt is not good, we may infer his real feeling through his body language.If therefore some people said he feels very well, but his facial expression pain, is drooping the shoulder, this explained he felt is not good, we may infer his real feeling through his body language. Finally, how is a working zeal full person and other people communication? The working zeal full person affirmed has filled the enthusiasm.The working zeal full person spoke freely about his future, they will be doing the mat


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