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什么是非谓语动词呢? 在简单句中可能会出现两个动词,其中动词2根据动词1的变化而变化,那么我们看到的动词2(to do, doing, done等形式,就是非谓语动词)。 非谓语动词 不定式 动名词分词 一、动词后接不定式或动名词1.只能接不定式2.只能接动名词 1.只能接不定式的 .带to的不定式.省略to的不定式 打算想要学会它准备决定被拒绝希望同意来帮忙未能做到不假装 .带to的不定式 打算: plan to doeg: We plan to go to Suzhou next week. 想要:want to do; would like to doeg: I want to go with you.Would you like to have a cup of tea? learn to do学会:eg: A chimpanzee can learn to use sign language to make sentences. 希望: hope to do; wish to doeg: I hope to have a nice sleep tonight.I wish to do business with you. 同意: agree to doeg: My father has agreed to buy me a new computer. 帮忙: eg: Will you help me to close the window?help to do 准备: prepare to doeg: Please prepare to meet a new year. eg: I decide to be a writer in the future.决定:decide to do; determine to doI determine to answer your question. 拒绝: refuse to doeg: We refuse to waste water. 失败: fail to doeg:He fails to pass the exam. 假装: pretend to do eg: Dont pretend to know what you dont. . 省略to的不定式a. 在感使动词之后b. 在助动词和情态动词之后c. 某些固定巨型中 四看 三使 二听 一感觉a. 在感使动词之后 四看:look atseewatchnotice “看见” “观看” “注意到” “看着” 词义辨析: see 意为“看到”,表示有意识或无意识 地看到物体,强调“看到”的结果。 例如:What can you see in the picture? 词义辨析: watch 意为“观看,观察”,通常用 于看电视,体育活动或比赛等。 What are they doing?They are watching TV. 词义辨析: notice 意为“看到,注意到”,指有 意识的注意。 例如: Did you notice anything unusual? 词义辨析: look (at) 意味着集中注意力地看, 是有意的,强调动作。 例如: She is looking at the blackboard. 三使: make havelet二听: hear listen to一感觉: feel b. 在助动词和情态动词之后do, did, does, will, shall,would, should, can, may, must 等后面接不带to的不定式。 c. 某些固定巨型中why not.?had betterwould rather.than. 最好做某事为何不做某事?宁愿做某事 PS: 省掉to的不定式的句子变被动语态时,需要还原to。口诀: 感使动词真奇怪to在句中象妖怪主动句里它走开被动句里它回来 1. Tom often makes his little sister _ (cry), but yesterday he was made _ (cry) by his sister.练一练: 1.Tom often makes his little sister cry, but yesterday he was made to cry by his sister.练一练: 2. Why not (go) to the park with us tomorrow ? 2. Why not go to the park with us tomorrow? 3. Would you like (come) to my birthday party this evening? Certainly. I will be glad to . 3. Would you like to come to my birthday party this evening? Certainly. I will be glad to . 4. Would you like to go fishing with me? I dont feel like it.I would rather_(stay) at home and have a sleep. 4. Would you like to go fishing with me? I dont feel like it.I would rather stay at home and have a sleep. 5. In the old days ,the workers were made _ (work) more than 16 hours a day. 5. In the old days ,the workers were made to work more than 16 hours a day. 2. 只能接动名词?enjoy享受 spend花费 consider考虑 imagine想象 finish完成 suggest建议mind介意 avoid避免 postpone推迟practice练习 forbid阻止 miss错过 enjoy享受 spend花费 consider考虑imagine想象 finish完成 suggest建议mind介意 avoid避免 postpone推迟practice练习 forbid阻止 miss错过 不定式 VS 动名词 大作战 1. My I have a rest? I have already finished _ the report. (2011,广州) A. write B. writing C. to write D. written 1. My I have a rest? I have already finished _ the report. (2011,广州) A. write B. writing C. to write D. written 2. Nancy is really a hard-working student. We often see her _ books in the classroom. (2011,贵阳) A. read B. to read C. reads 2. Nancy is really a hard-working student. We often see her _ books in the classroom. (2011,贵阳) A. read B. to read C. reads 3. Why not _ (ask) your teacher for help when you cant finish_ (write)it by yourself? (2009甘肃) A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; write 3. Why not _ (ask) your teacher for help when you cant finish_ (write)it by yourself? (2009甘肃) A. ask; write B. to ask; writing C. ask; writing D. asking; write 4.Youd better_ too much time playing computer games. (2009重庆) A. dont spend B. not to spend C. to not spend D. not spend 4.Youd better_ too much time playing computer games. (2009重庆) A. dont spend B. not to spend C. to not spend D. not spend 5.Toms mother told him_ eating too much meat. (2011,天津) A. stopping B. to stop C. stops D. stopped 5.Toms mother told him_ eating too much meat. (2011,天津) A. stopping B. to stop C. stops D. stopped 3. 