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新题型加餐练(七) 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(满分 15 分) 2021淄博市高三模拟假定你是新华中学学生会主席李华,应学校英文报邀请,写一 封倡议书。呼吁大家养成良好的卫生习惯,积极做好个人防护。要点如下: 1倡议原因; 2健康建议; 3表达信心。 注意: 1词数 80 左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示词:卫生习惯 hygienepractices Dearschoolmates, _ _ _ _ _ TheStudentsUnion 第二节(满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 2021山东新高考第一次联考Fromthefirstdayheenteredmyclassroom, WillardP.Frankexistedinhisownworld, shuttingouthisclassmatesandme.Myattemptsatbuildingafriendlyrelationshipwithhimwe remetwithcompleteindifference.Icouldseethathisclassmatesfarednobetter.Willardwas strictlyalonerwhoseemedtohavenodesireorneedtobreakhissilence. ShortlynearNewYearsDay, wereceivedwordoftheannualcollectionofmoneyforthelessfortunatepeopleinourschooldi strict.“Winterisaseasonofgiving, ” Itoldmystudents.“Thereareafewstudentsintheschoolwhomightnothaveahappyholidaysea son.Bycontributingtoourcollection, youwillhelpbuyfood, clothingandtoysfortheseneedypeople.Wewillstartthecollectiontomorrow.” WhenIcalledforthecontributionsthenextday, IdiscoveredthatalmosteveryonehadforgottenexceptforWillardP.Frank.Theboydugdeepin tohispantspocketsashewalkedslowlytomydesk.Carefully, hedroppedtwoquartersintothesmallcontainer.“Idontneedmilkforlunch, ” hemumbled.Foramoment, justamoment, hesmiled.Thenheturnedandwalkedbacktohisdesk. Thatnight, afterschool, Itookourfewcontributionstotheschoolprincipal.Icouldnthelpsharingtheincidentthat hadtakenplace.“Imaybewrong, butIbelieveWillardmightbegettingreadytobecomeapartoftheworldaroundhim, ” Itoldtheprincipal.“Yes, ” henodded.“Andwemightdowelltohavehimshareabitofhisworldwithus.Ijustreceivedalist ofthepoorfamiliesinourschoolwhomostneedhelpthroughthecollection.Here, takealookatit.”AsIgazeddowntoread, IdiscoveredWillardP.Frankandhisfamilywerethetopnamesonthelist.Seeingthis, Idecidedtodosomethingforhim. 注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2请按如下格式作答。 OnthatSunday, IpaidavisittoWillardsfamily. _ _ _ _ _ _ Thenextday, IhadaspecialclassforWillard._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 新题型加餐练(七) 第一节 【范文赏读】 Dearschoolmates, Over the past few months, the epidemic situation has had a strong impact on our life. Faced with the disaster, we should respond actively to the appeal from the government and experts. First of all, pay more attention to personal hygiene practices. Do wear masks in public places. Besides, wash hands as often as possible, which can reduce the risk of being infected with viruses. Most importantly, keep a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Im definitely convinced that with our joint efforts, we can get through the tough time together. TheStudents Union 第二节 【范文赏读】 OnthatSunday, IpaidavisittoWillardsfamily. On entering his house, I was surprised to find a barely empty room with a broken bed and a dirty sofa. Willard told me his mother died and that his father was missing, leaving him to live with a sick grandma. When asked why he had given the two quarters, Willard mumbled, “I just want to help others by contributing my milk money.” I couldnt help bursting into tears, thinking I should help him break his silence. Thenextday, IhadaspecialclassforWillard. I shared his story with the whole class and said, “Now, on behalf of the people in need, I should say thanks to Willard. You are great! ” After a silence, all the students clapped, saying “Willard, you are great!” and they walked to him and hugged him tightly. A friendly relationship was built and Willards silence was broken by a smile on his face.


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