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musicking,Three milestone:from ape to human,Vocal mimicry,The origins of musicking,The differentiation of language from musicking,The Evolution of Musical Culture,Gestalt Switch 1:sacred pleasure,Oubres hypothesis:,The human mind first emerged when musicking gave rise the group-synchronized neurodynamics.Such states are both a by-product and a catalyst of the continuing evolution of hominid consciousness and culture.,Music proper and language were proceeded by something that neither one nor the other but partakes of both,The Evolution of Musical Culture,Gestalt Switch 2:music and language differentiate,Thinking:,on-line:brain is attending to the external world and directed to it;,off-line:brain is focusing on matters that are not physically present,Musicking:on-line,Language:off-line,The Evolution of Musical Culture,Vocalization become a trigger that evoke the others,On-line voluntary vocalizations are used to reference and manipulate off-line nonvocal mental structure.Won-won,Conversation:,Assemble meaning,decode,音樂的四個時期.音樂與文明,Consciousness,起源於,Homer,與,Athenian Golden Age,之間,Mental terms were scarce,Hardly attribute to the mind,Oedipus the King would not have been possible in Homers time,Take place in mental realm.About mental events,acts knowing or denial.,音樂與文明,New modes of consciousness,兒童觀念發展:後階段的心理機制將早期的物體化,objectified,“thumos”in Iliad,反應環境的內在感應,Thumos,給戰士力量,心理物質的容器:精力,古典希臘思想家將,mind,概念化,物體化,objectified the MIND,悲劇的誕生,悲劇:,the whole social system become objectified and available for your contemplating,悲劇來自以往的儀式,but how?,Dionysian Cult(Apollonian art(dream)of sculpture;Dionysian art(intoxication)of music),Frame:Dionysian chorus(reveling throng),Scenes:Apollonian action(principal celebrants);vision;dream,透過與酒神似的合唱團的認同 觀眾接受他所見的,vision,A sweeping opposition of styles:,Dionysian lyrics of the chorus VS the Apollonian dream world,音樂時期與文化,等級,Wiora:,音樂的4個時期:,史前及早期,古文明時期,from the Sumerian and Egyptian to the late Roman,high culture in the Orient,西方音樂藝術時期,科技與工業時期,前3時期,intrinsically musical emphasis:,依序為 節奏 旋律 和聲,音樂時期與文化,等級,Wiora:,音樂的前3個時期:,Age,時期,VS Rank,等級,Towards rhythmic elaboration,Strongly,區別,the control of melody from control of rhythm.,Harmony is“,in turn”,區別,from both rhythm and melody,Intrinsic,音樂時期與文化,等級,Basic experience of music is holistic or Gestalt in nature,I got Rhythm,Thriving for a Riff,Anthropology,幼童表達方式,一字代表一整句,簡短話語表達完整的情境,Functional channel,功能通道,音樂時期,Age,與文化,等級,Rank,Age of music VS culture rank,culture rank:,number of functional channels required to realize the music.,Culture molds the brain,not biology,Beethoven Piano sonata VS,非洲打擊樂,音樂時期與文化,等級,旋律與和聲的出現,區別,the control of melody from control of rhythm,what does it mean?,Musical motifs:elementary gesture stream,are no longer manipulated and elaborated simply as a rhythmic gestalt.,Indian music:,Raga,tala,音樂時期與文化,等級,和聲的出現,Harmonic elaboration(rank 3):post-Renaissance Europe:simultaneous sounding of two or more sound,Renaissance:polyphonic:two or more simultaneously melodic lines,Three-note chords,Zarlino(1558):horizontal,Rameau(1772):vertical triads,音樂時期與文化,等級,Modulation from one key to another,From Baroque to late 19,th,century,音樂時期與文化,等級,音樂的演化,Why?,Darwin evolution model:,變化的來源,(,基因的作用,),選擇保留的機制,(interaction between phenotype with the external world,survival of the fittest),文化上,:meme,Performance-level attractor play the phenotype role;The fate of memes depends on whether they contribute to repeated performances,音樂時期與文化,等級,Evolution from HG band to chiefdom,Musicking,扮演著何種角色,經過長期的發展,Close ritual,loose mundane,GO(,一般化的他人),Chief(,首領),Musicking organize Ritual-,time coupled brain,GO+chiefhood,Nuer,Ritual creates a cultural space where social innovation takes place,音樂時期與文化,等級,Where memetic variation comes from?,From other groups,In the course of musicking,Individual invention,Whatever the source,as long as a group has a plentiful supply of memes it has the raw material for cultural evolution.,音樂時期與文化,等級,Music and Literacy,Rank 2 music occurs in civilization with a s


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