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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,长句的翻译,汉语与英语构句的不同特点,英语长句结构:,主语+谓语+修饰语,并列成分或并列句,短语或从句,英语主谓关系非常明显,其他成分通过各种手段(介词、连词、关系代词、关系副词)同主谓成分挂钩,汉语连接词相对少,使用频率也低,,少用介词而多用动词,结构松散,分句间缺乏应有的形式连接,汉语构句注重意义连贯,逻辑顺序,先后及因果,原序翻译:,按原来的句子顺序将原文译成英文,而且原文是一个长句,译文保持长句的形式。原序翻译的基础是,中国人和英美等西方人在,思维方式上存在共性,。,这家实业公司建于四年前,隶属上海工业技术发展中心,注重协调帮助所属企业进行生产技术的更新、老厂机制的转换,并且参与投资。,Set up four years ago,this Enterprises Corporation is subordinate to the Industrial Technology Development Center of Shanghai.It helps to coordinate and assist subordinate enterprises in updating production technology and to transform mechanism of old factories,as well as taking part in capital investment.,上海大众汽车公司是一家中德合资企业,去年汽车产量为十万辆,预计今年产量可再增加五万两。,Shanghai Volkswagon,a German-Sino joint venture which turned out 100,000 cars last year,is expected to increase production by 50.000.,你可能知道中国一向坚持开放政策并对引进国外投资采取积极立场,以在平等互利的基础上与其他国家扩大经济合作和技术交流。,You are probably aware that China has always persisted in an opening up policy and taken a positive stand to attract foreign investment,with a view to expanding economic cooperation and technical exchange with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.,分译:,拆句或断句。汉语句内关系不明显,英语通过使用连词明确表现出来。汉语分句可独立成句,因此英译时,透彻理解原文,体会思路,分析句子内部关系,根据英语表达习惯重新分译,含以下句式则分译,疑问、感叹、反诘句,比方句,概括句,对立句,阐述句,多层次意义,疑问、感叹、反诘句,1.许多人都说他是个笨蛋,但果真如此吗?,Many people say he is an ass.But is,that so?,2.应当承认,每个民族都有它的长处,不然它为什么能存在?为什么能发展?,It must be admitted that every nation has its strong,points.If not,how can it survive?How can it,progress?,中国学生很灵,一挥而就,洋教师阅后,评出了最佳作文一篇,学生们听后大为不,解,这种文章怎么能被评为“最佳”?,His Chinese students,quick at writing,finished the homework at one go and turned it,in very soon.He went through the papers and,picked the one that he thought the best.When,he read it out to the students,they were,generally perplexed.,Of all the comments,why,did he like this one best?,几千年来,形成老者自以为经验丰富而鄙薄少年为处事幼稚,而少年自以为活力充沛而蔑视老者为老朽昏庸。这真是偏颇的见地!,For thousands of years it has been assumed that the aged,thinking themselves experienced and more skillful,look down upon the young for their greenness in worldly affairs,while the young,thinking themselves fresh in life and more energetic,call the aged old fogies.Either of these views,of course,is far from being impartial.,概括句,农民的生活水平不断提高,,大部分农民已解决了温饱问题,不少农民已过上小康生活。,The living standard of farmers has been continuously improving.,The majority have solved the problem of ample food and clothing and quite a few have already been moderately better off.,父亲毕竟比她多吃了几年盐,她的男朋友,是什么样的人,父亲一看就知道。,After all,father has eaten more salt,than she over the years.He will be,able to tell at a glance whether her,boyfriend is a man of character.,另一种态度,学习的时候用脑筋想一想,学那些和,我国情况适合的东西,即吸取对我们有益的经验,我们需要的是这样一种态度。,The other attitude is to use our heads and,learn those things which suit our,conditions,that is,to absorb whatever,experience is useful to us.That is the,attitude we should adopt.,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区、人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景。,He would walk across hills and dales,and trudge long distances to find out the true features of the great world of nature.He would venture far out into mountainous areas with the most treacherous trails and into jungles seldom visited by human beings.,The reward for his work,was the discovery of many fantastically beautiful scenes.,对立句,你们的人参酒质量很好,但包装较差,瓶子易碎,纸盒太薄,对我们今后的订货,请每瓶套一只泡沫塑料套,并装在较厚的纸盒内,否则我们只能放弃这个业务。,The quality of your Ginseng Wine is fine,but its packing is rather poor.Bottles are subject to breakage and the paper boxes are too thin.In our future orders,please put each bottle in a foamed plastic bag before placing it into the cardboard box.Otherwise,we will have to give up this business.,这种经营方式的特点是共同投资,共同管理,共负盈亏,可使双方的关系更为密切,协作更为加强,对双方都是有利的。,The features of this form of business are joint investment,joint management and joint share in profits and losses.These will be beneficial to both parties in that their relation will be more close and the cooperation be strengthened.,我在学堂里坐着,心里也闷,不如给他家放,牛,倒快活些。,I feel sitting in school boring anyway.,Id rather look after our neighbors,buffaloes.,前半部分是我在学校里感到闷,后半部分,是给他家看牛感到快活。译者在中间处断句,使,两部分内容对比更加清晰。,阐述句,要解决问题,还需做系统而周密的调查研究,这,就是分析的过程。,In order to solve the problem,it is necessary,to make a systematic and thorough,investigation.This is the process of analysis.,各种语言嘈杂极了,有的在吵架,有的在患难中,谈爱,真是一个热闹的世界。,People quarreled,and lovers,in spite of the,hard times,talked to each other,affectionately in a babel of languages.It was a,very lively place.,中国目前的教育制度可以分为四个阶段:学前教育,也就是托儿所和幼儿园阶段,然后从六岁开始六年小学,六年中学和四年大学。,At present,Chinese educational system can be divided into four stages.Preschool education refers to the period of going to nurseries and kindergartens.School age begins at six.Primary school lasts for six years,so does the secondary education.It takes four years for students to finish tertiary education/to complete college education.,长句含多层意思时分译,使关系更清晰,我们工厂引进了最先进的工艺和设备来提高印花行业的技术,我们倡导高科技和高生产力,产品质量稳定,花样美观,另外我们还坚持高产低耗的原则。,Our factory has enhanced the printing technology by bringing in the mo


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