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Unit 5单元综合技能训练 时间:120 分钟,满分:150 分 第一部分:听力(共两节;满分 30分) 第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分 45分) 第一节:单项填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分) 从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 21 I cant tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have _ Wilson here in the village. Athe; a Ba; / Ca; the Dthe; / 答案:A 本题考查冠词。句意:我不能告诉你去 Wilson家的路,因为我们村里没 有一个叫 Wilson的人。第一空表示去 Wilson家的路,为特指,故用定冠词 the;第二空 为 a姓氏,表示某一个姓的人,故 A项正确。 22 The policeman _ to the car and tried to find out whom it _. Agot close; belonged Bgot closely; was belonged to Cgot closely; belonged to Dgot close; belonged to 答案:D考查固定搭配。句意:警察走近那辆车,想搞清楚那辆车属于谁。get close to固定搭配,走近,靠近;belong to属于,不及物动词短语,无被动语态,也不 用于进行时,故选 D。 23My boss is really _. He is often seen working in his office far into the night. Aopenminded Bhardworking Cselfconfident Dwarmhearted 答案:B考查构词法。句意:我的老板是努力工作的。他经常被看见在办公室里工 作到深夜。openminded 心胸开阔的;selfconfident 自信的;warmhearted 热心的; hardworking努力工作的,符合句意,故选 B。 24The father as well as his three children _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. Ais going Bgo Cgoes Dare going 答案:C句意:在冬天的每个星期天下午,这位父亲和他的三个孩子去结冰的河面 上滑冰。当 as well as连接名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与前面的名词或代词在数 上保持一致。由时间状语 every Sunday afternoon可知,本句为一般现在时,故应选择 C项。 25Now,the worlds focus is all on _ it is that the global economy will come back to normal. Awhy Bwhat Cwhere Dwhen 答案:D考查名词性从句与强调句。句意:如今世界关注的焦点都集中在究竟何时 全球经济才能恢复正常(的问题上)。_ it is that the global economy will come back to normal 是介词 on的宾语从句,同时从句中出现了强调句型“it is.that.”,由句意可知被强调部分为时间状语。 26Her parents put a lot of effort into getting her _ to a key school. Aaccepted Breceived Cannounced Dadmitted 答案:D考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的父母花了很大的气力使得她被重点学校录 取。be admitted to被录取到,符合句意。accept 接受;receive 收到;announce 宣布。 27He hasnt slept at all three days. _ he is tired out. AThere is no point BThere is no need CIt is no wonder DThere is no way 答案:C考查固定句式。句意:他三天根本没有睡觉。难怪他筋疲力尽。There is no point没有意义;There is no need没有必要;There is no way不可能/绝不;It is no wonderNo wonder 难怪,符合句意,故选 C。 28We stood there _ at the _ sight. Afrightened; frightening Bfrightening; frightening Cfright; frightening Dfrightening; fright 答案:A考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看到那可怕的情景,我们恐惧地站在那儿。 形容词 frightened修饰人;frightening 修饰物,故选 A项。 29The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _, but students became more interested in the lessons. Asaved was teachers energy Bwas teachers energy saved Cteachers energy was saved Dwas saved teachers energy 答案:B句意:电脑应用于教学,结果不但老师省了力,而且学生也对教学更感兴 趣了。并列连词 not only. but also 连接两个句子, not only位于句首时,含有 not only的分句用部分倒装,即将 be/助动词/情态动词提到主语前面。 30It is reported that only a(n) _ of young people like to watch news. However, most like to watch entertainment shows. Alot Bnumber Cminority Damount 答案:C考查名词辨析。由后一句“然而,大部分年轻人喜欢看娱乐节目”可知前 一句所说的应为少数年轻人喜欢看新闻。a minority of少数,符合句意,故选 C项。a lot of许多,后面跟可数或不可数名词;a number of许多,大量,后面跟可数名词;an amount of许多,大量,后面跟不可数名词,这三项与句意不符。 31Thanks to Bill Gates, a wonderful “window”_ people can surf the Internet freely has been created. Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen 答案:C考查定语从句。句意:多亏比尔盖茨,人们可以自由浏览网页的一个绝 妙的“window”被创造出来。where 在定语从句中作状语。 32Li Na is famous _ an athlete _ her achievements in tennis. Afor; for Bas; for Cfor; as Das; as 答案:B考查固定搭配。句意:李娜作为一名运动员因在网球方面取得的成就而出 名。be famous for 因而出名;be famous as 作为而出名,故选 B。 33As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose _ suits you best. Awhatever Bwhichever Cwhenever Dwherever 答案:B句意:提供了多达五门课程,你可以自由选择任何一门最适合你的。所选 项引导从句作 choose的宾语,并在从句中作主语,意为“随便哪个” ,因前一分句提供了 选择范围,故选 B项。whatever 意为“什么都” ,无范围限制,在从句中作主语或宾语; whenever和 wherever在宾语从句中作状语。 34If you are worried that the tickets will be sold out, you can buy one _. Ain time Bin advance Con time Dfrom time to time 答案:B考查短语辨析。句意:如果你担心票会卖完了,你可以提前买一张。in time及时;on time按时;from time to time不时地;in advance提前,符合句意,故 选 B。 35If you keep on breaking the rules, you will be fired. _? I dont care. AHow come BWhy not CWhat if DSo what 答案:D考查情景交际。答句句意:那又怎么样?我不在乎。