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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,wash the dishes,feed the dog,go to the library,cook dinner,do your homework,Larry is sleeping late.His mother left a note on his door.Look at the pictures and complete the note.,Dear Larry,Your father is at a meeting and Im going shopping.I need your help.,1.Would you mind,?,2.Could you please,?,3.Would you mind,?,4.Please,.,5.Also,you have to,.,If you finish these,tasks,we can go to a movie tonight.,Love,Mom,washing the dishes,feed the dog,cooking dinner,go to the library,do your homework,Practice:,Look at the orders in the box,make conversations using“would you”,“could you”,and“have to”.,orders,turn down the TV,wash the dishes,get up,babysit your little cousin,A:Would you mind getting up?,You have to help me in,the kitchen.,B:OK,Ill get up right away.,Do I have to wash the,dishes?,A:Yes,and you have to help,me make dinner.,B:OK.When I finish,could,you help me with my,homework?,A:Sure.,Complaint,s,Everyone has something to complain,what,do you often complain about?,people,clothing,weather,studying,food,Complaints,Groupwork,There is pollution everywhere.,The future is hard to predict.,My dream never comes true.,Its difficult to learn a foreign language.,Make a list of things you have complained about.Then rank the items from the most to the least annoying.,What will you say if you have these problems,?,A:This dress is too big.Would you mind,_,B:_Here you are.,giving me a smaller one?,The store clerk gave you the bigger size.,Im so sorry,The waiter brought you the wrong food,.,A:I ordered a hamburger,but this is salad.,Would you mind_,B:,Im so sorry.,_,bringing me a hamburger?,Ill bring you a hamburger right away.,A:I bought this pen here,but it doesnt work.Would you mind _,B:Not at all.Here you are.,giving me a new one?,The pen you bought didnt work.,Your barber gave you a terrible haircut.,A:Oh!Its terrible.Would you mind _,B:,Im so sorry._,changing to another style?,Ill do it right away.,Listen and number the sentences in the order you hear them.,1,2,3,Listen again and fill in the blanks in the chart.,Places,Problems,Solutions,clothing store,ordered a hamburger with French fries but only got a hamburger,will get a new pen,got the wrong size shirt,will get a smaller shirt,restaurant,will bring some French,store,got a pen that didnt work,smoke in public,Could you please,not,smoke,in public?,put out,the,cigarette,把烟熄灭,Would you mind,putt,ing,out,the cigarette,?,Speak loudly,Could you please,not,speak,loudly?,keep.down,控制,压低,Would you mind,kee,ping,your voice,down in public places?,Cut in line,wait in line,Whats the problem?,When this happens,what will you do?,Would you mind,wait,ing,in line?,Could you please not,cut,in line?,A shop assistant has a long telephone conversation,Would you mind,help,ing,me?,Someone talks to me while Im reading in the library,Would you mind,not,talk,ing,to me while Im reading?,Read and listen the article and answer the questions,1.What annoys the girl?,2.When this happens,what does she usually do?,3.What annoys the boy?,4.When this happens,what does he usually do?,Reading,Read the article for the first time.,(,3a on page 56),Read the article.,Underline,the things that,annoy,people.Circle what people do when annoying things happen.,I cant stand it!,We asked some people what annoyed them.Heres what they said:,I dont like,wait,ing,in line,when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.When that happens,I usually say,“Would you mind helping me?”And I,dont like it when shop assistants follow me around.Then I say,“Could you please not follow me around?Ill ask you if I need some help.”Usually the shop assistants say they are sorry,but sometimes they,get mad,.If that happens,I wont go back to that store again.,I get,annoyed,when someone talks to me while Im reading.This happens to me,all the time,in the school library.When it happens,I usually talk to the person because I want to be,polite,.But because Im polite,people dont know Im annoyed.So they do the same thing again.,Perhaps,in the future I should,try,not to be polite.,Read it again and True or False,1.The girl doesnt care if she,waits in line,.(),2.When the shop assistant is having a long telephone conversation,she often waits.(),3.She usually asks the shop assistant not to follow her around,politely,.(),4.When the shop assistant,gets mad,she will never go to that store again.(),5.To the boy,it is usually happens that someone talks to him while he was reading in the library.(),6.He usually refuses(,拒绝,)to talk with the person(),7.Perhaps in the future,he should try not to be so polite.(),T,F,T,T,F,F,F,I dont like waiting in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone conversation.,当商店营业员长时间用电话交谈时,我不喜欢在那里排队等候。,wait in line 意为“排队等候”。如:,Its good manners to wait in line.,排队等候是讲礼貌的表现。,与in line 有关的短语有:cut in line 意为“插队”;stand in line 意为“站队”。如:,I get annoyed when I see people cut in line.当我看见有人插队时,我很生气。,They are standing in line at the school gate.他们正在校门口站队。,I get annoyed when someon


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