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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,过去分词,done,一,意义,1,表完成,不及物动词,的过去分词,仅表完成,,,没有被动,含义,He is a,retired,teacher.,2,表被动,及物动词,的过去分词,通常兼有,被动,和,完成,Damaged,in the storm,the house was dangerous to live in.,3,表状态(形容词),Little princess,was surprised at,the sight on the planet.,3.,作定语,4.,作状语,1.,作,表语,2.,作补语,过去分词,done,二,功能,5.,作独立成分,1.,作表语,The door was locked by the conductor.,The door was locked all day.,比较,:,Hearing the news,we felt very,surprised,.,The news is very,surprising.,NMET1998,第,23,题,Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour.,A.pay B.paying C.paid D.to pay,此题被动结构作表语。类似的有:,get burnt,get hurt,get wounded,get separated.,Tips,1.,done,做,表语,:,be/remain/get,burnt,,,hurt,wounded,separated,2.,done,和,doing,作表语的区别,:,done,通常表示,“,感到,”,,而,doing,表示具有的特征,“,令,人,”,。类似的词语有,:,amusing,amused;encouraging,encouraged;disappointing,disappointed;exciting,excited;puzzling,puzzled;satisfying,satisfied;worrying,worried;tiring,tired;pleasing,pleased;interesting,interested;astonishing,astonished,等,.,作,表语,2.,作补语,I made my bike,repaired,.,-My bike was made repaired.,The girl was found,beaten black and blue,.,-I find the girl beaten black and blue.,(,宾补),主补,宾补,(主补),NMET2000,第,22,题,The managers discussed the plan that they,would like to see_ the next year.,A.carry out B.carrying out,C.carried out D.to carry out,Tips,1,做,感官动词,see,hear,feel,,,notice,observe,等的宾语补足语,2,使役动词,make,get,have,的宾语补足语,3,做,want,find,like,等动词的宾语补足语,4.,做介词,with,的宾语补足语,作补语,3.,作定语,:,前置定语,:,We need more,qualified,teachers.,后置定语,:,1,),单个的过去分词,作定语,修饰代词时,,须后置。,left,只能用做后置定语。,Everything,used,should be marked.,Among,those,invited,are some ladies.,The books,left,are for my students.,2,),过去分词短语,做定语,须后置,,相当于一个定语从句。,The suggestion,made by the foreign expert,was adopted by the manager.,=The suggestion,which was,made by the foreign expert,was adopted by the manager.,NMET1997,第,17,题,The Olympic Games,_ in 776 B.C.,did not include women players until 1912.,A.first played B.to be first played,C.first playing D.to be first playing,过去分词做定语也可用做非限制性定语,前后用逗号隔开。,翻译句子:,去年建的那幢楼是我们的教学楼。,正在建的那幢楼是我们的食堂。,明年要建的那幢楼是我们的宿舍楼。,The building,built last year,is our teaching building.,The building,being built now,is our dining hall.,The building,to be built next year,will be our dormitory building.,Tips,1.,过去分词做定语,:done,和所修饰词之间是被动 关系,done:,the building built last year,being done:,the building being built now,to be done:,the building to be built next year,3.done,做定语的三种形式,:,作定语,2.,单个词前置,;,短语后置,Asked about his family,the young man made no answer.,Having lived abroad for years,I am longing to return.,United,we stand;divided,we fall.,The hunter walked slowly in the forest,followed by his wolf dog.,Laughed at by many people,he continued his study.,作时间状语,作原因状语,作条件状语,作伴随或方式状语,作让步状语,4.,作状语,分词做状语,相当于,状语从句,Asked about his family,the young man made no answer.,Having lived abroad for years,I am longing to return.,United,we stand;,divided,we fall.,The hunter walked slowly in the forest,followed by his wolf dog.,Laughed at by many people,he continued his study,When the young man was asked about his,familyhe,Because I have lived abroad for years,I,If we are united,we will stand;if we are divided,The hunter and he was followed by his wolf dog.,Although he was laughed by many people,he,例,1 NMET1996,第,23,题,_ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.,A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose,比较:,_ in thought,for a long time,he almost forgot where he was.,Having been lost B.Having lost,C.Lost D.To lose,_in the ruins,the cola boy was anxious to be saved.,_in the ruins for hours,the cola boy was anxious to be saved.,(trap),_the rides at the Headland,visitors can take the shuttle to the Lowland.,_ the rides at the Headland,visitors gave out excited screams.,(enjoy),Trapped,Having been trapped,Having enjoyed,Enjoying,Tips,1.,前提,:,2.,过去分词做状语的三种形式,:,3.,分词的完成式,done-,(,完成时状语或语境,),doing-,主语一致。,状语从句,=,连词,+,主语,+be,动词,+,分词,(done),连词,+,分词,(done),分词,(done),having been done,having done,作状语,5,做独立成分,过去分词用作独立成分时,其逻辑主语不受句子主语的限制。,Put frankly,I dont agree with what he said,.(,坦白的说,),Taken as a whole,theres nothing wrong with this lesson,.(,总的来说,),Exercises,Though I have often heard this song _,I have,never heard you _ it.,A.being sung;sangB.sang;singing,C.sung;singD.to be sung;to sing,2.-Im afraid Im losing my sight.,-You really need _.,A.to have your eyes examined,B.to have examined your eyes,C.having your eyes examined,D.your eyes examining,3.One _ morning the girl was found _ in the,corner of the street.,A.freezing;freezingB.freezing;frozen,C.frozen;frozenD.frozen;freezing,4._ to leave the work _,they went on with it,_up,till three oclock.,Not to want;,unfinishing,;stayed,B.Not to wanting;,unfinishing,;staying,C.Not wanting;unfinished;stayed,D.Not wanting;unfinished;staying,5._ in the jail,he managed to learn two foreign,languages.,Locked upB.Locking down,C.To lock upD.Lock up,6._ around,Tiananmen,Square,the tourists,were taken to visit the Palace Museum.,A.ShowingB.Having shown,C.Being shownD.Having been shown,7.I am goi


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