人教版高中英语 必修二 Unit2《The Olympic Games---Reading》 课件

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Rio Olympic Games里约奥运会 Spirits of Chinese National Women Volleyball TeamWe try, and we win!Never give up!Never give in! Brainstorming Tell me any word or anything you can think of about the Olympic Games.The Olympic GamesBeijing 2008Fu Yuanhuiswimming running Watch a piece of video, and find out:Part 1: Learn the nouns by their descriptions(描述). What is the English name for “国 家 体 育 馆 ” ? National Indoor Stadium National Gymnasium Wukesong Gymnasium Water Cube(立方)stadium n._体 育 馆 ( 场 )Nouns2. Which one is “国家体育馆” in English?A1. Is the video about winter Olympics or summer Olympics?Winter Olympics(Beijing 2022) Listen and look: Listen to the descriptions and look at the pictures. Observe: Guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined words.Guessing Game Greece n._希 腊 Greece is the country where the Olympic Games were born. The capital(首都) of Greece is Athens(雅典). Its people are called Greek. medal n._奖 牌 A medal is a metal(金属) award given to the winners or someone who does something very brave. In the Olympic Games, the first winner wins gold medal, the second, silver(银) medal, and the third, bronze(铜) medal. volunteer n. _志 愿 者 A volunteer is someone who is not paid for the work they do or someone who offers to do something without being forced. They work for free. There are many volunteers working for the Olympic Games. volunteer athlete n._运 动 员 An athlete is someone who is good at sports and joins in sports competitions. Fu Yuanhui is a swimming athlete. Yao Ming is a basketball athlete.Chinese athletes A motto is a short sentence that says one persons belief or aim. For example, my motto is, “Never give up and keep going!”. The motto of Olympic Games is “Swifter(更快), higher and stronger.” mottomotto n._座 右 铭 , 格 言 homeland n. _祖 国 Homeland means the country where someone comes from. For example, our homeland is China. Mr. Obamas homeland is America.Our homelandObamas homeland Memory TestTell me their Chinese meanings.stadiumvolunteermedal athleteGreecehomelandmotto 1. Read: Work with your partner to read the 6 dialogues on the paper.2. Observe: Write down the Chinese meanings of the underlined words.Key Words and PhrasesPart 2: Learn the verbs and phrases in contexts(语境). Dialogue 1A: Fu Yuanhui is so lovely. She was not afraid when she competed with the other swimmers in the world.B: In my mind, she is the best competitor. She is better than all other competitors.A: I agree with you. Im waiting for her to take part in next Olympic Games.Lets learn the words in contexts(语境).take part in_compete with_参 加 ,参 与与 竞 争 /比 赛competitor n._竞 争 者 A: I heard more than 2000 years ago the winners of the Olympic Games were only given olive wreath(橄榄枝花冠) as awards(奖品).B: Right! Now the olive wreath is replaced by medals: gold, silver and bronze(铜). Also, women can take part in the games as well.A: Yes, of course. Women can take part in the Olympics, too. Dialogue 2replace vt. _as well _替 换 , 更 换也 , 又 , 还 A: Today any country can take part in the Olympic Games, right?B: Yes, but only the best athletes can be admitted to the Olympics.A: Really? I must admit I made a mistake. I thought all the athletes could be accepted.Dialogue 3admit vt. _准 许 进 入 ; 承 认记一记:be admitted to A: Hi, Tommy! Which city will host the next Olympic Games?B: Japans capital, Tokyo. A: I think many Japanese companies will advertise their goods(商品) to let people know it. B: Oh, I dont like advertisements. They are everywhere, TV, the InternetEven before a movie, there are advertisements.Dialogue 4host vt._主 办advertisement n. 做 广 告advertise vt. _ A: Wow! Chinese Women Volleyball(排球) Team finally won the gold medal!B: They were fighting so hard. They never lost cofidence, so they really deserve the gold medal.A: I think all the Chinese people were moved by their spirits(精神).B: Yes, indeed. I learned a lot from them.Dialogue 5deserve vt. _应 得 , 值 得记一记: deserve to do A: Hi, Jack. Could you please tell me what these five rings(五环) stand for?B: Let me have a look. They stand for Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America.A: Which ring stands for which continent(大洲)?B: Sorry! Lets surf the Internet to find out the exact answer. Dialogue 6stand for _代 表 , 象 征记一记:stand by vi. 准备行动 Practice deserve host advertise replace admit compete stand for as well take part inMatch each word with its right Chinese meaning. 替 换 , 代 替 做 广 告 主 办 , 举 办 应 得 , 值 得 参 加 , 参 与 也 , 又 , 还 准 许 进 入 , 承 认 竞 争 , 比 赛 代 表 , 象 征 SmileGroup WorkLaugh Work in groups of 4 and finish the exercises your group chooses. advertised their productsis replacedBeijing will hoststand for our country to take part in the games Reading Read the passage on the paper, and fill in the blanks with the right words.Part 3: Using the new words Today the Olympic Games are considered to be the worlds most important sports competitions. More than 200 nations 1._ (竞争) for medals. Over 13,000 athletes 2._(参加) the summer and winter Olympic Games for their own 3._ (祖国). In ancient Greece women could not take part in the games and the winners were only awarded with olive wreath (橄榄枝花冠). Today women can take part 4._(也). However, only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their game will be 5._ (准许入内,承认) as competitors. Besides, the olive wreath has been 6._(代替,替换) by medals. Olympic flag is five rings which 7._(代表,象征) the five continents. Its motto is “Higher, Swifter and Stronger”. A lot of big companies will 8._(广告) their products because billions of people can see. Many 9._(志愿者) work for the games to make sure everything goes well. On the day of opening ceremony, billions of people in the world will watch the athletes enter the 10._(体育场). It is indeed the biggest sports festival in the world. competetake part inhomelandas well admittedreplacedstand for advertisevolunteersstadium Fill in the blanks with the right words. Lets remember their spirits(精神)!We try, and we win!Never give up!Never give in! Practice the words by reading the passage on the paper. Write a passage about the Olympic Games using the words you learned today. Find more knowledge about the Olympic Games.Homework Smiling Ning Zetao微 笑 着 的 宁 泽 涛1.英 译 汉 : Congratulations! You were admitted to Tsinghua University. You always work so hard. You really deserve it.2. 补 全 句 子 : Twenty years ago many companies_ (广 告 它 们 的 产 品 ) on TV. Now the role of TV _ (被 取代 )by the Internet. Laughing Fu Yuanhui大 笑 中 的 傅 园 慧补 全 句 子请 使 用 你 认 为 最 合 适 的 词 补 全 句 子 :(host, compete, stand for, take part in) In 2022, _ (北 京 将 会 举 办 ) winter Olympic Games. Chinese athletes will_ (代 表 我 们 的 国家 参 加 比 赛 )。


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