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八(下)Unit 4 一、 重点词汇too much/many; have free time to do sth.; allow sb. to do sth.; a piece of advice; look through; be angry with sb.; so that; give sth. back to sb.; get on with sb.; refuse to do sth; communicate with sb.; mind doing sth.; big deal; hang out; have a fight with sb.; sendto;二、 重点语法1 I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like. 我有太多的作业因此我没有空闲时间做我喜欢的事情。辨析:too much, much too 与 too many1) too much 意为“太多”。修饰不可数名词,置于名词前;也可修饰动词,放在动词后e.g: The doctor told him not to drink too much. 医生告诉他不要喝太多酒。2) much too 意为“太”,修饰形容词或副词原级,表示程度e.g: The work is much too hard for me. 这工作对我来说太难了。3) too many 意为“太多”,修饰复数名词e.g: There are too many trees in the park. 公园里有很多树。( ) I feel very tired because of _ classes and _ homework. A too many, too much B too much, too many C too many, too man2 My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 我父母不允许我和我的朋友一起出去闲逛。1) allow sb to do sth. 允许某人做某事。e.g: I cant allow you to talk to Mon like that. 我不允许你跟妈妈那样说话2) allow doing sth. 允许做某事。 e.g: We dont allow smoking in our house. 在我们家里不允许抽烟。3)allow sth. 允许某事e.g: I dont think she would allow it. 我想她不会允许这件事的。4) hang out 意为“闲逛,溜达”。( ) Mr. Green allow us _ his bike now. A to use B to using C using D use 3 Im not good at writing letters. 我不擅长写信。辨析 be good at, be good for, be good to 和 be good with1) be good at “ 善于;擅长;在(方面)做得好”, 后接表示事物的名词、代词或动名词 e.g: She is good at singing. 她擅长于唱歌2) be good for “ 对有益(有用)”, 后接表示人或物的名词或代词 e.g: Drinking more water is good for you. 多喝水对你有好处3) be good to “ 对好(和善)”, 后面接人或人格化的名词和代词 e.g: She is very good to her neighbors. 她对她的邻居很和善。4) be good with “ 与相处地好” , 后面接表示人的名词或代词 e.g: He is good with the children. 他与这些孩子相处得很好。( ) English is my favorite subject, and I am good _ it. A to B at C for D of4 My problem is that I cant get on with my family. 我的问题是我不能和我的家人和睦相处1) get on with sb 意为“和某人和睦相处”,其同义短语为 get along ( well) with sbe.g: She cant get on with sth. 她不能和她的妹妹和睦相处2) get on with sth = get along with sth 意为“取得进展”e.g: I am not get on very fast with this work. 我这项工作进展不是很快3) get on = get along 意为“进展,进步”,后接副词或用于how引导的疑问句中e.g: Linda is getting on well at school. 琳达在学校进步很大( ) How did you _ your parents? - Not very well. A get on B got on C get on with D got on with 5 If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help. 如果你的父母正遇到问题,你应该主动提供帮助1) offer to do sth. 意为“主动提出做某事” e.g: She offered to teach me English 她主动提出教我英语2) offer sth to sb 意为“为某人提供某物” e.g: He will offer a house to the winner. 他将提供一所房子给获胜者3) offer sb sth 意为“ 为某人提供某物” e.g: They offered me several tickets. 他们给了我几张票( ) The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. A lent B offered C took D brought6 You should explain that you dont mind him watching TV all the time.1) explain sth to sb 向(某人)解释某事e.g: Could you explain the meaning of the word to me? 你能给我解释一下这个单词的意思吗?2) explain 的名词形式为 explanation. e.g: Her explanations are always difficult to believe. 她的解释总是令人难以相信。3) mind sb doing sth 意为“ 介意某人做某事” e.g: Would you mind me smoking here? W我在这儿吸烟你介意吗? 7 You are afraid of speaking in front of people. 你害怕在人们面前说话1) be afraid of sb / sth. 害怕某人或某物 e.g: The boy is afraid of his mother. 那个男孩怕他妈妈2) be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事,侧重主语“担心,害怕”某事发生 e.g: She is afraid of making mistakes. 她害怕犯错。3) be afraid to do sth. 不敢或害怕做某事,侧重主语“不敢做某事” e.g: He is afraid to fly. 他害怕做飞机4) be afraid + that 从句 “恐怕”,多用于客气地提出个人意见或看法 e.g: I am afraid that I cant go today. 恐怕我今天去不了了。8. However, the tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m. 可是,那些疲惫的孩子们直到晚上7点以后才回到家1) not until 意为“直到才” e.g: They didnt finish the work until yesterday. 直到昨天他们才完成工作( ) I didnt believe he could drive _ he told me. A once B while C since D until9. In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older. 在一些家庭里,在孩子很小的时候竞争就开始了,并且持续到孩子长大1) competition 可数名词,意为“比赛,竞争” e.g: He came first in the writing competition. 他在写作比赛中获得第一名2) compete 为 competition 的动词形式,意为“比赛,竞争” compete with sb 意为“和某人竞争” e.g: Jack is always competing with me. 