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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,welcome,名词性从句复习,及其应用,*,名词性从句的特点是从句都有关联词引导,从句的语序和,陈述句,的语序,相同。,名词性,从句,2.,宾语从句,3.,表语从句,4.,同位语从句,1.,主语从句,这是一本书。,This is a book.,陈述句,这是书吗?,Is this a book?,疑问句,(1),从属连词,whether,that,(2),连接代词,What,Who,which,Whom,whose,whatever,whoever,whichever,(3),连接副词,when,why,where,how,,,if/as if,(,只用于表语从句),只起连接作用,,不充当从句,中的任何成分。,既起连接作用,,本身又做从句的,主语,、,宾语,、,表语,或,定语(,whose,),。,既起连接作用,,本身又做从句的,状语,。,how,many,,,how much,,,注意:,1.主语从句:,主语从句+V,主从1+主从2,+ V,连词1+连词2 + 主从,+ V,2.宾语从句,:从句时态与主句的时态,如从句中表示的是客观现象,则用,主语+谓语+ that +宾从,主语+谓语+ that 宾从1+ that宾从2 +that宾从3,3.表语从句:,as if 只能引导表语从句,4.同位语从句,:常见词(fact,hope,desire,thought,suggestion,idea,news,problem,doubt,possibility,etc),(,单,),(,复,),(,单,),保持一致,一般现在时,(,),(,),that,that,要注意的连接词:,1.That和what:,That:只起连接作用,不充当任何成分,不可以省略(宾从的特殊情况除外),What:充当主语、宾语、表语,2.Whether和if:,只用whether的情况:1)whetheror not,2)句首主从,,介后,宾从,同从,表从,3.what,who,which,引导的名从都含有疑问意义,whatever,(=anything that)无论什么,whoever,(=anyone who)无论谁,whichever,无论哪个,重要句型:,1. The reason is that+(原因),That is why + (结果),That is because+(原因),【He was absent because he was ill.】,2. 主语+动词(think,consider)+it+宾补(形容词)+that从句,重要句型:,3.It+be+adj.+that从句 (如obvious,true,clear),It+be+n词组+that从句 (如no wonder, an honor),It+be+P.P +that从句 (如said, reported, thought, acknowledged, considered),It occurs(occur,r,ed) to sb.,t,hat从句,It strikes(struck) sb.,t,hat从句,It happens(happened) that从句,Ex 1:,请找出以下复合句的名词性从句并分析其类型,1,.,The question why we must learn English has been asked many times.,2,.,That is where Lu Xun once lived.,3,. Whether you come or not is up to you.,4.,We thought it strange that Tom did,not come yesterday.,5,. Its uncertain whether the experiment,is worth doing.,(,),同位语从句,(,),表从,(,),主语从句,(,),宾语从句,(,),主语从句,Ex 2:,Please,fill in the blanks,.,1.,_ we cant get seems better than,_ we have.,2,.,I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last we,ek and that is,_ you had a few days off?,3.,The reason,_,_ I have to go is,_,_ my mother is ill in bed,.,What,what,why,why that,14.,The,r,eason_youwenttothepar,k,was,thatyouwanttovisither,.,15.,Thequestionis,_wewillcompletethe,project,.,16.,Thatwas_,_,_theChinesebegantomake,paper,.,17.,Theproblem_,_,_shouldbeourmornitorisnotdecided,.,18.,Theyhavenoinformation_,_,_he,wasalive,.,19.,This is another proof_ he killed a man,.,20.,The professor gave orders _the test be finished before 6 oclock,.,21.,Most of _ we know about the earth comes from our books.,why,when,whenhow,who,that whether,that,that,what,4,.,_,the doctors really doubt is,_,_,_,_,my mother,will recover from the serious disease soon.,5.,_ caused the accident was a man lying on the ground.,6.,_will go makes no difference.,7.,_your daughter loves is very clear.,8.,_wallet was stolen must be made clear.,9.,_helefthiswifecuthertothe,heart.,What whether,What,Who,What