Crime Specific Policing - Wichita State University犯罪的具体政策-威奇托州立大学

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,CRIME-SPECIFIC POLICING:,Crime Control ThroughCommunity Policing,David L.Carter,Ph.D.,Michigan State University,The information in this presentation was prepared for the WSU Regional Community Policing Institute,by David L.Carter,Ph.D.,National Center for Community Policing,Michigan State University,East Lansing,MI 48824.The information may be reproduced with attribution to both the WSU RCPI and the author.,Community policing is a new,philosophy,of policing,based on the concept that,police officers and private citizens,can work together in,creative,ways to solve contemporary community problems related to,crime,fear of crime,social and physical disorder and neighborhood decay,.The philosophy is predicated on the belief that achieving these goals requires that,police departments develop a new relationship with the law-abiding people,in the community,allowing them a,greater voice in setting local priorities,and involving them in efforts to improve the,quality of life,in their neighborhoods.It shifts the focus of police work from handling random calls to,solving problems,.,(Trojanowicz and Bucqueroux,1990:5),COMMUNITY POLICING,DEFINED,COMMUNITY POLICING,CONFUSION IN THE RHETORIC,Emphasis on,Nuisance abatement,Customer service,Problem solving,Resolving disorder,Sometimes lost in the rhetoric is,direct reference,to CRIME CONTROL,COMMUNITY POLICING,APPLIED STRATEGIES,To meet the crime control aspects of community policing we must Understand“what works and what doesnt with respect to policing tactics Build police tactics around tested results Apply contemporary management and technological resources to policing,CRIME CONTROL MYTH,THE POLICE MAKE NO DIFFERENCE,Borne first of the lack of clear relationship between staffing levels and crime rates,Aggravated by The public expecting the police to“handle everything The police accepting this responsibility,Reinforced by the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment and the Rand Criminal Investigation Study,U.S.crime dropped about 13%in 1992-1998-Issues Were the“right crimes measured?Is the Uniform Crime Report“off target?What demographic factors contributed to this?Age,economy What justice policies contributed to this?Mandatory incarceration;zero tolerance What policing factors contributed to this?Some crime specific and long-term community policing initiatives.,What are the implications of these for police planning?,CRIME RATES,THE DROP IN CRIME,CRIME-SPECIFIC POLICING,FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS,Clearly defined intervention strategies,Targeted at particular offenses,Committed by particular offenders,At specific places,At specific times,CRIME-SPECIFIC POLICING,ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS,Crime analysis,Offender Targeting,Geographic targeting,Judgment of“weight of the crime problem,CRIME-SPECIFIC POLICING,IS,NOT,An unfocused strategy,Focused upon only a single offense,Simple saturation patrol,Conducted solely by Patrol Officers,Functional only in large police agencies,Always a direct field based intervention,Antithetical to Community Oriented Approaches,25 YEARS OF POLICE PATROL,LESSONS LEARNED FROM RESEARCH,Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment(1973),San Diego Field Interrogation Experiment(1975),Directed Patrol in New Haven and Pontiac(1976),Split Force Patrol in Wilmington(1976),Newark and Flint Foot Patrol(1981),Problem Oriented Policing in Newport News(1983),Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment and Its Replications(1980s),Minneapolis Repeat Call Address(Recap)(1988),Kansas City Gun Reduction Experiment(1993),EMOTIONAL RESPONSES:Programs which“intuitively seem like they should work;“common sense;e.g.,Scared Straight,POLITICAL RESPONSES:Programs implemented as a political mandate,usually in response to a high profile problem;e.g.,Florida homicides,AFFECTIVE RESPONSES:Programs based on tested research with respect to either“cause and effect or“correlations,POLICING PROGRAMS,TYPES OF RESPONSES,Policy makers need to understand what works(i.e.,lessons learned)based upon experimentation and evaluation.Empirical results indicate“successes,Understand whats promising to keep an eye on experiments,pilot programs and perhaps try your own version.Initial research suggests“successes,Understand what doesnt work in order to avoid wasted effort and wasted resources.Evaluations find no intended effects,POLICING PROGRAMS,UNDERSTANDING PROGRAMS,Leadership from influential community members,Short term initiatives which address explicit problems or concerns,Responsiveness of police to community expressions of concern about crime and disorder,COMMUNITITES,WHAT WORKS,Gang violence prevention,Community-based mentoring,After school recreation,COMMUNITIES,WHATS PROMISING,Gun buy-back programs,Efforts to mobilize communities“on principle rather than specific problems,Responding to interest group issues rather than issues of the broader community,COMMUNITIES,WHAT DOESNT WORK,WHAT WORKS,Ear


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