Unit 4 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes A1英语八年级下册课件

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Unit 4 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes A1英语八年级下册课件_第1页
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Girls should be allowed to have long hair.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,I want to play with my friends. But my father doesnt allow. I think teenagers,should be allowed to,go out to play with their friends.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Students,should not be allowed to,take mobile phones to school.,Read the statements below.,Do you agree or disagree?,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Students,should be allowed to do,homework with friends.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Sixteen-year-olds,should be allowed,to,get their ears pierced.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Teenagers,should be allowed to,go out with their friends every night.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Sixteen-year-olds,should be allowed,to,choose their own clothes.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Students,should not be allowed to,have part-time jobs.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Anna can go to the,mall with John.,2. Anna wants to get,her ears pierced.,3. Anna is allowed to,choose her own clothes.,T F,T F,T F,Listen and Circle “T” (for true) or “F” (for false). (1b),听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,In pairs look at the statements in activity 1a and make conversation. You may use the phrases in the box below.,Pairwork,too wild not serious enough,too young not old enough,too silly not calm enough,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,A:,I dont think sixteen-year-olds,should be allowed,to,drive.,B:,I agree. They arent serious,enough.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Sample dialogue 1:,A:,I think teenagers should be allowed,to go out with their friends.,B:,I agree. They are old enough. They,can look after themselves well.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,A:,I dont think twelve-year-olds,should be allowed to get,their,ears pierced.,B:,I agree. Its too silly to wear,earrings in the school.,Sample dialogue 2:,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Parents,should allow,teenagers to go out with their friends.,Parents,should allow,six-year-olds to drive.,Parents,should allow,fifteen-year-olds to choose their own clothes.,Teenagers,should be allowed,to go out with their friends.,Sixteen-year-olds,should be allowed,to drive.,Fifteen-year-olds,should be allowed,to choose their own clothes.,Do you agree or disagree?,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Listen and check () what Kathy thinks. Circle “A” ( Agrees) “D” (Disagree) “Dk” (Doesnt know) to show what Molly thinks. (,2a,),听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Kathy,_1. Sixteen-year-olds should not,be allowed to work at night.,_2. Larry shouldnt work every,night.,_3. He should cut his hair.,_4. He should stop wearing that,silly earring.,_5. He doesnt seem to have,many friends.,_6. He shouldnt work on,weekends.,Molly,A D Dk,A D Dk,A D Dk,A D Dk,A D Dk,A D Dk,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Listen again. What are Kathys and Mollys reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order. (2b),_ It looks cool.,_ Young people need to sleep.,_ He needs to spend time with friends.,_ He needs time to do,homeworks,.,_ It doesnt look clean.,1,4,5,2,3,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,A:,Do you think,teenagers,should,B:,Yes, I ,Make a list of things teenagers,should,and,should not be allowed to do,. Discuss your list with your partner.,Pairwork,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Sample dialogue 1,A:,Do you think teenagers should be,allowed to have mobile phones?,B:,Yes. Its convenient for students,and their parents to communicate,with each other.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,A:,Do you think teenagers should be,allowed to have mobile phones?,B:,No, I dont think so. Perhaps,students pay more attention to,short messages than to their studies.,Sample dialogue 2,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Language points,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,pierce,v.,刺破,;,刺穿,The needle,pierced,her finger.,针刺进了她的手指。,We use the machine to,pierce,holes in the,steel sheet.,我们用机器在钢板上打洞。,A sharp cry,pierced,the air.,一声尖叫刺破长空。,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,instead of,代替,;,而不是,He will go,instead of,you.,他将代你去。,I gave him advice,instead of,money.,我给了他忠告,而不是钱。,The economy is shrinking,instead of,growing.,经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,短语,汇总,be allowed to do sth,go out with friends,sixteen-year-olds,have/take part-time jobs,get sth done,choose their own clothes,divers license,serious enough,被允许做某事,和朋友一起出去,十六岁的孩子,参加课余工作,让某事,被做,选择他们自己的衣服,驾照,足够严肃,/,庄重,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,I think students should be allowed to do homework with friends.,I disagree. They talk instead of doing homework.,Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.,I agree. They arent serious enough at that age.,Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes?,Yes, I do. /,No, I dont.,Revision,课时重点回顾,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,1.,孩子们将在室外做游戏而不是在室内,看电视。,The children will play games outside,_ _ _ TV inside.,2.,我们不应该熬夜到太晚。,We shouldnt _ _ too late.,3.,他需要足够的钱支付学费。,He needs _ _ to pay for,his education.,根据汉语提示补全句子。,instead of watching,stay up,enough money,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,同义句转换。,They should allow us to have part-time jobs.,_.,2. We should allow children to spend time with their friends. _.,We,are allowed to have,part time jobs,Children,are allowed to,spend,time with their friends,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,3. The teacher should allow Anna to,finish the picture.,_.,4. Parents should allow children to,choose their own friends.,_,_.,Anna,is allowed to,finish the picture,Children,are allowed to,choose their own friends,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Preview,To preview the new words and expressions,What rules do you have at home?,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Use the sentence pattern,“,should be allowed to,”,to write five sentences to show what you want most to be allowed to do and the reasons.,Homework,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,Thank you.,听评课网(),优质课在线听课平台!,


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