WhoWhom,Whose,That,6.,_,_,wegothere,remai,ns,tobe,decided,.,7.,_,y,ou,r,unclewillarrivewas,notmentionedinhisletter.,8.,_youwenttherealonemustbe,explained,.,9.,Illtakeback_,Isaid,.,10.,Imsatisfied_,hedid,.,11.,Tellus_,youfulfilledtheheavy,taskaheadoftime,.,12.,Thats_Ipraiseyou,.,13.,Thisis_twothirdsoftheearthssurfaceismadeupofvastoceans,.,When How Whether,When,Why,what,what,how,When How,why,because,2,1.,I understand _(all _ )you said.,2,2.,I cant believe _ is reported.,2,3.,A car passed me,at,_,_I thought was a dangerous speed.,2,4.,The building will be built,in,_ was a wasteland before.,25,.,This is _,_,_our problem lies.,2,6,.,Tomorrow is _,_,_ it would be the most convenient.,what,that,what,what,what,where,when,27,.,The reason _,_,_ he didnt come is,_,_,_ he was ill.,28,.,He didnt come .Thats _,_,_ he was ill.,29,.,He was ill. I think that is _,_,_he didnt come.,30,.,The question is _,_,_ he will be here on time.,31.,He said we should finish the work today, and this is _,_,_I disagree.,32.,You always give him whatever he wants. Thats,_ you are wrong.,why,that,because,why,whether,where,where,总结:,名词性从句引导词的选择三步骤,步骤一:,如果从句中缺少主语,或者宾语,或者表语,则考虑用连接代词,What,who,which,whose,whatever,步骤二:,如果从句中既不缺少主语,宾语,也不缺少表语,但是缺少一定意义的状语,则考虑用连接副词;where,when,why,how,步骤三:,如果既不缺少主语,宾语,表语,也不缺少状语,则考虑用从属连词。,that,whether,if,as if,Ex 3:名词性从句改错,1,.The fact which she had not said anything surprised all of us.,2,.What the boy didnt take medicine made his mother angry.,3,.If well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.,(,),that,which,(,),What,That,(,),If,Whether,4,.What he really means is what he disagrees with us.,5,.When well finish translating the book depend on the time.,(,),(,),that,(,),depend,depends,what,I read a report last night. It says,1,_ a lot of people died in,2,_ traffic accident. But I forget,3,_ the accident happened last Sunday.,4,_ astonished me most is,5,_ some babies lost,6,_ lives. However, I dont know,7,_,_,_ the government has taken some measures to deal with,8,_. In my opinion,9,_ accident has taught us a lesson,10,_we should obey the traffic rules.,Ex 4:,从句语篇练习 1,that,a,where,What,that,their,whether/if,it,the,that,Everyone knew 1_,Andy was a famous writer, but no one knew 2_she came from and 3_,_,_ she was born in 1961 was still a mystery. 4_they did know was 5_she was loved by poor people because she always helped 6,_,_ was in need of money.,Ex 4:,从句语篇练习 2,that,w,here,w,hether,What,that,w,hoever,二、写作中的名词性从句,一篇作文,在适当的地方恰当地放置一两个,从句,,不仅会让作文更耐读,而且作文分值会有所提高。,高考英语作文评分标准,第五档(很好);(21-25分),1. 完全完成了试题规定的任务。,2. 覆盖所有内容要点。,3.,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,。,4. 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力。,5. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。,6. 完全达到了预期的写作目的。,what matters is .,1 困难并不可怕,,关键的是,在面对困难的时候我们得勇敢地承担责任。,2 空气污染已经是一个很普遍的现象,重要的是我们要找到有效的办法来处理它。,the fact phenomenon result (is) that .,3 很多大学毕业生已经接受了这么一个事实,那就是找一份合适的工作实属不易。,4 人类必须得接受这样一个事实,那就是由于温室效应,全球气温正在不断升高。,运用名词性从句翻译下列句子,It is + P.P that .,5 据报道,这次地震已经导致了100多人死亡,800多人受伤,且逾千人失去了自己的家园。,6 据报道,大学扩招是导致众多大学毕业生就业压力大的首要原因。,college enrollment expansion,what .,7 我们现在要做的最重要的事情就是立刻采取行动拯救这些濒危的动物。,8 事实上,我们从书本上所学到的东西是非常有限的。