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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,to officially get rid of a law,system,practice etc,something that makes one person or thing more likely to succeed than others;benefit,to examine something to understand or explain it,one whose job is to examine a situation event etc to provide others with information,a formal request for permission to do or have something,to make a formal request for permission to do or have something,to make an effort or try to do something,n.an effort or a try to do something,able to be attained,taken or used,the type of family,social position,or culture that someone comes from,abolish vt.,advantage n,analyse vt.,analyst n.,application n.,apply vt.,attempt v.,available adj.,background n.,celebrate,v,.to do something enjoyable in order to show that an occasion or event is special,combine,v,.to bring or put something together,compare,v,.1)to consider how people are different and how they are similar,2)to say that one thing or person is similar to another,condition,n,.the physical state of something,confiscate,vt,.to officially remove someones possessions for legal reasons or as a punishment,confusing,adj,.difficult to understand,contract,n,.a written legal agreement between two people or businesses that says what each must do for the other or give to the other,crawl,vi,.to move slowly on the hands and knees along the ground,create,vt,.to make something new or original that did not exist before,criticize,vt,.to say what you think is wrong or bad about something,curious,adj,.wanting to know about something;inquisitive,declare,v,.to make known formally or officially,demand,n,.a firm statement that you want something,v,.to say in a very firm way that you want something,determined,adj.not willing to let anything prevent you from doing what you have decided to do,disturb,vt,.to interrupt and stop them from continuing what they were doing;to upset and worry someone a lot,double,vi,.to make twice as big,much or as many,earn,vt,.to receive money from work you do,elegant,adj,.graceful and attractive,encounter,n,.a meeting,especially one that is unplanned,unexpected,v,.to meet,especially unexpectedly,endanger,vt,.to expose to harm or danger,establish,vt,.to set up;found,exception,n,.someone or something that is different from other people or things and so cant be included in a group,extend,vt,.to continue fro a particular distance or in a particular direction;to increase the size or length of sth.,extinct,adj,.no longer existing or living,force,vt,.to make somebody do something that they do not want to do,especially by threatening them,Page 1,freedom,n,.the right to do what you want,make your own decisions and express your own opinions,freeze,vi,.to become ice from cold,fright,n,.sudden,intense fear,scare,guarantee,vt.to make it certain that something will certainly happen or be done,habitat,n,.the natural home of a plant or animal,ideal,adj,.of the best or suitable type;as good as you can imagine,import,vt,.to bring or carry in from a foreign country for trade or sale.,intellectual,adj,.relating to the ability to think in an intelligent way to understand things;,well educated,and interested in art,science,literature etc at an advanced level,involve,vt,.to contain as a part;include,lay,vt.1)to put sth or someone down in a careful way,2)to produces the egg by pushing it from its body,3)to prepare a table for a meal by putting forks,knives,spoons,dishes etc on it,linguist,n.someone who studies and speaks a lot of languages;someone who teaches or studies linguistics,lie,vi.to be in a position in which your body is flat on a surface;to deliberately say something that is not true,make a difference,:to have an effect on,make,up,1)to invent an explanation for something to avoid being punished or embarrassed,2)to invent a story,poem etc,3)to put powder,lipstick,etc.on sb.s face to make it more attractive,mission,n,.an aim that is very important to a person or organization,monitor,vt,.to regularly check something or watch somebody to find out what is happening,murderer,n,.a person who has killed sb.deliberately or illegally,offer,vi.,to let someone know that you will give them something if they want it;to provide something,omit,vt,.to fail to include someone or something,origin,n,.the place or moment where something begins to exist,outline,n,.an explanation that includes the general points about something,but not the details,panic,vt,.to have a sudden,strong feeling of fear or worry that makes you unable to think clearly or calmly,n,.a sudden,strong feeling of fear or worry that makes you unable to think clearly or calmly,parade,n,.a public celebration in which a large group of people move throug an area,perform,vi,.to complete an action or activity;to play a role or show a skill before an audience,permanent,adj,.happening or existing for a long time or for all time in the future,poacher,n,.one who illegally catches or kills animals,birds,or fish on the property of another,pour,vi,.to rain hard or h


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