杰克总是和我竞争( ) In the _ , he _ with other runners. A compete, competed B competition, competed C competition, competition3) continue to do sth. 强调继续做另一件事情4) continue doing sth 强调接着做以前所做的事情 e.g: He fell down, but he got up quickly and continued running. 他跌倒了,但他站起来继续跑10. And they are always comparing them with other children. 并且她们总是把他们和别的孩子对比1) always 意为“总是,始终”,此处用于进行时,表示再三的、多次的重复行为,常带有厌恶、赞扬等感情色彩,不表示某时刻正在发生的动作e.g: The little girl is always crying. 这个小女孩总是哭2) compare with“把与比较”,常用于两个同类事物之间,着重区别 e.g: She compares me with my brother. 她把我和我哥哥进行比较3) compare with “把比作”,常用于两个不同性质的事物比较。 e.g: We often compare children to flowers. 我们经常把孩子比作花朵( ) They are always _ themselves _ others. A compare, with B compared, with C comparing, with D compared, to11. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs development. 医生们说太多的压力对一个孩子的发育不好1) development 此处是不可数名词,意为“发育,发展,发达”e.g: The doctor said the babys development was very good. 医生说孩子的发育很好2) develop 意为“发育,发展”,是development的动词形式 e.g: Rain and sun develop plants.雨水和阳光使植物生长3) develop的形容词有两个:developed 和 developing 前者意为“经济发达的”,后者意为“经济发展中的” e.g: America is a developed country. 美国是一个发达国家( ) With the _ of China, peoples lives have _ quickly. A development, developed B development, develop C develop, develop4) pressure 不可数名词,意为“压力”eg: Parents often give their children so much pressure.父母经常给他们孩子太多压力5) under pressure 压力之下 put pressure on sb 向某人施加压力短语归纳: hang out 闲逛get into a fight with 同打架 go to sleep 去睡觉 call up 打电话 so that 以便 look through 浏览 be angry with 生的气 communicate with sb 与某人交流 cut out 删除 in ones opinion 依某人看来 not any more 不再 talk about 谈论 on the phone 在电话中 work out 解决 agree with sb 同意某人的(想法)八(下)Unit 4 配套练习一、单项选择1. Tigers wait _ it is dark, then go out to find their food.A. since B. until C. as D. because2. -What _ I do when my parents dont agree with me? -You _ talk with them and let them know your thought.A. should; could B. must; couldnt C. shouldnt; couldnt D. mustnt; could3. Kate looks sad. Whats _with her?A. trouble B. matter C. the wrong D. wrong4. -I think students should spend time with friends doing homework. -I _. They talk_ doing homework.A. agree; instead B. agree; without C. disagree; instead of D. dont disagree; but5. -Do you _well with your classmates? -Yes, our class is like a big family.A. get on B. get up C. get in D. get into6. I dont know_she will come to my birthday party tomorrow. Im not sure.A. that B. if C. what D. why7. They left early_they couldnt miss the train.A. such that B. for C. as D. so that8. He worked _to get _.A. enough hard; enough money B. enough hard; money enough C. hard enough; enough of money D. hard enough; enough money9. Mrs Smith eats_meat, so she is_fat now.A. too much; too much B. much too; too much C. too much; much too D. much too; much too10. Tom didnt go to bed_he finished his homework last night.A. after B. when C. until D. while11. Watching too much TV isnt good _your eyes.A. for B.to C.at D. with12. -_after-school activities? -Theyre very interesting.A. What do you think of B. Do you like C. When do you take D. How was the13. -_get her a notebook for her birthday? - Thats a good idea.A. Why not B. Why dont you C. How about D. A and B14. Some parents are always comparing their children _other children.A. with B. to C. for D. from15. The _ you eat, the _ youll be.A. more ; fat B. much; fatter C. more; fatter D. much; fat二、单词拼写1. Im always n_ before I have an exam.2. They o_ him a very good job.3. Doctors say many children are under too much _(压力)4. If Tom cant have the meeting, I can go _(代替)5. He got up at half past six as_(usually)6. In my o_, playing computer games is a waste of time.7. The heavy rain _(引发,造成) flooding.8. It will be part of everyones education to learn computer _(skill).9. She is always _(compete) with others, so she is stressed.10. The fans are c_ about the basketball games.


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