高中英语复习北师大版 复习专题书面表达-如何适当增加细节 共25张PPT)

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高中英语复习北师大版 复习专题书面表达-如何适当增加细节 共25张PPT)_第1页
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高中英语复习北师大版 复习专题书面表达-如何适当增加细节 共25张PPT)_第2页
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高中英语复习北师大版 复习专题书面表达-如何适当增加细节 共25张PPT)_第3页
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如何适当增加细节书面表达复习专题 例子:假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Henry最近来信,询问你高考后的暑期安排。请你根据以下要点,用英语回一封信,说明你的计划,并简述理由。 1 .休息; 2 .读书; 3 .陪伴父母; 4 .参加社会活动。 注意: 1 .词数1 0 0左右,信的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数); 2 .可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3 .参考词汇: 高考college entrance examination 社会活动social activities Dear Henry, _ Best wishes! 存在问题:要点完整,字数不够(3 6字)! 高考书面表达的评分原则中就“字数把握” 明确指出,考生作文词数少于8 0词和多于1 2 0词的,从总分中减去2分。由此看来,而大多数情况下字数容易不足,因此要学会“短话长说”。所谓 “短话长说”,就是要对所给信息进行合理,有效地补述和追述,通过适当添加成分,使你的书面表达更加连贯,饱满。主要从下面三个方面进行:I.添加背景信息II.增加要点中的细节III增加细节使文章要点连贯并有逻辑性 I.添加背景信息例一:假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter最近来中国学习,他写信向你诉说他遇到的烦恼:孤独,语言障碍,饮食不习惯.请用英语写一封回信给他以安慰,并就他遇到的问题提出合理的建议.注意:1 .词数:1 0 0左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 . I.添加背景信息Dear Peter,Im happy to hear from you. In your letter you said that you have arrived in China, but you did not feel pleasant. Instead of happiness, you had hard times here. You felt very lonely and were not accustomed to Chinese food and drink. I.添加背景信息Dear Tom, Ive received your email and Im glad you will come to China. You said you were worried about getting along with new classmates? Dont worry about that. You are quite a lovely guy and they will like you. 例四:随着经济发展,越来越多人拥有私家车,但也带来了一些问题,就这些问题写一篇短文,短文主要内容包括:1 .目前汽车带来问题,空气污染,交通拥挤。2 .解决措施:步行,骑自行车,搭公交。3 .选择这些措施的理由:省钱,节能,有理健康及交通拥挤问题等。 I.添加背景信息 As the Chinese economy is developing better and better, the Chinese are getting much richer than ever before. Now more and more of them are considering buying a private car to make life even more wonderful. As a matter of fact, a car can definitely bring great convenience to our lives. 追踪练习:随着网络的发展,网络语言开始流行起来.在校园里,有很多学生热衷于在英语写作中使用网络语言.请你就此现象,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文.,网络语言很有趣,很受学生欢迎.,在作文中使用网络语言很酷,但是网络语言不规范;,学生会养成不良的语言习惯;,的量使用网络语言会危害我们的母语;,因此,不要在写作文中运用网络语言.,词数;1 0 0字左右.,参考词汇;网络语言cyberlanguage本族语言 native language With the development of the network, cyber language has become more and popular.Many students are keen on writing using cyber language. II.增加要点中的细节首先,细读和分析书面表达原文和提示,理解句意,再适当增加细节,完善句子,常用的方法有:增加原信息有关原因、条件和目的等从句 II.增加要点中的细节1、增加与原信息有关的原因的句子假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Henry最近来信,询问你高考后的暑期安排。请你根据以下要点,用英语回一封信,说明你的计划,并简述理由。 (1).休息; (2).读书; I need a good rest. Ill do some reading.I need a good rest because I do feel tired after the hard work of all these years .Of course, Ill do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as well. II.增加要点中的细节2、增加与原信息相符的例子(3).陪伴父母;Ill spend some time staying with my parents.chatting with them and doing some housework. II.增加要点中的细节 3、增加与原信息有关的条件的句子(4)参加社会活动。 Ill take part in some social activities If I have free time ,Ill take part in some social activities If possible, Ill take part in some social activities 4、增加与原信息有关的目的的句子(4).参加社会活动If possible, Ill take part in some social activities.If possible, Ill take part in some social activities so that/in order that I can know more about the society. 成文: Dear Henry, Im glad to receive your letter. Its a pleasure for me to tell you my plan of this coming summer vacation after the college entrance examination. First of all, I need a good rest because I do feel tired after the hard work of all these years .Of course, Ill do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as well. Ill spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and doing some housework. Theyve done so much for me, you know. If possible, Ill take part in some social activities so that I can know more about the society. (1 0 5字) 追踪练习:单句练习: 添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及条件,目的,时间,地点等内容 1 .我们希望你能接受我们的邀请。 (如果你方便的话) We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. 2 .我想找一位英国笔友。(来提高我的英语) I want to have an English pen friend in order to improve my English. 3 我爸爸会带外国学生参观这个城市(很高兴带,在空闲时间) My father will be very glad to show the foreign students around our city in our spare time. 4 .我会帮您还书的。(给图书馆/你的老师) I will help you return the book. to the the library./your teacher. 我们有许多共同爱好。(例如旅行,游泳,钓鱼) We have a lot of common interests. such as travelling,swimming,fishing.集中注意力于学习(不劳无获) We should focus our mind on our studies. As the saying goes, “No pains, no gains.” We should focus our mind on our studies. 篇章练习:书面表达(2 5分) 假如你叫李华,最近你校在为一批来自英国的学生征寻住宿家庭,你有意申请。请根据下表提供的信息用英语给校长写封信,说明你申请的理由。 1、住房宽敞,有私家车; 2、擅长英语,父母是英语老师; 3、去年接待过两名美国学生注意:1 .词数1 0 0左右; 2 .开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数; 3 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear sir, Im writing to request a valuable chance to be one of the host families for the British students.Located in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood, our large fully-equipped apartment can meet all their needs. Apart from the convenient public transportation, our own car can also take them to some nearby places of interestWith fluent English and an outgoing personality, my parents and I are sure to have no difficulty communicating with them. Above all, we have hosted some American friends, through which weve gained lots of experience. In addition, my mother is expert in cooking, and it can guarantee them a wonderful chance of tasting delicious Chinese food. I would greatly appreciate it if I could have the chance to host them and make friends with them. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua Yours sincerely Li Hua


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