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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/7/7,#,Module 4 Book 3 Reading,Sandstorms in Asia,What do you get from the video?,A sandstorm hits northern China.,Brainstorm:,What cause sandstorms?,The causes of sandstorms:,1.desertification;,2.climate changes;,3.cutting down trees and digging up grass;,4.improper use of forests and other land;,5.high temperature and little rain;,6.the destruction of environment;,7.the growing population of the world.,Module 4 Book 3,Sandstorms in Asia,Reading,Listening,The writers purpose of writing this,passage probably is to _.,A.call on people to look after our,environment,B.tell people what to pay attention to,in a sandstorm,C.give some information about,sandstorms,D.show our environment is getting,worse and worse,for,general ideas,Skimming,a.,the features of sandstorms,b.,the influences of sandstorms,c.,the forecast and suggestions,for sandstorms,d.,the measures taken by the,government,e.,the cause of sandstorms,f.,the major disaster in Asia sandstorm,Match the main idea of each paragraph.,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,Para 6,for,specific information,Scanning,R,ead the passage again carefully and answer some questions.,Careful-reading,1.Where do sandstorms often occur?,Questions:,2.What is it like when sandstorms come?,3.What about the traffic and people?,1.Where do sandstorms often occur?,Central Asia,North America,Central Africa,Central Australia,2.What is it like when sandstorms come?,strong wind,blow the sand high,thick,brown-yellow dust in the air,orange sky,3.What about the traffic and people?,The traffic moves slowly.,People have to stay at home or wear a mask when they have to go out.,Multiple choices:,Read the following questions quickly and find the key words in each paragraph.Then make a choice and give your reason.,1.Whats the function(,功能,)of the first paragraph?,A.To lead in the topic of this passage.,B.To tell us what sandstorms are.,C.To tell us where the sandstorms occur.,2.,has been started,to help solve the problem of _.,A.sandstorm B.desert,C.water shortage D.high temperature,3.,The example of is mentioned,to show_.,A.how often sandstorms happen,B.how terrible sandstorms are,C.how long sandstorms last,D.how fast sandstorms move,A mass campaign,Ren Jianbo,4.Why has“”come into,being in China?,A.Because sandstorms begin in desert,areas,and dry winds carry sand,with them.,B.Because people cut down trees and,dig up grass as well as climate,changes.,C.Because there is little rainfall.,D.Because it is very hot in recent years.,desertification,5.Which is sandstorms,bring to people living in cities?,A.People cant breathe well and the,dust makes them ill.,B.The whole city is usually covered by,thick and yellow dust.,C.Traffic moves very slowly.,D.Lots of people get lost under the sand.,NOT the effect,Fill in the blanks,Sandstorms in Asia,general information,definition,features&,places,Cause,phenomena,&effects,forecast&advice,measures,a major disaster for many _ countries for centuries,*,strong,dry winds that,_ sand,*so _ that you cannot,see the sun,*the wind is strong enough,to _ the sand dunes,*four main places,desertification,*climate _,*_ trees,*_ grass,*,wake up to an _ sky,*strong winds _ city in,a thick,brown-yellow dust,*_ all day,*traffic _ very slowly,*,can _ some,weeks before it,arrives,*do not _,*_ a mask,_ trees,Asian,carry,thick,move,changes,cut down,dig up,orange,cover,continue,moves,forecast,go out,wear,plant,Post-reading,If they dont figure out that theyre part of nature rather than just using nature,they probably wont be around to see you grow up.,The day before yesterday,Yesterday,Today,Desertification,Group work,What measures should we take to protect the environment?,Discussion,Make a poster according to your discussion.And 8 minutes later,choose a student in your group to give a presentation in 1 minute about your poster.,G,R,O,U,P,W,O,R,K,recycle,save,develop,control,We have only one earth,Join together and save it for our future!,Homework,1.Read the passage again and review the reading skills of skimming and scanning to find the key words and the correct answers.,2.Share your poster with your parents and call on more people you know to protect the environment and live a green life!,Thank you!,Good bye,!,1.,美育包括美术教育和审美教育,文化是美育的底色和灵魂,不能忽视文化精神的培养。,2.,欣赏中国绘画,应该了解其中计白当黑、浓淡生趣、意境天成等艺术手法和精神追求。,3.,美育在中国近代历史上是一个很重要的概念,一直承载了爱国救亡、除弊振新的重任。,4.,当下美育应重传统轻西方,融汇西方与民族、古典与现代的文化,形成好的审美教育体系。,5.,要推动人工智能规模化应用,就必须推动人工智能与各行业融合创新,在制造、农业、物流、金融等重点行业和领域开展人工智能应用,。,6.,美国各执行机构每年与白宫主管预算科技政策办公室沟通,说明优先推动人工智能发展情况,按时列明计划,可期获得该项目预算优先权,。,7,用金银珠玉来装点堂皇的宫殿庙宇,这种行为使得大量珍贵的人力物力降低为符号的陪衬,只能揭示意义的贫瘠和精神的无力,。,8,让日常的景色转换成大师的杰作,使普通的词语凝结成千古不朽的诗句,这些审美和艺术创造,体现着人的精神世界的富足,。,9,“富”的美应该是一种由内而外的富贵气,它是一种自然流露的美,它得自个人长期的、自觉的涵养,也得自社会的普遍氛围,与金钱没有必然关系,。,


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