动词后接不定式和 动名词的区别? stop v 停止stop to do sth. 停下来做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事 A group of zombies are walking to my house, suddenly a zombie stops _ (walk) because he is beated by the butter.A group of zombies are walking to my house, suddenly a zombie stops _(eat) the patato. A group of zombies are walking to my house, suddenly a zombie stops walking because he is beated by the butter.A group of zombies are walking to my house, suddenly a zombie stops to eat the patato. forget v 忘记forget to do sth忘记要做某事forget doing sth忘记做过某事 I forget _ (bring) my homework. I forget to bring my homework. I forget _ (leave) my homework at home. I forget to bring my homework. I forget leaving my homework at home. remember v 记 得remember to do sth.记得要做某事remember doing sth.记得曾做过某事 Please remember_ (take) your umbrella tomorrow morning.I remember_ ( take) my umbrella. Please remember to take your umbrella tomorrow morning.I remember taking my umbrella. try v 尝试try to do sth 努力去做某事try doing sth 试着去做某事 Tom tried _ (speak) Chinese to us. Tom tried speaking Chinese to us.Please try _(do) better next time. Tom tried speaking Chinese to us.Please try to do better next time. allow v 允许,准许allow doing sth. 允许做某事allow sb. to do sth允许某人做某事 We dont allow _ (smoke) here. We dont allow smoking here. We dont allow smoking here.We dont allow students to smoke. stop to do stop doingallow sb.to do allow doingremember to do remember doingforget to do forget doingtry to do try doing Dont forget _ your history and politics books tomorrow morning. Thanks. I wont. (2011 福建)A. bring B. to bring C. bringing Dont forget _ your history and politics books tomorrow morning. Thanks. I wont. (2011 福建)A. bring B. to bring C. bringing While we were running on the playground, Jack suddenly stopped _ and lay on the ground, so we all stopped _ what was wrong with him. (2011 成都) A. to run; to see B. running; seeing C. running; to see While we were running on the playground, Jack suddenly stopped _ and lay on the ground, so we all stopped _ what was wrong with him. (2011 成都) A. to run; to see B. running; seeing . running; to see Drivers shouldnt be allowed _ after drinking, or they will break the law. (2011 山西) A. drive B. driving C. to drive Drivers shouldnt be allowed _ after drinking, or they will break the law. (2011 山西) A. drive B.driving C. to drive 二、It代替不定式作形式主语的情况 To study English well is very important.观察句子? 头重脚轻主语太长 To study English wellisimportant To study English wellisimportant Itisimportantto study English well Itisimportantto study English wellIt is important to study English well.形 式 主 语真正的主语 It is impossible to finishthe work in two hours. To finish the work in two hours is impossible. To remember enough words is necessary. It is necessary to remember enough words. 不定式和特殊疑问词连用的情况 ? 不定式和疑问词 what, which, when, where, how连用, 相当于一个宾语从句。 He didnt know where to go.where he should go I like this set of sofa so much, but I dont know _ it in my small house. (2011成都) A. where to put B. why to put C. how to put I like this set of sofa so much, but I dont know _ it in my small house. (2011成都) A. where to put B. why to put C. how to put We dont know _ it next. Lets go and ask Mr. Li. (2011重庆) A. what to do B. to do what C. whether to do D. to do whether We dont know _ it next. Lets go and ask Mr. Li. (2011重庆) A. what to do B. to do what C. whether to do D. to do whether We can use QQ to chat with each other on the Internet. Really? Will you please show me _ it? (2010, 广东) A. how to use B. what to use C. how can I use D. what can I use We can use QQ to chat with each other on the Internet. Really? Will you please show me _ it? (2010, 广东) A. how to use B. what to use C. how can I use D. what can I use


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