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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit,1,A private conversation,Step 1 Warming-up,In western countires,one of the best way for people to,relax is to go to the theater.Have you ever been to a theater?,What should people do in the theater?(Should you talk loudly in the theater?),If someone talks loudly beside you in the theater,will you be angry?What should you do?,Step 2 Story-telling,A private,conversation,Step 3 Watching and understanding,2,1,3,Where did the writer go last week,?,Did the writer enjoy the play?Why?,What did the young man say to the writer?,1.,privat,e,praivit,a,dj,.私人的,2.,conversation,k,nv,sei,n,n.谈话,3.,theatre,i,t,n.剧场,戏院,4.,loudly,laudli adv.大声地,5.,angry,gri adj.生气的,6.,attention,ten,n n.注意,in,private,私下里,秘密地,与in public,(,公开,地),相对,have a conversation with,和交谈,make,a,conversation,找话谈,闲扯,go to the theatre 去看戏,go to the cinema 去看电影,go to school 去上学,angrilygrili,ad,v,.生气地,pay attention to,注意.,Step 4,Vocabulary,7,.,rudely,ru:dli,ad,v,.无礼地,,粗鲁地,8,.,business,biznis,n.事;商业;,生意;买卖,交易,9,.,seat,si:t,vt.使坐下/使就座;,可容纳,n.座位,10,.,play,plei,n.,戏剧;游戏,;,比赛,v.玩;扮演;,演奏,1,1,.,bear,be,n.熊 v.容忍,do business 做生意,Business is business.,公事公办。,I,ts none of your business.,不管你的事,have a good seat,有个好座位,take a seat,入座,被动形式,sb.be seated,seat sb.使某人坐下,,sb,sit,坐下,不用于被动,play football,play God,play the piano,play a game,I cant bear students talking in the class.,Vocabulary Exercise,1.,Last week I went to the,_(,电影院),.,2.,They did not pay any,_(注意,).,3.,This is a,_ _(私人谈话),.,4.I can,t _(容忍),his carelessness.,5.Don,t _,_,_,_,(玩),fire,,,children,!,I,t,s,dangerous.,6.The car can,_(容纳),five persons.,7.,They were talking,_(loud),.,8,.I looked at the man and the woman,_,_,(angry,),.,9.,“Its none of your,_(事),”the young man said,_(,rude,),.,theater,rudely,business,seat,angrily,loudly,play with,bear,private conversation,attention,Step 5,Reading the text twice,New Top,Step 6 Text Analysis(1),1.Wherd did the writer go last week?,2.Did the writer have a good seat?,3.Did the writer get angry with the young,man and the young woman?,4.Did the young man and the young woman pay any attention to the writers response?,5.Can the writer bear the two peoples,talking in the end?,6.What did the young man said to,the writer?,go to the theatre,have,/take,a seat=seat oneself,get,/be,angry with sb.,i,n the end=at last,cant bear+,n.,/doing,Its none of your business,pay attention to,Exercise,1.我今天早晨又迟到了。我担心李老师会生我的气。,I was late for class again this morning.I,m afraid Miss Li,will _,_,me.,2.请把你的注意力转到黑板上来,不要课上聊天,Please _your attention _the blackboard and,dont talk in class.,3,.最后,我忍不住了。,_,I could not bear it.,4,.学生们不能忍受老师所说的话昨天,The students _ _ what the teacher said yesterday.,5,.,请坐!,Please _.,6,.不要再跟我谈论这件事了。这与你无关。,Don,t talk with me about this again.,It,s,_,.,get/be angry with,none of your business,to,cant bear,have/take a seat,In the end,pay,Text Analysis,(2),1.,Last week I went to the theatre.,2.,I had a very good seat.,3.,The play was very interesting.,4.,I did not enjoy it.,5.,A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.,They were talking loudly.,6.,I got very angry.I could not hear the actors.,7.,I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily.,8.,They did not pay any attention.,9.,In the end,I could not bear it.I turned round again.,I,cant hear a word.I said angrily.,10.,Its none of your business,the young man said rudely.,This is a private conversation.,Where did the writer go?,去电影院好位子,电影有趣没尽兴,私人话题,跟你没关系!,转身怒视不在意,,忍无可忍转身批,年轻男女嗓门大,影响观看很生气,Was the play,interesting?,Did the writer enjoy the play?,Did the writer have a god seat?,Did they pay any attention?,What were the young man and the young woman doing?,Did the writer get angry?,What did the writer do to the two speakers?,Could the writer bear the two speakers?,What did the young man say to the writer?,Step 6 Grammar,I,play football,on Sundays,6.时间状语 1.主语 2.谓语 3.宾语 4.方式状语 5.地点状语 6.,陈述句的语序:主谓宾状状状,(,123456原则),happily,.,on the grass,On Sundays,我每个周日在草地上快乐地踢球。,地点状语,方式状语,时间状语,Oral exercise,主语 谓语 宾语,方式状语,地点状语,时间状语,Exercise,(,一)连词成句,1.Games played yesterday in the room the children quietly,2.Before lunch the letter in his office quickly he read,3.The little boy an apple this morning ate greedily in the kitchen,4.A new school built they in our village last year,He read the letter quietly in his office before lunch.,The children played quietly in the room yesterday,This morning the little boy ate an apple greedily in the kitchen.,They built a new school in our village last year.,The little boy ate an apple greedily in the kitchen this morning.,Yesterday the children played quietly in the room,Before lunch he read the letter quietly in his office.,Last year they built a new school in our village.,Exercise,(,二)用正确的句子结构翻译句子,1.我 生气地 看着


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