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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Reading (2),Unit 3 Teenage problems,1. Millie and Simon are both Grade 9 students.,2. Millie and Simon both like football best.,3. They spend much time on their homework.,4. They both feel angry with their parents.,5. They both hope to get some advice from Mr Friend.,T,F,F,F,T,Revision,Test your memory!,Millie has lots of homework every day. She has no c_ but to do it. Often she has to s_ up late, sometimes she cant stay a_ in class. She spends so much time d_ her homework that she h_ has any time for her hobbies. She cant i_ a life without hobbies. She often d_ whether it is worth working so hard. So she asks Mr Friend to offer her some s_ and help her d_ with the problem.,Read the letters and fill in the blanks:,hoice,tay,wake,oing,ardly,magine,oubts,uggestions,eal,Have a try!,Simon is so crazy about football that he often s_ out late to play and never w_ about the time. Then he gets into t_ because his parents dont a_ him to play outside after 6 p.m. He thinks his parents are too s_ with him and its important to d_ hobbies. Sometimes he feels a_. His love of football has become the c_ of his problem. He wonders how he can a_ a balance between schoolwork and hobbies. He looks forward to Mr Friends v_ advice.,tays,orries,rouble,llow,trict,evelop,ngry,ause,chieve,aluable,Millie has no choice but to do her homework.,Millies problem,have no choice but to do sth.,别无选择,只能,因为起晚了,他别无选择,只能乘出租车上班。,Because he got up late, he had no choice but to take a taxi to work.,Language points:,She sometimes finds it hard to stay awake the next day.,find it adj. to do,为固定结构,其中,it,做形式宾语,其后的不定式是真正的宾语。,I found _ impossible _ his mind. A. it; to change B. Im ; to change,C. its ; to change D. hes; to change,She hardly has any spare time for her hobbies.,hardly “,几乎不”,表示否定,She can hardly speak English, _?,can she,She often,doubts,whether it is worth,spending,so much time on homework.,be worth (doing) ,值得一做,doubt,在肯定句中一般接“,if/whether”,引导的从句;,doubt,在否定句中一般接,”that”,引导的从句。,I doubt if he will come.,I dont doubt that he will win.,Simons problem,He,gets into trouble,because his parents do not allow him to play outside after 6 p.m.,get into/out of trouble,陷入,/,摆脱困境,allow sb. to do sth.,允许某人做某事,He doesnt understand,why his parents are so strict with him,.,be strict with sb. (in sth.),(在,方面)对某人要求严格,划线部分为特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句,注意从句中用,陈述句语序,。,They both want to know how they should,deal with,their problems.,deal/do,with,处理;对付,deal with,与疑问词,how,连用,do with,与疑问词,what,连用,I wonder how to deal with the broken car.,=I wonder what to do with the broken car.,1.,处理,2.,别无选择,只能,3.,熬夜到很晚,4.,保持清醒,5.,准时,6.,有时间顾及爱好,7.,值得一做,8.,花如此多的时间在,家作上,9.,梦想,10.,给我提供一些建议,deal/do,with,have no choice but to do ,stay up late,stay awake,on time,have time for hobbies, be worth doing,spend so much time on homework,dream of,offer me some suggestions,Find out the key phrases,11.,对,着迷,12.,我对足球的热爱,13.,问题的原因,14.,陷入困境,15.,允许某人做某事,16.,对某人要求严格,17.,培养业余爱好,18.,在外面呆很晚,19.,在某事上少花些时间,20.,在学习和爱好之间取得平衡,be crazy about ,my love of football,the cause of the problem,get into trouble,allow sb. to do sth.,be strict with sb.,develop hobbies,stay out late,spend less time on sth.,achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies,M:,Can you tell me about your job, Mr,Friend?,F:,Yes, of course. Many students write to me,and ask me,.,M:,What problems do most students have?,F:,Many of,them,wonder,how,they,can achieve,a balance .,M:,I agree. I,have,some,problems,too.,I,.,Can,you,give,me,some,suggestions?,F:,Yes,.,First,.Second,.,M:,Thanks,for,your,valuable,suggestions.,F:,Youre,welcome.,Millie,is,interviewing,Mr,Friend,about,his,job.,Work,in,pairs,.,An,interview,Work,in,pairs,.,Make,up,a,dialogue,between,Mr,Friend,and,Simon.,Discussion,Discuss,in,groups:,What problem(s) do you have?,How do you deal with it/them?,Eatwell.,Takeexerciseandbehealthy.,Believeinyourself.,Whateverdifficultiesyouhave,youcanalwaystalktousand,wewilltrytohelp.,Summary,1,.,我不知道该如何处理这件事。,I,dont,know,_,it.,2,.,有时我发现在课堂上难以保持清醒。,Sometimes,I,_.,3.,她别无选择只能去找妈妈帮忙。,She,_,ask,her,mother,for,help.,4.,你能告诉我怎样在工作和爱好之间取得平衡吗?,Can,you,tell,me,_,_,?,5.,我们期待您的宝贵建议。,We,_.,how I,should,deal,with,Exercises,find,it,hard,to,stay,awake,in,class,has,no,choice,but,to,how I,can,achieve,a,balance,between,work,and,hobbies,look,forward,to,your,valuable,advice,Translate,the,following,sentences.,Homework,1. Retell the article.,2. Review the language points in this article.,3. Write a report,about,teenage,problems and give,suitable,advice.,Thank,you!,


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