Unit 9 知识要点归纳

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Unit 9 Technology知识要点:Functional Sentences:Its a good idea toI agree with you.Yes, it certainly is. Thats quite true.If we go on polluting the world, it wont be fit for us to live in.Useful Words And Expressions?damage 毁坏、损害lectures about (= on) pollution关于污染的演讲go on ( = continue, keep) doing sth 继续做同一件事be fit (= suitable) for sb to do sth 适合于某人做某事agree with sb 同意某人的意见(观点)have got (= have) go to sth不得不做think of ways of doing (= to do) sth 想出做某事的方法pay special / much / little / no attention to (doing ) sth 特别(很,不太,不)注意(做)某事much room left 剩下许多空间turnin to 把变成plenty of 大量,许多in the heart of 在 中心(腹地)cattle 牛(总称),家畜 cause 原(起)因the number of 的数目fail to do sth 没有(能够)做limit 限制,减少be gradually lost 逐渐流失cut down trees 砍伐树木hold (keep) sth in place 保持在原来的地方blow away 刮走power station 电站fall to the ground 降落地面a cloud of 一团time and time again (= now and then) 不时,有时,偶尔the injured 受伤的人hundreds of thousands of 成千上万lose ones sight (= become blind) 双目失明one harrow entrance to the ocean 一个狭窄的通往大洋的入口square kilometres平方公里 die out 消失,灭亡It is thought / said / reported / believed that 据认为 / 据说 / 据报导an average of one kind 平均有一种per day / every day / daily 每天used to do sth 过去常常做many reasons for animals dying out 动物绝种的许多原因eitheror 要么要么;或者或者in all (= altogether) 总共no more than (= only) 仅仅a total of 的总数(总额)go on an organized trip to a place 对进行有组织的旅行wild life (= wild animals) 野生动物two and a half hours ( = two hours and a half) 两个半小时printed question papers 印制好的问卷纸fill in 填写(入)next to a fallen tree 一棵倒下的大树旁putinto 把放/装入go off (= leave) separately 分头离开be lost (= lose ones way / lose oneself) 迷路do tests 检验be busy (in) doing sth 忙于做take a photograph (photographs) of 给拍照片point to 指着(向) to ones joy 令人高兴的是Look exactly / just like 看起来与一模一样a suggested answer 一条参考答案a mixed group 一个男女生混合组a wasted journey 一次徒劳的旅行Important Words And Expressions:1、damage1) n. harm, loss or injury 损失(害)2) v. cause damage to 损害cause / do damage (to) The earthquake caused much damageThe hotel was slightly / badly damaged.2、fit adj. 1) suitable for sb; good enough for sb / sth 合适的,适当的2) in good health 健康的3) v. be the right shape and size for (sb) 合适,合身4) n. way in which sth esp. a garment fits. 合身的1) The food was not fit to eat.2) Im always very fit.3) The skirt fitted her well.4) The coat was a good fit. 比:fit sb与be fit for sbsth fit sb指大小尺寸合适;be fit for sb指合乎某种身份,标准The clothes fit her well, but it isnt fit for her.3、Cattle与police一样,只用作复数,作主语时,谓语动词,只能用复数形式。People 意为“人民 / 人们”时,只有复数,但当 people意为“民族”有单复数区别。1) Cattle feed on grass.2) The police are after the missing child.3) People are working hard.4、cause: n1)是造成一种结果的原因。意为“引起的原因”,常与of连用;2) 其近义词是reason,是说明或证明一种结果的理由,单纯强调原因,常 与for连用。3) vt. be the cause of, make happy 造成;使发生。1) Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease.2) She didnt give any reasons for leaving.3) The cold weather caused the plants to die.4) He caused his parents much unhappiness.5、limit: 1) n. the most that is allowed 限度,限量2) vt. set a limit or limits to sb / sth 限制,限定3) limited adj. few or small 有限的,少的,小的1) There is a limit to everything. 词组有:go beyond / over limit 超过限度,without limit 无限度地within the limits of 在范围内, within limits 有限制地2) We must try and limit our spending.3) Our time is rather limited.6、in place1) in the usual or proper position 在平常的或应在的地方2) suitable 合适的,适当的。反义为:out of place1) She likes everything to be in place before she starts work.2) What he said is in place.7、die out 1) (of a family, species, etc.) no longer have any members left alive (指家 族、物种等)死光,绝种2) (of a custom, practice, etc.) no longer be common. (指习俗,做法等)消 失,过时3) go out 1) This kind of animal is being destroyed and it has nearly died out.2)The old traditions are dying out.3) The fire died out die of / from 死于 die away 逐渐消失 die off 相继死去die down 逐渐减弱 die for 为而死,极想,渴望8、to ones joy是一种常用的句型,意思是“令人高兴的是”在句中作独立成 分,其后跟的句子就是使人高兴的事。