how come怎么会; why not为什么不呢;what if 倘若发生会怎么样;so what 那又怎么样。由句意可知 D项正确。 第二节:完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Americas first zoo opened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1859. Each year about fifty million people visit_36_in the United Sates. In the past, zoos kept animals in small cages. There was_37_but the animal, its food and its waste. The Bronx Zoo in New York City led the way to better_38_. It designed exhibits to provide more_39_. The idea to creat settings more like nature_40_to other zoos. One of the leading_41_zoos is in San Diego, California. The San Diego Zoological Society_42_the zoo. It also operates the San Diego Wild Animal Park where more than 2 000_43_live on about eight hundred hectares. Visitors learn about efforts to save and_44_rare animals like the California condor(秃鹫). This bird_45_three meters across with its wings spread. In 1987, researchers_46_the last known California condors in the wild to put them into breeding(饲养)programs. Today the_47_of California condors has grown to 2045. That was the number as of last month. The San Diego Wild Animal Park_48_almost half of them. Many of the condors have been_49_into the wild. They live_50_in California but also in parts of Arizona and Mexico. Some people believe it is_51_to keep animals in zoos. They say most of the animals in zoos are not endangered. So they question the_52_for programs to raise these animals in captivity(囚禁). They also argue that animals can_53_in zoos. And, in some cases, zoos_54_. A number of American zoos have stopped showing_55_. These huge animals need lots of space, a mild climate and other elephants to live with. 36A.parks Bzoos Ctheaters Dcolleges 答案:B本文的主题为 zoo,可推测此处为 visit zoos。 37A.everything Banything Cnothing Dsomething 答案:Cnothing but“仅仅” ,为固定搭配。相当于 only。 38A.food Bplaces Cclimate Dconditions 答案:D前两句谈的是动物居住的恶劣条件;推测出后面则是针对这种情况所做的 改善。conditions 包含了 A、B 两项。 39A.fantasy Btourism Camusement Dfreedom 答案:D前两句提到:动物园把动物养在狭小的笼子里,除了它们吃的食,就是排 的便。四个选项中,只有 D项的 freedom算是对 small cages的改善。 40A.spread Bexpanded Creached Dadvanced 答案:A“为动物创设自然环境”的做法也传播到了别的动物园。spread“传播” , 符合句意。expand “伸展,扩大” ,常用来表示规模或面积的扩大;reach vt.,其后不 需要跟介词;advance“前进” ,不符合句意。 41A.British BJapanese CAmerican DAustralian 答案:C根据其后的 California(加利福尼亚)可知这是美国的动物园。 42A.earns Boperates Cprovides Dsupports 答案:B下一句中的 also operates暗示答案为 operate; earn“赢得,挣得” ; provide“提供,供应” ;support“支持”均不合语境。 43A.animals Bplants Ccondors Delephants 答案:A因为是动物园,所以是“动物”居住的地方。 44A.defend Bguard Cwatch Dprotect 答案:D根据第三段的描述可知,秃鹫在动物园里得到了有效的“保护”和繁殖。 protect“保护”指保护或防御某人或某物不受伤害;defend“保护,保卫” ,强调以武力 或其他保护措施来保卫家园;guard“守卫,警惕” ,指非常小心、警惕地保卫或守卫,以 使某人或某物不遭危险、攻击等。 45A.measures Bis measured Cweighs Dis weighed 答案:A根据其后的量词 meters可知不是重量,故排除 C、D 两项;这里的 measure表示状态而不是动作,故不需要使用被动形式。 46A.shot Bfound Ccaught Dspied 答案:C由后半句“为了把它们纳入饲养计划” ,可见是把他们“抓起来” 。 shoot“射杀” ;find“找到” ;spy“窥探,秘密监视”不合语境。 47A.production Bpopulation Caudience Dvisitors 答案:B根据下一句中的 the number可知选 population“人口数” ,这里指秃鹫的 数量。production“生产” ;audience“观众” ;visitors“参观者” 。 48A.bought Bsold Craised Dkilled 答案:C这里的 raise表示“饲养” 。 49A.kept free Bbuilt up Cmoved off Dset free 答案:D根据其后的 into the wild可知选 set free“释放” ,即许多秃鹫已经被 放回大自然。keep free“让自由” ;build up“逐渐增强,开发” ;move off“离开” , 均不合句意。 50A.not just Brather than Cnot until Dmore than 答案:A与后面的 but also构成搭配的只有 A项。not just.but also.“不 但而且” 。 51A.kind Bcruel Cfunny Dconsiderate 答案:B本段主旨是反对把他们关到动物园里,因此这么做是“残酷的” 。kind“仁 慈的” ;funny“滑稽的” ;considerate“考虑周到的” ,均不合语意。 52A.belief Borigin Cneed Dimportance 答案:C句意:他们质疑把这些动物关押起来的“必要性” 。belief“信任,信仰” ; origin“起源” ;importance“重要性”均不符合上下文的逻辑关系。 53A.suffer Bcomfort Cinjure Dstarve 答案:A用来说明主题句“Some people believe it is_31_to keep animals in zoos”的只有 suffer“痛苦” 。故排除与此主题相反的 B项;injure“伤害” ;starve“饿 死”都是 suffer的一部分。 54A.remain Breact Cdisagree Dagree 答案:D根据其后列举的停止展览大象的例子可以看出,在某些情况下,动物园对 这种观点是“赞同”的。 55A.birds Belephants Cmonkeys Deagles 答案:B根据下一句中的“These huge animals.other elephants”可知,此处 指称为“庞大的动物”的大象。 