Titelmasterformat durch Klicken bearbeiten,*,Textmasterformate durch Klicken bearbeiten,Zweite Ebene,Dritte Ebene,Vierte Ebene,Fnfte Ebene,Contrast Between Chinese and English,I.Correspondence between English and Chinese at Word Level,1.,Word-for-Word Correspondence,Marxism=,马克思主义,Aspirin,阿斯匹林,laser,激光,leukemia,白血病,2.One Word With Multiple Equivalents of the Same Meaning,wife:,妻子、爱人、夫人、老婆、老伴、媳妇、堂客、内人,人:,human being,man,people,person,3.One Word with Several Equivalents of Different Meanings,president,:,总统、总裁、主席、董事长、议长、会长、社长、校长,carry,:,搬、运、送、提、拎、挑、担、抬、背、扛、搂、抱、端、举、夹、捧,.,走:,walk,saunter,amble,stride,trudge,shamble,prance,scamper,clump,tiptoe.,4.Equivalents Interwoven with One Another,5.Words without Equivalents,teenager 13,至,19,岁的青少年,prey,被捕食的动物,clock-watcher,老是看钟等下班的人,阴,yin(in Chinese thought)the soft,inactive,female principle or force in the world,阳,yang(in Chinese thought)the strong,active,male principle or force in the world,目不识丁,(,not know ones)ABC,II.Differences in collocation,to cut wheat,割麦子,to cut cake,切蛋糕,to cut finger-nails,剪,/,修指甲,He,wore,dark glasses and thick jersey,and stopped up his ears with cotton wool.,他,戴,着黑眼镜,,穿,着毛衣,耳朵里,塞,着棉花。,But his attack was always,repulsed,by a kick or blow from a stick.,但是他每冲一次,不是让人一脚,踢了,回去,就是让人一棍子,打了,回去。,主谓搭配,中国的发展与进步,有利于人类文明.,The developing and progressing of China are favorable to the civilization of mankind.,A developing and progressing China is favorable to the civilization of mankind.,我们进行改革开放的方向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳妥的,方式是渐进的,取得的成就是巨大的.,The direction of our reform and opening is right,our conviction is firm,our steps are steady and our approach is gradual,therefore we have achieved tremendous successes.,We are going in the right direction,firm in conviction,steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening-up and that we have achieved tremendous successes.,动宾搭配,每晚我都要花一小时学习政治理论和企业管理知识.,I would spend one hour every evening in studying political theories and knowledge concerning business management.,I would spend one hour every evening in studying political theories and acquiring knowledge concerning business,management.,那位教师介绍了他教物理的宝贵经验.,The teacher introduced his valuable experience in teaching physics.,The teacher passed on his valuable experience in teaching physics.,形名搭配,这种型号的车床价格便宜.,The price of the lathe of this type is cheap.,The price of the lathe of this type is low,傍晚她要去参加一个化妆舞会.,She would be going to a make-up party in the evening.,She would be going to a fancy dress party in the evening.,副动搭配,结果我们采取了一种比较适合情况的政策.,In the end we adopted the policy comparatively/relatively suited to the prevailing conditions.,In the end we adopted the policy best suited to the prevailing conditions.,汉英语序对比,“学科”与“科学”,“情人”与“人情”,“辣不怕”、“不怕辣”与“怕不辣”,III.Contrast between English and Chinese at sentence level,1.句子结构,英语造句的规律是撇开了时间顺序而着眼于空间搭架(即关系词结集)(,connective-oriented nexus),,而汉语的规律是按照时间顺序和逻辑顺序排列句子的结构成分(即动词结集)(,verb-oriented nexus),。,2.句子的重心,英语句子和汉语句子的重心相同,一般都落在结果结论等上,但重心的位置不同,英语一般是前重心,而汉语句子一般是后重心。,“屡战屡北”和“屡北屡战”,He was repeatedly defeated though he fought over and over again.,He fought over and over again though he was repeatedly defeated.,The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country,if only they dare to rise in struggle,dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.,小国人民敢于起来斗争,敢于拿起武器,掌握自己国家的命运,就一定能够战胜大国的侵略。(条件,结果),3.形合与意合,形合(,Hypotaxis)syntactical subordination of clause etc.by the use of connectives.,意合(,Parataxis)coordination of clauses,etc.in succession without connectives.,(American Heritage Dictionary),Hypotaxis,:,The depent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives,eg.I shall despair if you don,t come.,(The world Book Dictionary)Parataxis:,The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relat,借助形态和形式词来表示词间、小句间、和句之间的关系为形合。,不借助形态和形式词,靠词语与句子本身意义上的连贯与逻辑顺序而是实现的连接 为意合。,形合是显性衔接,(overt cohesion),,意合是隐形连贯,(covert coherence),。,枯藤老树昏鸦小桥流水人家古道西风瘦马夕阳西下断肠人在天涯(意合),The boy,who was crying as if his heart would break,said,when I spoke to him,that he was very hungry,because he had no food for two days.,IV.Ten differences between English and Chinese,1.,Hypotaxis/Parataxis(,英语重结构,汉语重语义,),Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips,computers with inbuilt personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools,relaxation will be in front of smell television,and digital age will have arrived,.,译文:儿童将与装有个性芯片的玩具娃娃玩耍,具有个性内置的计算机将被视为工作伙伴而不是工具,人们将在气味电视前休闲,到这时数字时代就来到了。,2.,Long sentences/short sentences,Interest in historical methods had arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.,人们对历史研究方法产生了兴趣,这与其说是因为外部对历史作为一门知识学科的有效性提出了挑战,还不如说是因为历史学家内部发生了争吵。,3.从句/小句,On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the t