类似的结构有:to ones disappointment令人失望的是 to ones relief 令人感到宽慰的是 to ones surprise 令人吃惊的是 to ones delight 令人高兴的是1) To the students joy (= To the joy of the students), all of them have passed the 2) college entrance examination.2) To the mothers relief, the child came back safely.9、I agree with you.agree表同意,赞同,达成协议(在多数情况下作不及物动词);常见短语有agree with / on / to,注意它们的区别1) agree with 同意某人的意见,介词with的宾语常为sb / idea / what sb said.2) agree on表在某一点或某一具体事情上有相同意见,这时agree的主语多 为复数形式,意为“较取得一致意见” 3) agree to同意某一建议、安排等,to的宾语常为一些抽象名词(如plan, suggestion, proposal)4) agree to do sth.1) Im sorry I dont agree with you / your idea / what you said.2) They agreed on the date / place for the meeting.3) We all agreed to the arrangement / plan / suggestion.4) He agreed to let me go home early.10、Weve got to think of ways of changing peoples habits have got to do sth = have to do sth.way n. 1)“方法,手段,方式”have a way 2) “方向”3)“路线,路途”4)“距离,路程”1) The chemistry teacher had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting2) Look this way, please.3) Youd better ask the police the way to the station.4) Shanghai is a Long way from here.词组:by the way 顺便问一下 all the way一路上by way of 途径in the / ones way 挡路11、It is thought that in the next 40 years as many as 100000 people will die in Russia as a result of illness此结构中it为形式主语,that从句为真正的主语,其句型为:1) It is thought / said / reported / believed / wellknown etc. + that表“据认为 / 据说 / 报导”等。这种结构等同于下列结构:People think / say / report / believe etc. + that 或: sb is thought / said / reported / believed etc. + 不定式以上三种结构可以相互替换: It is said that he has been abroad= People say that he has been abroad.= He is said to have been abroad.2)as many as 100000 people 多达10万人as much as 10 tons 多达10吨as high as 1.8 meters 高达1.8米as deep as 5 meters 深达5米注:as far as the river 直到河边The doctor will do as much as he can to save the baby.12、There are many reasons for animals dying out, butanimals 在语法上叫做动名词的逻辑主语,也可改为 animals,因为在句中动名词的逻辑主语可由“物主代词 / 代词宾格 / 名词所有格 / 名词普通格”构成。但在句首只能由“物主代词 / 名词所有格”构成。1) Do you mind my / me / Toms / Tom closing the window?2) The students / their knowing English well helped them in learning English. Grammar: 代表语和定语的过去分词的用法:1、过去分词可以用来作表语。过去分词做表语常表示主语所处的状态。(现在分词作表语表示主语所具有的特征。) 如:He is delighted at the news.We are satisfied with the result.The door remained locked.The story is excitingWe are excited after seeing the film.2、有些过去分词用作表语时,构成的谓语很接近被动结构。被动结构表示一个动 作,过去分词做表语表主语所处的状态。如:The glass is broken. (状态) The glass was broken by me. (动作及动作发出者)3、过去分词可以用来作定语:1)过去分词做定语可以表示动作完成了。(现在分词作定语表示一个正在进行 的动作) 如:developed country (developing country)发达国家(发展中国家)fallen leaves (rising sun)落叶(冉冉升起的太阳)2) 过去分词做定语可以表示所修饰名词的状态。(现在分词做定语表示它所修 饰名词的性质、特征。)His surprised look suggested that he had not expected that.His surprising look made me surprised.3) 某些动词只用过去分词做定语,不用现在分词形式做定语。如:learned professor (博学的教授) advanced mathematics (高等数学)skilled / experienced / practised doctor (技艺娴熟的 / 有经验的 / 有实践经 验的医生)本单元出现的分词如下:1、过去分词作定语:1) One suggested answer is for farmers to limit the numbers of their cattle.2) Our class went on an organized trip to a forest3) We were given printed question papers.4) Whenever we found an unknown plant, we had to5) Our monitor and I remembered a programme that a well-known film director had made6) She said it was a well-kept secret.7) We had our picnic lunch in the forest next to a fallen tree.2、过去分词作表语:1) One quarter of the shores of the Mediterranean are polluted2) We were all very interested to see the results.3) He must be lost.1. agree to do sth.agree on 就达成一致agree to +n.(plan, suggestion, arrangement)同意计划、观点等agree with sb./what one said 同意某人2. It (all) depends.=That (all) depends. 那得看情况(而定)。depend on/upon +n. + to do sth. 依赖;指望;视而定,取决于3. be worth +n. /doing(no passive voice)be worthy to do/of +n./doing/being done4. on the go 忙个不停;四处奔走;跑来跑去5. more than 不仅仅6. add to 增加add in (可分开用)包括,算进add-to-把添加/增加到add up to(不可用进行式或被动语态)总计共达;总之就是,意味着add up (可分开用)合计,加起来;(口语)言之成理(不可用进行式)eg, add the figures up If you add two and/to five, you get seven. The news added to his anxiety. These figures add up to fifty. His remarks added up to a condemnation of my plan.7. remind sb. about/of sth.remind sb. to do sth.remind sb. + that clause8. (not) dare to dodare (not) do9. seem to be thatseem + adj.seem to doIt seems that-It seems as if-10. have a need to do= need to do sth.11. stay in touch with=keep in touch with 和保持联系12. no matter where引导让步壮语从句whateverwhatever引导让步状语从句和名次性从句(主语从句、宾语从句)13. call for 要求、需要14. in case在情况下,万一的话;以免,免得in case of万一,如果;在情况下in any case 无论如何,反正,不管怎样in no case 决不,在任何情况下都不15. will be wearing将来进行时表示将来某段时间一直进行的动作或持续的状态16. according to 按照;根据所说17. take over接收;接管18. break down毁掉;坏掉;中止19. come up with 提出,给出20. take steps to do sth. 采取措施做


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