S,K,j,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,*,*,dsfsd,*,dsfdad,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Module 4 Music,Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary,Module 4 Music,1,Brainstorming:What kinds of musical instruments do you know about?,musical,instruments,guitar,piano,bass,贝司,violin,drum,鼓,saxophone,keyboard,电子琴,erhu,viola,中提琴,double-bass,低音提琴,flute,笛子,pipa,Brainstorming:What kinds of m,2,古筝,guzheng,古筝,3,箜篌,konghou,箜篌,4,琵琶,pipa,琵琶,5,月琴,yueqin,月琴,6,harp,竖琴,harp,7,lute,鲁特琴,lute,8,mandolin,曼陀林琴,mandolin,9,Western musical instruments,harp,mandolin,lute,Western musical instrumentshar,10,Classical Chinese musical instruments,guzheng,konghou,pipa,yueqin,Classical Chinese musical inst,11,Activity 1(Page 43),A:All of them.,A:Pipa and lute;konghou and harp.,A:Pipa,lute,yueqin,and mandolin.,1.Which instruments have strings?,2.Which Chinese and western instruments look similar?,3.Which of the instruments does the musician hold when he/she is playing?,Activity 1(Page 43)A:All of,12,Reading and Vocabulary,An Interview with Liu Fang,Reading and Vocabulary An Inte,13,character information,character information,14,刘芳,,1974年生于云南昆明,,6岁开始学习琵琶。9岁时首次公演,同时也多次参加同各种文艺团体合作的演出活动,被喻为“在鲜花和掌声中长大”。1985年,英国女王伊丽莎白访华时,11岁的刘芳为女王陛下演奏琵琶。刘芳多次获得云南省少年乐器比赛一等奖,并于1988年获全国青少年民族器乐比赛二等奖(琵琶组一等奖)。一年后考入上海音乐学院民乐系,学习琵琶和古筝。1993年毕业后回到昆明,在市歌舞团担任独奏演员。1996年移居加拿大以来,刘芳每年定期在欧洲巡回演出,活跃于欧美的音乐舞台上,并参加各种艺术节,每年举行近百场音乐会,包括个人独奏及与其他音乐家和乐队合作,得到了专家和听众极高的赞誉。,刘芳,1974年生于云南昆明,6岁开始学习琵琶。9岁时首次公,15,background information,background information,16,琵琶已有两千多年的流传历史。由汉代到唐代极盛,直到现代,经久不衰。历代琵琶演奏家、作曲家和制作大师在实践中不断改进,使音响铿锵美妙,富有金石之声。演奏指法丰富多样,表现力极强。其传统乐曲源远流长,反映了各个时代的生活风貌。它是件能文能武、能古能今、能中能西的乐器,尤其是其典雅的一面,更能使人产生共鸣,倍感亲切。,琵琶已有两千多年的流传历史。由汉代到唐代极盛,直到现代,经久,17,Activity 4(Page 45),challenge combine interpret silence title traditional,She likes to _musical styles from east and west.,What is the _of the piece she played?,I like listening to _ Chinese folk songs.,Its a great _ to play an instrument like the pipa.,Sometimes there is a long _ in the middle of the piece.,I like,the way,she _ classical pieces.,combine,title,traditional,challenge,silence,interprets,Activity 4(Page 45)challenge,18,Activity 5(Page 46),concert conservatory repertoire soloist technique tune,_ a musician who performs alone,_,a way of doing,something,for example,playing an instrument,_ another word for melody,_ an event where musicians play,_ all the pieces of music that a musician can play,_ a school where musicians study,soloist,technique,tune,concert,repertoire,conservatory,Activity 5(Page 46)concert,19,Fast reading:information about Liu Fang,career,Year of birth,hometown,The place she is living now,The musical instruments,The school,The training she received,When she was a child,_,Before she could speak,_,When she was five years old,_,When she was 15 years old,_,musician,1974,Kunming,Canada,pipa guzheng yueqin,The Shanghai Conservatory of music,her mom took her to performances.,she listened to music.,her mom taught her to play the yueqin.,she went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.,Fast reading:information abou,20,Activity 1(Page 44),Who visited China?,Who taught her to play?,Where has she been living?,Each what?,What is true about the second instrument?,The Queen of England.,Her mother.,Canada.,Pipa school.,To respect the traditions but to add her own style when playing.,Activity 1(Page 44)Who visit,21,美丽陷阱,The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _ rising steadily since 1990.,A.is B.are C.has been D.have been (09山东),C,美丽陷阱The number of foreign stud,22,美丽陷阱,The price of petrol has been on the increase since the economic policy_.(期中考题),A.has been put into practice,B.has put into practice,C.was put into practice D.put into practice,C,美丽陷阱 The price of petrol has,23,美丽陷阱,Has your father returned back from Africa yet?Yes.2007 辽宁,美丽陷阱Has your father returned,24,美丽陷阱,I have got a headache.,No wonder.You _in front of that computer too long.2007 江西,A.work B.are working C.have been working D.worked,C,美丽陷阱I have got a headache.C,25,美丽陷阱,It remains to be seen whether Jim will be _ in the finals.,(,06,浙江),A.fit enough to play B.enough fit to play C.fit to play enough D.enough to play fit,A,美丽陷阱 It remains to be seen whe,26,Activity 2(Page 44),1 Traditional singing is _.,the most important influence on,Liu Fangs style,B.not such an important influence,2 When people listen to her playing,_.,A.they also hear her singing,B.they think they can hear singing,3 Liu Fang thinks that _.,A.Chinese music is like the Chinese language,B.Chinese music and language use the same tones,4 Chinese classical pieces often have poetic titles,_.,A.which is understandable,B.which is very surprising,5 Empty spaces in Chinese paintings_.,A.are like the silent parts of Chinese music,B.mean the pictures have no life,Activity 2(Page 44)1 Traditi,27,1.What does Liu Fang enjoy about performing?,2.What makes her feel depressed or lonely?