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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,在冬天的夜晚,天气冷得让人不想出门。见习警员走在大街上,突然听到远处一女子大叫:“有人打劫啊!”。,见习警员刚一回身,就见一个黑影朝着远处逃离,他立刻追了上去。但是这贼跑得飞快,追了八条街之后没影了。,最后,见习警员在附近的一个商店店铺前看到有四个人:,A:正在闲暇百无聊赖地抽烟,B:正在聚精会神地看报纸,C:正在手机通话中,D:正在狼吞虎咽的吃拉面,根据调查,犯人就在这四人当中。,初中阅读理解,推理判断题解题技巧,授课老师:黄文婷,什么是推理判断题?,1,推理判断题的分类?,2,推理判断题解题技巧,3,内容大纲,推理判断题的定义,透过文章,表面信息,推测文章,隐含意思,;,对作者的,态度意图,及,文章细节的发展,做出正确的推理判断;,从,作者的角度,去,考虑,不可脱离原文仅凭个人的主观看法而主观臆断。,推,理,判,断,题,分,类,推断作者观点或态度,推断文章出处,推断隐含意义,推断隐含意义,Part1,什么是隐含意义,T:Do you think this class is interesting?,S:I want to go home.,Q:What does the student really mean?,*,根据文章事实进行,逻辑推理,,透过字面意义,理解作者的,言外之意,。,设问方式:,It can be inferred from the text that _.,When the writer talks about.,what the writer,really means is _.,The writer suggests that _.,The story implies that _.,We can infer/conclude from the passage that _.,如何推断隐含意义?,寻找相关信息点,研读其字面意义,结合语境进行推断,理解作者的言外之意,技巧点拨,1.,判断有据,推断有理,忠于原文,2.,全面分析:不可断章取义,3.,善于揣摩作者思路,排除干扰项,1.,原文信息的简单重复,4.,符合常识,但文章中没有信息支持,3.,与文中内容不符或完全相反的结论,2.,推理过度的片面结论,Who has more questions,a teacher or a student?About this question a great learned man told his student that nobody does but a teacher.,The student got puzzled.With a smile,the teacher drew two circles(圆).Within(在里面)the larger one is my knowledge of things,and within the smaller one is yours.Out of the circles is still unknown to both of us.Since mine is larger,as you can see,the line that marks out the circle is longer.That makes it clear that who has more chances(机会)to face something still unknown.,At the end of the story,the great learned man concluded,(推断)that _.,A.a student should learn from his teacher,B.a teacher does not have so many questions as his student,C.a student knows more than his teacher,D.a teacher has more chances to face what he doesnt know,There have never been many adventurers.You can read stories about men called adventurers.But they were really businessmen.There was something they wanted-a lady,or money,or a country,or honor.And so they got it.But a true adventurer is different.He starts without any special purpose.He is ready for anything he may meet.,There have been many half-adventurers.And they were great men.History is rich with their stories.But each of them had a special purpose.They were not followers of true adventurers.,In the big city of New York,Romance and Adventure are always waiting.,As we walk along the street,they are watching us.We look up suddenly and see a face in a window.The face seems to interest us strangely.Or in a quiet street,we hear a cry of fear and pain coming from a house where no one lives.A car takes us to a strange door,instead of to,our own.The door,opens and we are asked to enter.At every corner,eyes look toward us,or hands are raised,or fingers point.Adventure is offered.,But few of us are ready to accept.We are ready to do only the things we do every day.We wish to do only the things that everyone else does.We move on;and some day we come to the end of a long quiet life.Then we begin to think.Then,when it is too late,we are sorry that we have never known true Romance and Adventure.,In what way does the author say a true adventure is,different from a business man?,A.He is ready for anything he may meet.,B.He is not interested in money.,C.He enjoys excitement while a business man does not.,D.A true adventure is romantic,while a businessman is dull.,推断人物性格观点或态度,Part2,人物的观点和态度,objective,客观的,neutral,中立的,subjective,主观的,positive,积极的,negative,消极的,approval,赞成的,disapproval,不赞成的,critical,批评的,.,设问方式:,The writers attitude towards.is _.,The writer thought that _.,According to the author,_.,.,技巧点拨,注意作者表达,感情色彩,的形容词、副词、,动词及所举的例子,Mrs Smith treated her little dog quite _.,A.cruelly B.fairly C.kindly D.unfriendly,It was Mondy.Mrs Smiths dog was hungry,but there was not any meat in the house.,Considering that there was no better way.Mrs Smith took a piece of paper,and wrote the following words on it:“Give my dog half a pound of meat.”Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently:“Take this to the butcher(person whose job is selling meat),and hes going to give you your lunch today.”,If someone asks me:“Do you like music?”Im sure I will answer him or her:“Of course,I do.”because I think music is an important part of our lives.,Different people have different ideas about music.For me,I like rock music because its so exciting.And my favorite rock band,the“Foxy Ladies”(酷妹)is one of the most famous rock bands in the world.I also like pop music.My classmate LiLan loves dance music,because she enjoys dancing.My best friend,Jane,likes jazz music(爵士乐).She thinks jazz is really cool.,“I like dance music and rock very much.”says my brother,“because they are amazing.”,But my mother thinks rock is boring.“I like some relaxing(轻松的)music,”she says.Thats why she likes country music,I think.,The writers mother thinks that country music is _.,A.amazing B.boring C.relaxing D.disappointing,“I would almost rather see you dead.”Bobert S.Cassatt,a le


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