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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Business Travel,Unit 10,对外经济贸易大学出版社,Contents,Training Objectives,1,Training Steps,2,More Practice,3,Answers and Translation,4,Knowledge Objectives,You will be able to know:,What is business travel,The purposes of business travel,Tips for business travel abroad,Useful terms relating business travel,Skill Objectives,You will be able to master:,Sight interpreting,Quality Objectives,You will be able to cope with:,The in-field business travel interpretation,1.Training Objectives,2.Training Steps,1.Assessment on Sight Interpreting,2.Self&Peer assessment on interpreting quality,3.Self&Peer assessment on groups performance,1.Phrase Interpreting 2.Sentence Interpreting,3.Field Interpreting 4.Situational Interpreting,.Performing,1.Knowledge Linkage(Preview before the lesson),2.Interpretation Skill:Sight Interpreting,.Preparing,.Packaging,.Preparing,(1),What is sight interpreting?,Sight interpretation consists of reading a source-language text aloud in the target language.,(2)Three points of attention in sight interpreting,1.Properly chopping the sentences into sense groups,Chopping the original speech into sense groups by means of marking the end of each sense group with a slash(/)or double-slash(/)to indicate the end of a sentence.,E.g,.:I,come to China/at an important time.,我到中国来访问,正逢一个重要的时刻。,2.Resisting the temptation of seeking perfection,不可回头重说,扩大,视觉距离,,,养成提前,阅读的,习惯,,,掌握信息,处理,技巧,,,做好,标示记号,,避免,重新安排讯息单位次序的窘境。,若遗漏重要的讯息,可另外加一句补足意思。,视译的时间通常以不超过原文朗诵时间的,130%,为准。,在决定取舍之间要学到如何迅速分辨主要意思和次要枝节,。,表达要流畅,无赘语。,3.Checking the output of sight interpretation,The interpreter-trainee is advised to have their own output of sight-interpretation recorded and then play back the recorded output,for them to check against the text,sentence by sentence.,Interpretation Skill:,Sight Interpreting(,视译,),.Preparing,(3)Two skills of sight interpretation,1.Linearity,(顺句驱动),The interpreter closely follows the source-language structure and lexical choices in interpreting,E.g.China is a developing country with a population of over 1.3 billion,of whom over 300 million are children under the age of 16,making up about one fifth of the total number of Children in the world,.,(,1,)中国是一个有着,13,亿人口的发展中国家。其中年龄不足,16,岁的儿童超过,3,亿,占世界儿童总数的,1/5,。,(,2,)中国是一个发展中国家。人口,13,亿。其中,超过,3,亿是儿童,年龄不足,16,岁,占世界儿童总数的,1/5,。,Interpretation Skill:,Sight Interpreting(,视译,),.Preparing,(3)Two skills of sight interpretation,2.Anticipation,(预测),The interpreters are able to predict the potential in,formation in the source language and interpret it into the target language before the actual utterance of the original speech so that the rendering could go smoothly and the target text could be better comprehende,d.,2.1 Anticipation of stylized sentences,(预测套话),E.g.:,我谨代表,/,对与会代表表示热烈的欢迎,/,并预祝本次大会取得圆满成功!,/,1.Please allow me to be on behalf of,2.to extend our warmest welcome to the participants of this conference.,3 Wish a complete success.,2.2 Anticipation of sentence patterns,(预测句型),2.2.1According to the verbs in subject(,根据主语里的动词),E.g.,我认为,在三年内,/,实现,大多数国有亏损企业摆脱困境的,目标,是能够实现的。,To achieve the goal of/that can/will,will be possible/available/do/work.,2.2.2According to the tone(,根据语气预测句型),E.g.:,现在,是,双方(,应该,)改变僵硬立场,表现灵活态度,的时候了,。,Its time for to,We two sides should,2.3Anticipation of logic links,(预测逻辑关联),逻辑:因此,就,先后:接下来,在这之前,其次,最后,补充:特别是,具体地说,而另一方面,Interpretation Skill:,Sight Interpreting(,视译,),Phrase Interpreting,Study and interpret the following words or phrases into Chinese or English respectively.,.Performing,dynamic,unforgettable,destination,all year round,biannual,sophisticated,blaze,tranquil,vestige,colonial era,珍宝,食在广州,广东菜,色、香、味、形,精致的,点心,品种繁多,口感美味,忍不住,垂涎三尺,1.,短语口译,参考译文,充满活力的,难以忘怀,目的地,全年,一年两度的,色彩斑斓,辉映,宁静,痕迹,殖民地时期,treasure,Eating in Guangzhou,Cantonese cuisine,color,fragrance,taste and presentation,delicate,pastry,wide range of varieties,delicious flavor,help oneself,mouth-watering,.Performing,2.Sentence Interpreting,.Performing,1,),The travel agency has arranged for a double room for me.,2,),Id like a single/double room with a bath.,3,),I prefer a room facing south/on the sunny side/with a balcony/with a front view/on a higher floor/overlooking the sea for a week.,4,),What sort of amusements do you offer?,5,),How much is a suite for two nights?,6,),Do we have to pay the full price for children?,7,),Could I settle my bill now?Im leaving around ten.,8,),What flights are there from New York to Shanghai?,9,),What time is the plane due to arrive?,10,),Are there any vacancies?,2.,句子口译,参考译文,1,),旅行社已经为我安排了双人房。,2,),我想要带浴室的双,/,单人房。,3,),我想要订为期一周的房间朝南,/,向阳,/,带阳台,/,观景,/,高层,/,海景。,4,),有什么娱乐活动?,5,),套房两晚多少钱?,6,),儿童全价吗?,7,),可以结账了吗?我十点左右得走。,8,),从纽约到上海的航班有哪些?,9,),飞机预计几点到达?,10,),有空房吗?,.Performing,Role Play,(1)Situation lead-in,Mr.Smith is invited to tour around Guangzhou for two weeks,after the successful business cooperation with ABC company.,Having finished the two-day


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