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Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming.长安学校 娄明慧 2 3 4Each group chooses one of them and then answer these questions. We have learnt these phrases in this unit.get togetherhave a good tripenjoy your tripcarry a map each of youtake sth. with sb. swim alone travel aroundplaces of interest stay in the sun too longkeep away from all the year roundprepare for ( )1.How is the weather in Wuhan in July?( )2.What is the best time to go to Yunnan?( )3.How was your trip to Lijiang?( )4.Where did you go on holiday?( )5.How did you travel to England?A.Anytime is OK.B.Australia.C.Its very hot.D.By plane.E.It was wonderful.CAEBD Mount EmeiJiuzhaigouI went to Sichuan last year. And I arrived there by plane. The people there were very friendly.The food there was very hot and nice. Please skim the postcard and answer the following questions.1.Who wrote the postcard? (Who is my friend?)2. Who got the postcard?3. Whats the passage about?Jack.Cao Yan.Jacks trip in Sichan. Jacks Trip in SichuanTimeWeatherPlaces to visitFoodPeople from May 3rd to May 5thsunny, warmMount Emei, Jiuzhaigouhot and nice, deliciousfriendly 1. Review the key points of this topic.2. Write a postcard about your holidays or your trip to your friend .Activity 2 can help you.3. Read activity 2.Please recite(背诵) it if you can.4. Preview Section A of Topic 3 in Unit 8. Homework Thank you for your listening! Goodbye! 一.词(根据句义意完成下列句子)1. I got up late this morning. I _/ mist / the early bus.2. When you travel to I_, you shouldnt miss the Taj Mahal(泰姬陵) there.二.词组3. 相聚-4. 旅途愉快-5. 带地图-三.句子6. 我应该参观云南的哪些地方? missedndiaget togetherhave a good trip/enjoy your tripcarry a map What places should I visit in Yunnan? 一.词(根据句义意完成下列句子)1. You should take a _/ / for the trip. We would like to take some photos on the way.2. Its d_ to play on the road. There is much traffic here.二.词组3. 你们中的每个人 -4. 随身携带-5. 独自游泳-三.句子6.听起来很有趣。cameraangerous each of youtake sth. with sb.swim aloneIt sounds very interesting . 一.词(根据句义意完成下列句子)1. We _/ / close the window because its cold outside.2. Beethoven(贝多芬) was a great musician(音乐家). He was from G_.二.词组3. 环游-4. 名胜-5. 呆在太阳底下太长时间-三.句子6. 你能告诉我关于你家乡的事吗?should ermanytravel aroundplaces of interest stay in the sun too longCan you tell something about your hometown? 一.词(根据句义意完成下列句子)1. My _/ / changes a lot. People built(建设) many new roads and building there.2. Mr. Wang plans to visit Chongqing and s_ there for a week. 二.词组3. 远离-4. 两双鞋-5.一年到头-三.句子6. 你不应该去危险的地方。hometown tayskeep away fromtwo pairs of shoesall (the) year roundYou shouldnt go to dangerous places.


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