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Alx MikeSaz Where are from?They are from .Where is Mike from?He is from .Alx MikeSaz the UKthe USA Saz and Alxthey England the USAMike is from the USA.He is from the USA. 1 . Where is Sally from?A. She is from Australia.B. She is from England. C. She is from the USA. 2. What is Peter doing? 2. What is Peter doing?A. He is reading a book.B. He is reading an email. C. He is writing an email. 分角色朗读 A: What is Peter doing? B: He is .reading an email A: What is she doing? B: She is .swimming A: What is he doing? B: He is .jumping A: What are they doing? B: They are .playing basketball A: What are they doing? B: They are .running A: What is she doing?B: She is .playing basketball A: What is she doing?B: She is . cleaning the blackboard A: What is he doing?B: He is .reading a book This is my friend. His name is Alx. He is good at music. He can play football. He is from England. Look, He is playing the guitar. tr treetrain tr Lets try. 让我们试试吧! try 尝试 trace 跟踪 trip 旅行 英文三字经 tr tr 一辆truck(卡车) 满载duck(鸭子)一路luck(好运)碰到trouble(困难)努力double(加倍) dr draw dress dr Lets try. 让我们试试吧! dry 干燥的 drive 驾驶 dragon 龙 英文三字经 dr dr 做个dream(梦) 穿着 dress(连衣裙)掉进stream(小河) 下着chess(象棋)大声scream(尖叫) Shake hands with your friends.Give herhim a hug. Say to her him : Thank you. You are my good friend. Sum up单词:the USA 句型: What are they doing? They are What is he she doing? HeShe is Homework: 1 . 听录音,熟读课文内容。 2 . 完成活动手册本课的练习。3 . 向你的家长介绍你的朋友。


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