人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Section B2a---2b(共21张PPT)

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人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Section B2a---2b(共21张PPT)_第1页
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人教版初中英语八年级上册Unit 1 Section B2a---2b(共21张PPT)_第3页
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unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?section B(2 a-2 b)Geng x iang Sch ool: Gu o Hong mei Do you know Malaysia? Do you know Malaysia? Malaysia national flag Do you know Malaysia? Do you know Malaysia?Weld Quay Do you know Malaysia?Malaysian yellow noodlesHave you preview the passage? Check preview1 .到 达 2 .尝 试 滑 翔 伞 运 动 3 .骑 自 行 车 4 .许 多 新 建 筑 物 5 .太 多 的 人 6 .带 足 够 的 钱 7 .天 很 晴 朗 又 炎 热 , 所 以 我 们 决 定 去 我 们 旅 馆附 近 的 海 滩 。arrive in try paraglidingride a bicycle a lot of new buildings too many people bring enough moneyIt was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. Check preview8 .我 感 觉 自 己 像 只 小 鸟 。 9 .我 想 知 道 这 里 过 去 的 生 活 是 怎 样 的 。1 0 .我 真 得 很 喜 欢 在 这 个 城 镇 里 散 步 。1 1 .多 么 千 变 万 化 的 一 天 呀 ! 1 2 .We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.我 们 等 了 一 个 多 小 时 火 车 因 为 有 太 多 的 人 了 。1 3 .因 为 天 气 不 好 , 我 们 看 不 到 下 面 的 任 何 东 西 。Because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.I felt like I was a bird.I wonder what life was like here in the past.I really enjoyed walking around the town.What a difference a day makes! Scaning and answering1 . Did Jane have a good time on Monday? Yes, she did.2 . What about on Tuesday? It was terrible.Scan the passage and find the important and difficult language points. Important language points: 1. I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.今 天 早 上 , 我 和 家 人 到 达 了 马 来 西 亚 的 槟 城 。Arrive , get to , reach的 区 别arrive in +大 地 方 arrive at +小 地 方get to + 地 点reach + 地 点 ( reach为 及 物 动 词 )She arrived in Beijing last week and she arrived at our school yesterday.She gets to her home at 7 :0 0 in the evening.She reaches her home at 7 :0 0 in the evening.例 题 : I Lanshan last Sunday.A. reach B. reached to C. got D. got toD Important language points:2. It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.天 气 晴 朗 炎 热 , 因 此 我 们 决 定 到 离 我 们 旅 店 很 近 的海 边 去 。decide ( not) to do sth 决 定 ( 不 ) 做 某 事考 例 : 1. What bad weather it was! We decided _.A. to go out B. not to go out C. to not to go out D. not going out2. Goldilocks decided _ for a walk in the forest.A. go B. to go C. going D. goesB B Important language points:3. I felt like I was a bird. 我 感 觉 自 己 就 像 是 一 只 鸟 。 feel like + 名 词 / 代 词 / 动 词 ing 形 式考 例 : 用 所 给 词 的 适 当 形 式 填 空 。I feel like _ (talk) with you.talking Important language points:4. I wonder what life was like here in the past.我 想 知 道 过 去 这 里 的 生 活 是 什 么 样 子 的 。wonder =want to know,后 跟 who,what, why, where 等 引 导 的 宾 语 从 句 , 还 有 表 示 “ 觉 得 奇怪 , 惊 奇 ”wonder 还 可 做 名 词 , “ 奇 观 , 壮 观 , 奇 才 ”Its a wonder . 令 人 惊 奇 的 是Its no wonder. .不 足 为 奇The Great Wall is one of the (奇 迹 ) of the world. wonders Important language points:5. I really enjoyed walking around the town. 我 真 的 很 喜 欢 在 这 个 城 镇 周 围 散 步 。enjoy做 动 词 , 后 加 名 词 , 代 词 , 动 名 词 。类 似 的 动 词 还 有 : finish,practise,mind 等考 例 : My parents enjoy_ for a walk after supper.A. go B. goes C. to go D. goingD Important language points:6. What a difference a day makes! 一 天 的 变 化 竟 然 如 此 之 大 !感 叹 句 的 用 法 :what (+ a/ an )+形 容 词 +可 数 名 词 单 数 + 主 语 +谓 语 !How +形 容 词 或 副 词 +主 语 +谓 语 ! 考 例 : 1._ nice weather it is! Lets play football. A. what B.how C. what aA Important language points:7 . We wait over an hour for the train because there were too many people.因 为 有 太 多 的 人 , 我 等 了 一 个 多 小 时 的 火 车 。wait for sb./sth. I am waiting for my bus.wait to do sth. I cant wait to eat the mooncake.too many +可 数 名 词 复 数too much + 不 可 数 名 词He doesnt have too much money but he has too many friends. Important language points:8 .And because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.因 为 糟 糕 的 天 气 , 我 们 看 不 见 下 面 的 任 何 东 西 。because + 句 子 I was late because it was rainy.because of + 词 或 短 语 I was late because of the rainy day.9 . My father didnt bring enough money, so. enough + n. adj. + enoughI have enough money but I am not happy enough. Read the first diary once more and complete the following form.Time Weather Activities Feelings Monday morning Monday noon Monday afternoon Sunny and hotSunny and hot go to the beachtry paragliding excitinghas MalaysianYellow noodles deliciousSunny and hot ride bicycles and walk enjoyable Read the second diary carefully and try to answer the questions.1 )Why did they decide to take the train to the top of the hill?Because it started raining a little.2 )How long did they wait for the train? Why did they wait so long?over an hour. Because there were too many people.3 )How were they when they got to the top? Why?They were wet. they didnt have an umbrella.4 )Could they see anything beautiful? Why?No. Because of the bad weather.5 )What food did they eat on Tuesday? Why?one bowl of rice and some fish. Because her father didnt bring enough money. Doing exercises Fill in the blanks.1 .He decided (look) for a job in Beijing.2 . Marry enjoys (read) at home.3 .There are more and more tall (build) in our city.4 .There are many (different) between Lucy and Lily.5 .You should try (work) as hard as you can.6 .Tom feels like (eat) the bread.to lookreading buildings differences to work eating Homework1 . Remember the key words and phrases.2 . Preview: Finish 2 c - self check


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