第三部分:阅读理解(共 20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40分) 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Harry Potter Theme Park Universal Orlando Resort (奥兰多环球影城度假村) is opening a Harry Potter theme park that will let fans visit many of the locations in the books and movies that endeared (使受钟爱) the boy magician to millions. “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter”is set to open at Universals Islands of Adventure theme park in late 2009, complete with the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,the Forbidden Forest,and Hogsmeade village. “The plans Ive seen look incredibly exciting, and I dont think fans of the books or films will feel disappointed, ”said author J. K. Rowling, who has been working with a creative team to make sure the park resembles the books and films. “More than a dozen artists led by Stuart Craig, the production designer of the movies, have set up houses in the studio where the movies are being filmed to make sure every detail is considered, ”said Scott Trowbridge of Universal. The park will let visitors view the famed locations in Rowlings magical world, like Dumbledores office in Hogwarts and the shops in Hogsmeade. Some locations may be in upcoming (即将出现的) books. Many tourists outside the theme park said the experience would boost its appeal to younger audience. Trowbridge said while there would not be any character looking alike at the park, fans wanting to see Harry Potter and his magical friends wouldnt leave disappointed. “This is Harrys world, ”said Trowbridge. “Every fan wants to have an encounter (相遇) with the stars of the show.” The Harry Potter book series has been translated into 65 languages with more than 325 million copies sold in over 200 territories around the world. 文章大意:本文告诉我们奥兰多环球影视度假村将创办哈利波特主题公园及该公园 的特色。 56The Harry Potter theme park will _. Agive the visitors beautiful natural view Bgive the visitors a lot of books Clet the visitors experience many of the locations in the books and movies about Harry Potter Dlet the visitors see lots of animals 答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段可知,C 项正确。 57Whats the opinion of J. K. Rowling about the Harry Potter theme park? AShe thought it was a failure. BShe didnt think highly of it. CShe thought that the fans of the books or films would feel disappointed. DShe thought it would be popular with the fans of the books or films. 答案:D细节理解题。根据第三段中 J. K. Rowling说的话可知,她对该主题公园 非常有信心,故 D项正确。 58Which of the following is right? AA dozen artists have set up houses in the studio. BThe production designer of the movies is Stuart Craig. CAll of the locations are in the books now. DThe experience would reduce its appeal to younger audience. 答案:B细节理解题。根据第四段第一句知 A项错误;B 项正确;根据第五段最后 一句知 C项错误;根据第六段知 D项错误。故选 B项。 59The Harry Potter book series _. Ais popular in 65 countries Bhas only 325 million copies around the world Cis to the old peoples taste Dis a great success 答案:D细节理解题。根据最后一段知, 哈利波特书系列取得了辉煌的成功, 故 A、B 两项错误。根据第六段知,C 项错误,故选 D项。 B Disney decided to build his park in California, and in 1952 he began to buy land. This proved to be a difficult task, since the land he wanted was owned by no fewer than twenty families. In 1954, he sent four members of his staff around the United States looking for ideas at establishing amusement parks. The only idea on which they found general agreement was that Disney was insane. Owners of other parks said it was impossible to succeed without dangerous rides or using methods that were at least a little dishonest. However, Disney went on with his plans for a clean, safe park, which he decided to call Disneyland. At last Disneyland was built and opened to the public. Very quickly, it came to be regarded as one of the wonders of the modern world. Disneyland was a personal satisfaction to Disney. It expressed his ideas of all that is true, good and beautiful in this world. He never tired of visiting the park himself, of expanding it or improving it. Even today, Disneyland is kept spotless(无污点的). Every night, every street and walkway is washed, and workers with knives get down on their hands and knees to scrape out(刮去) chewing gum dropped by visitors. Disney himself didnt live long enough to visit his Florida park. Death came in December 1966. On the day of his death, this headline appeared in the New York Times: Walt Disney, 65, dies on coast Founded an empire(帝国)on a mouse He was a dreamer who had worked hard to make his dreams come true, and he had brought joy to millions. 