,运用名词性从句翻译下列句子,what .,9 我从这次经历当中学到的东西是,助人不仅是中华民族的传统美德,也能给大家带来快乐。,It is (widely) acknowledged that,10 众所周知,环境污染已经成为中国乃至世界上所面临的最严重的问题之一。,11 众所周知,教育是我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。,12 大家都知道,学习动机对学习效果的影响不可忽视。,运用名词性从句翻译下列句子,what matters is .,1 困难并不可怕,,关键的是,在面对困难的时候我们得勇敢地承担责任。,2 空气污染已经是一个很普遍的现象,重要的是我们要找到有效的办法来处理它。,参考答案,Actually difficulty is not frightening and,what matters is that,when facing it, we are supposed to be brave to take responsibilities.,Air pollution is a very common phenomenon and what matters is that we should take effective measures to deal with it.,the fact phenomenon result (is) that .,3 很多大学毕业生已经接受了这么一个事实,那就是找一份合适的工作实属不易。,4 人类必须得接受这样一个事实,那就是由于温室效应,全球气温正在不断升高。,运用名词性从句翻译下列句子,Many graduates have accepted a fact that it is quite difficult to find suitable jobs for them.,Air pollution is a very common phenomenon and what matters is that we should take effective measures to deal with it.,It is + P.P that .,5 据报道,这次地震已经导致了118人死亡,800多人受伤,且逾千人失去了自己的家园。,6 据报道,大学扩招是导致众多大学毕业生就业压力大的首要原因。,college enrollment expansion,运用名词性从句翻译下列句子,It is reported that the earthquake has caused 118 people dead, over 800 injured, and thousands of people losing their homes .,It is reported that college enrollment expansion is the main reason,which causes great employment pressure for many undergraduates,.,what .,7 我们现在要做的最重要的事情就是立刻采取行动拯救这些濒危的动物。,8 事实上,我们从书本上所学到的东西是非常有限的。,运用名词性从句翻译下列句子,What is the most important thing,(that) we shoud do now,is to take immediate action to save these endangered animals,.,To be honest, what we have gotlearned from books is very limited.,9 我从这次经历当中学到的东西是,助人不仅是中华民族的传统美德,也能给大家带来快乐。,It is (widely) acknowledged that,10 众所周知,环境污染已经成为中国乃至世界上所面临的最严重的问题之一。,运用名词性从句翻译下列句子,What I have learned from the experience is that helping others is not only a Chinese traditional virtue but also can bring happiness to others .,It is widely acknowledged that environmental pollution has become one of the most serious problems for China, even the world.,It is (widely) acknowledged that,11 众所周知,教育是我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。,12 大家都知道,学习动机对学习效果的影响不可忽视。,运用名词性从句翻译下列句子,It is widely acknowleded that education is a,an,necessary significant,indispensible,part in our life. .,It is acknowledged that study motivation has an obvious effect on study (resultseffects).,名词性从句,篇章作文,composition:,莫言于2012年10月11日获诺贝尔文学奖,在全国引起了轰动,并引发热议,你认为莫言获诺贝尔奖会产生什么影响,请谈谈你的看法。,要点:,1.首位获诺奖作家,对中国形象,国人心理影响。,2.莫言网上、书店的书最近销售一空,引发读书热潮。,3对中国文学的推动作用,引发外国对中国文学的关注。,小组讨论,:,根据写作任务以及写作要求,构思正确的名词性从句,1.The news came that Moyan won the Nobel prize for literature.,2.The reason why we are so happy is that Moyan is the first Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize .,3.It is reported that Moyans books have been sold out in many book stores recently.,4.It can be imagined that more and more people will be interested in reading and writing.,5. I believe Chinese people will win Nobel Prizes in every category in the future.,thank you,


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