SectionB3a—3bSelfcheck (3)(精品)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Safety Tips One Minute Before Class(,课前一分钟安全提示,),you should pay attention to the use of sharp objects during the class,so as not to hurt others or yourself.(,在上课的过程中要注意尖锐物品的使用,不要伤到他人或自己,),2024/10/23,Laws:,Citizens have the right to personal dignity and legal porperty owership.and no organization or individual may infringe upon them at will.(,公民有人格尊严权和合法财产所有权,任何组织或个人不得随意侵犯,),2024/10/23,Self Check,Unit 4,I used to be afraid of the dark.,10/23/2024,4,1.,“,used to+,不定式,”,表示过去常常干某事,现在不再干了。,eg.,I,used to go to,work by bus.Now I take a taxi.,She,used to be,very shy.,Revision,10/23/2024,5,2.,used to,可用于存在句,表示以前某地有某物,;,在否定句和附加疑问句中,可以用,usednt(used not),,或,didnt,.,There,used to,be a cinema here before the war.,战前这儿有一家电影院。,10/23/2024,6,否定句:,他过去不抽烟。,He,usednt to,smoke.=He,didnt use to,smoke.=He,used not to,somke.,疑问句:,2.,他过去住在这里,不是吗?,He,used to,live here,didnt/usednt,he?,10/23/2024,7,3.,知识拓展复习:,be/get used to,:习惯于做某事,be used to,中的,to,是个介词,和,used to,不同。所以,to,后面不能接动词原形,而要接名词或,v-ing,形式。,10/23/2024,8,例如:1,.They,are used to,the hard work here now.,2,.,Im used to,dealing with matters of this kind.,10/23/2024,9,Fill in the blanks,他们过去和我们住在同一条街道,所以我们,经常能看见他们,但现在我们不能经常见到,他们了。,They_ in the same street as us,so,we often_.But we,_ these days.,当我还是个孩子时,我不喜欢西红柿。,When I was a child,I _,tomatoes.,used to live,used to see them,dontsee them very often,didnt use to like,10/23/2024,10,当你来这儿之前你住哪儿?,Where _live before you came here?,你过去是游泳队成员吗?,_ the swim team?,Did you use to be on,did you use to,10/23/2024,11,The mother traveled for many hours to return,home to talk to her child_.,He used to be a very quiet teenager.He,remained _most of the time and _talked to other people.,1 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of,the words in the box.,silent require absent fail interview,take pride in be proud of in person influence humorous seldom,in person,silent,seldom,10/23/2024,12,If you are always _from class,you,will _ the examinations.,4.The teacher _ helping his,students win the English competition.,Kates grandparents have had a great,_ on her.,absent,fail,took pride in,influence,10/23/2024,13,6.That British teacher is very_.He always tells us interesting jokes.,People are usually _ to give a,general self-introduction in a job_.,8.Tina played basketball game and her parents,_ her.,humorous,required,interview,were proud of,10/23/2024,14,I used to wear _.,My hair used to be_.,I used to watch _.,I used to play _.,I used to be_.,2.What did you use to be like when you were,in primary school?Complete these statements.,10/23/2024,15,Homework,Make six sentences with“used to”.,Describe your past.,Safety Tips One Minute after Class,(课后一分钟安全提示),Dont chase and fight between classes to avoid accidents.(,课间不要追逐打闹,以免发生意外!,),2024/10/23,Thank You!,


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