文章大意:本文介绍了迪斯尼是怎样建立起自己的迪斯尼帝国的。 60From the first paragraph, we can see _. ADisneys hard effort proved to be useless Bsome people gave great support to Disney Cthe owners of some parks showed jealousy(嫉妒)to Disney DDisney was not influenced(影响)by others disagreement at all 答案:D推理判断题。由第一段可知,别人都认为迪斯尼的做法是不会成功的,但 他还是继续自己的计划。 61In the first paragraph, the word “insane” can be replaced by _. Aexcited Bmad Ckind Dinterested 答案:B词义猜测题。 由下一句中的 impossible可知,别人都认为这是不可能的。 因此 insane的含义应和 B项 mad(疯了)是一致的。 62Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? AIn 1954 Disney began to buy land to build his park in California. BFrom the investigation of four members of his staff, his idea was very acceptable. CDisney died after he built his Florida park. DDisney is a good example for those who like to dream and work hard to realize it. 答案:D细节理解题。根据最后一段“He was a dreamer who had worked hard to make his dreams come true,and he had brought joy to millions.”可知,迪斯尼为 那些有梦想,而且通过努力去实现梦想的人树立了榜样,故答案选 D。 C Drayton Manor in the UK first opened its gates to the public in October, 1949, as an inland pleasure resort and was originally just a normal park with tea rooms, boat rides and a pets corner. Since then it has grown to become the UKs leading familyrun theme park and the fourth most popular theme park in the UK. The parks motto is “Family Run for Family Run” Drayton Manor Theme Park stands in an area of 280 acres and boasts 36 rides in total, including 4 roller coasters and 3 water rides. Within the park is a 15acre zoo which houses over 100 species of animals. Drayton Manor is proud to be the first in the world for some of its rides. For instance, the Apocalypse is the worlds first standup tower drop ride and G Force is the worlds first X Car Coaster (apart from its original design in Germany) If you fancy a camping holiday at Drayton Manor, there is a 75pitch camping and caravan(宿营拖车 ) site with onsite facilities such as toilets, showers (for the disabled, too), and security. Not only are you situated on the park itself, but you are also close to a large number of other local attractions and facilities. A day at Drayton Manor is fun for all the family. Unfortunately, there are height restrictions on some of the rides. Children over 1.4 m can ride on all the rides by themselves. Children between 1.4 m and 1 m must be accompanied by an adult to enjoy some rides. There are several rides which children shorter than 1 m are not allowed to ride on. There are numerous places to eat and drink, so you will never need to go hungry. And for the smaller children at Drayton Manor, there is Robinsons Land which had some big events happening in 2010. All in all, Drayton Manor has something for the whole family and is well worth a family day trip this summer. For opening times and ticket prices, check out Drayton Manor Home Page. 文章大意:本文主要介绍了一个英国著名的主题公园。 63Whats the best title for this passage? AThe Zoo at Drayton Manor BA Family Day Trip to Drayton Manor CThe First X Car Coaster in the World DDrayton Manora Popular Theme Park in the UK 答案:D主旨大意题。通读全文,本文主要是介绍英国的一个大众喜爱的主题公园, 故选 D。 64If Peter (1.5 m), Harry (1.2 m) and Jack (0.8 m) go to visit Drayton Manor,_. APeter cannot ride on all the rides by himself BJack can take all the rides if he is accompanied by his parents CHarry has to be accompanied by his parents on some rides Dthey have to bring water and food if they dont want to go hungry 答案:C推理判断题。根据第四段的 Children over 1.4 m can ride on all the rides by themselves.Children between 1.4 m and 1 m must be accompanied by an adult to enjoy some rides.There are several rides which children shorter than 1 m are not allowed to ride on.可知 A、B 不正确,C 正确;根据 There are numerous places to eat and drink,so you will never need to go hungry.可知 D项错误。 