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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,English topic review,_Travelling,Zijingxuexiao Qujianning,1.,度假,on vacation/holiday,2,去旅行,go on a tip,3,前往某地,leave for,4,右转,trun right,5,以、而著名,be famous for,6,丝绸之路,the silk road,7,在去、的路上,on the/ones way to,8,旅途愉快,have a good trip,9,名胜古迹,Places of interest,10,坐飞机,take a plane/by air/by plane,11,做某事很愉快,have fun doing sth,12,你认为,.,怎么样,what do you think of.?/How do you like.?,13.,照像,take a photo/take photos,Asking,The,way,1.Is there a/an.near here?,2.Where is.?,3.How,can I,get to.?,4.Which is the way to.?,5.Can you tell me the way to.?,6 can you tell me how,I can,get to/,直走,Walk/go along this road.,Walk up/down zijing sreet.,拐弯,Turn right/left at the+,序数词,+crossing/turning,Take the+,序数词,+crossing/turning on the right/left,距离,1.-How far is it?,-Its 1000 meters away from here./Its,five minutes walk,.,2.Is it far from here?,交通工具,1.Which bus can/shoud I take?,2.You d better take a bus.,Showing,the,way,直击,中考,1.,(,2011,年,59,题)在去电影院的路上,他听到了这个消息。,He heard the news _to the cinema.,2.(2011,年,60,题)由于“世园会”的举办,西安今年会迎来更多的游客。,Because of the“Expo”,more_ will come to xian this year.,3.(09,年,22,题),Mike and his friend are going to the _to see the new action movie tonight.,A book shop B restaurant C concert D cinema,4.,(,12,年副题,59,题)我们学校在广场对面。,Our school is _the square.,on the/his way,vistors/travellers/tourists,D,across from,备战,2015,1.,步行到最近的邮局大概花费你十分钟。,It takes about ten minutes for you to walk to the nearest _.,2.,他们去年冬天在海南度假。,They were _ in hainan last winter.,3.,越来越多的外国游客对西安感兴趣,More and more _ are interested in xian.,4.,你家离学校远吗?不远,走路只要十五分钟。,-Is your home far from school?,-No,its not far.Its only_,Post office,On holiday/vacation,A:Excuse me.Can you tellme the way to the nearest post office?.B:_You can ask that policeman.A:,Thank you all the same,.(one minute laterA:Excuse me._,C:Sorry,there isnt a post office near here,but there is one near the bus stop.,A:_C:Its about a quarter by bus.,A:_C:The NO.2 bus will take you there.,A:By the way,_Its over there,beside the shop.,A:thank you very much.,C:Youre welcome.,Sorry,I dont know./Im new here.,Is there a post office near here?,How far is it?,Which bus can/should I take?,Where is the bus stop.?,补全对话,A,:,hello,Betty.What did you do last summer vacation?,B:I visited my uncle.,A,:,_?,B,:,He lives in Dalian,a beautiful city.,A,:,_?,B,:,I stayed there for a weak._?,A,:,No,I havent.But Im going to spend a holiday there.,B,:,Youd better go to Dalian in summer.So you can enjoy swimming in the sea.,A,:,_.I will go there this summer vacation.,B,:,_,?,A,:,By plane.,B,:,_!,A:Thank you.,Where does he/your uncle live,How long did you stay there,Have you ever been there/toDalian,I think so./good idea,How will you go there?,Have a good trip,只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。,Only has compared to the others early,diligently diligently,canfeel the successful taste.,即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。,Even if the present,the match does not stop changes the page.,Thanks for listening,


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