65We can know from the passage that _. Athere are no camping sites at Drayton Manor BDrayton Manor is very considerate when designing its camping site Cthere are no local attractions and facilities around Drayton Manor DRobinsons Land is specially designed for disabled people 答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的(for the disabled,too)部分可知, Drayton Manor在设计宿营地时考虑到了残疾人,可见其考虑周全。 66You are most likely to find the passage in a _. Abiology textbook Btravel brochure Chealth report Dfashion survey 答案:B推理判断题。通读全文可知本文主要是介绍英国的一个主题公园,最有可 能出现在旅游小册子上,故选 B。 D Six Flags over Texas at Arlington was a famous theme park in the United States,which turned out to be the beginning of many firsts. In 1961, the founder Agnus G. Wynne, Jr. dreamed of building an entertainment park influenced by Disneyland. Wynnes dream took one year and 10 million dollars to complete. According to his son, David Wynne, “It was a combination of great foresight (先见之明), great luck and a lot of creativity.” The park got its name from the six flags flown over the State of Texas: Spain, France, Mexico, Texas, Confederate States of America, and the United States of America. The name choice was a direct reflection (反映) of the State of Texas and its history. Agnus G. Wynne,Jr. sold the park and his other parks to Tierco in 1971. Tierco transformed (改造 ) them into Premier Parks,Inc. before finally using the name Six Flags Theme Parks,Inc. in 1998. The park was divided up into six parts representing each flag. The admission was $ 2. 75 for adults. Six Flags over Texas has enjoyed several firsts in business. It is also famous for its longdistance roller coaster and the first freefall ride. The creation of Six Flags over Texas was a big part of the growth of the City of Arlington, Texas and the entire Dallas area. The park made the area a vacation spot and quickly made a large financial impact. The park easily achieved its goal of 2 million visitors every year. 文章大意:本文向我们介绍了六国旗飘扬在得克萨斯州主题公园的发展史。 67Agnus G. Wynne,Jr. came up with the idea of building an entertainment park _. Awhen he saw the success of Disneyland Bbefore his son provided 10 million dollars Cafter he considered it carefully for one year Dbecause he was proud of the history of Texas 答案:A细节理解题。根据第二段中第一句 In 1961, the founder Agnus G. Wynne, Jr. dreamed of building an entertainment park influenced by Disneyland 可知,A 项正确。 68The theme park has owned the name of Six Flags over Texas for _ years. A40 B30 C13 D10 答案:C细节理解题。根据第四段知,最后确定用这个名字在 1998年,现在是 2011年,故为使用这个名字 13年。 69It can be inferred from the text that the State of Texas _. Awas developed by people from six countries Bhas six different flags as a symbol Cis made up of six different parts Dwas ruled by six different governments 答案:D推理判断题。根据第三段可推知,得克萨斯在历史上先后被六个国家统治 过。根据第二段第一句知,A 项错误;根据第三段知,主题公园以六面国旗为名,揭示出 得克萨斯的历史,而现在得克萨斯归属美国,不能使六面国旗为符号。C 项不为推断出的。 故选 D项。 70What do we know about Six Flags over Texas? AThe admission fee is $ 2.75 for all people. BIt helped a lot in Arlingtons development. CThe park was managed by David Wynne. DIt was the first theme park with a roller coaster. 答案:B细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,B 项正确。根据第五段知,A 项错误;根 据第二段和第四段知,C 项错误;根据第五段最后一句知 D项错误。故选 B项。 E At the Smithsonians National Zoo, animals are getting their paws dirty with harmless waterbased paints to create unique works of art. Is there a growing Picasso in the group? According to information from the zoo, painting is one of many activities that fall under Animal Enrichmenta program that provides physically and mentally stimulating(增进健康的) activities and environments for the zoos residents. The animals have the opportunity not only to choose how to behave, but also to use their natural abilities and behaviors in new and exciting ways. Enrichment is a necessary part of the daily care of the species in the zoos collection. Keepers carefully study animals behaviors and determine what kinds of enrichment programs are suitable for each species. Keepers have a number of choices for enrichment. They may change an exhibit, train an animal, introduce new smells, sounds, foods, and objects, or enlist an animal in a research proj


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