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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Research Methods,英语教研室,From holistic research to partial studies,Synthetic approach,vs,analytic approach,holistic research to partial studies,综合法 分析法,整体 部分,整体观 成分观,面向内部结构 面向外部结构,了解过程 了解结果,Inductive approach,Vs,Deductive approach,Examples for these,Inductive approach vs Deductive approach,归纳法 -演绎法,1.以数据为出发点 以假设为出发点,2.没有事先形成的看法 进行预示,3.可以生成假设 检验假设,4.,成果:描述或提出假设 成果:理论,Qualitative approach定性,Vs,Quantitative approach定量,What are they?,Qualitative approach includes,Observation participant参与者,It inc interview,taperecording,diary,camera shooting,video,no-participant observation(judge in a contest),Verbal reporting 口头自述,Eg,at that time,I was just going home,Questionnaire;data analysis.etc,Quantitative approach,1.statistical method,(random sampling)Rocktea to whitemouse,2.experimental method,Experimental group,vs,controlling group,Variables(independent variable vs,dependent variable),Method as iv,While scores,performance as dv,Moderate variable(more time for learning),Control variable as,(same teacher,and,book,),Qualitative approach,quantitative approach,Participation to acquire experience experience to acquire data,只有通过个人主观经验才能认识人类行为 只有摆脱主观状态才能了解社会,现象的因果关系,了解就是移情 了解要保持距离,依赖定性数据 依赖定量数据,Research,a systematic process of inquiry:,1)a question,problem,or hypothesis,2)data;,3)analysis and interpretation of data.,创新的几个要素,新问题,新材料,新数据,新方法,新观点,新理论,1.确定方向、选好课题,有价值、有持续发展的可能,符合自己的兴趣爱好,自己力所能及,两种不同目的的研究,(1)用国外理论解决中国(中文)的问题,(2)用中国(中文)的事实解决国际学术领域的问题,6.理论联系实际,教学理论:联系教学实际,语言理论:联系语言实际(认知,隐喻,社会语言学,语用学),跨文化交际,文学理论:联系具体作家、文本和作品,翻译理论:联系具体译作,应用英语:联系实际工作、业务;,业务素质、能力等,2.论文题目的确定,大处着眼,小处入手,题目尽量反映具体的研究内容和方法,例:,Classroom Interactive Practices for Developing L2 Literacy:A Microethnographic Study of Two Beginning Adult Learners of English,A New Approach to Assessing Strategic Learning:The Case of Self-Regulation in Vocabulary Acquisition,The Role of Formulaic Language in Second Language Acquisition:A Review,The Construction of Stance in Reporting Clauses:A Cross-disciplinary Study of Theses,3.摘要的撰写,介绍选题的意义,交代研究的方法,描述得出的结论,例1:,Abstract:,Three components of SLA research,input/output,internal/external factors and interlanguage system,have close relation with cognitive linguistics,and doing research on the process of SLA perspectives is of guiding improtance and of practical value to SLA and college English teaching.,例2:Modelling Learning Difficulty and Second Language Proficiency:The Differential Contributions of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge Rod Ellis,University of Auckland,This article re-examines the question of what makes some grammatical,structures more difficult to learn than others,arguing that,this question can only be properly understood and investigated,with reference to the distinction between implicit and explicit,knowledge of a second language.Using a battery of tests that,were designed to measure implicit and explicit L2 grammatical,knowledge of seventeen grammatical structures(Ellis 2005),learning difficulty in relation to these two types of knowledge,was investigated.,The results showed that structures that,were,easy in terms of implicit knowledge were often difficult in,terms of explicit knowledge and sometimes vice versa and that,overall,there was no correlation between the rank orders of,difficulty of seventeen grammatical structures for the two types,of knowledge.,A correlational analysis showed that,the structures,varied as to whether it was implicit or explicit knowledge of,them that was related to a measure of general language proficiency.,A regression analysis demonstrated,that both types of knowledge,predict general language proficiency.,例3:,The“you(have)”Construction in Chinese:a Cognitive Analysis,In Chinese,the“you(have)+(neutral)n.”construction can be used as an adjective denoting positive degrees or properties.For example,(1),Li xiaojie you liandan,,,you shencai.,Ms Li has face has body.,Ms Li has a beautiful face and a good figure.,Previous researches(Zhang,2002,Shi,2004)have found that not all nouns used in this construction can lead to an adjectival interpretation.Shi(2004)points out that the noun in this construction refers to a social average,and the whole construction means something like“having something better(or more)than average”.For example,“you liandan”(have a face)actually means“having a better than average face”,or“looking pretty”.,But what special semantic properties do the nouns used in the constructions have?Why do such constructions usually suggest a positive(or better-than-average)interpretation?What are the cognitive bases for the interpretation?What have prompted the speaker to use a construction like this instead of explicitly using a positive adjective before the noun?These are the questions the present paper tries to focus on from a cognitive perspective.,Using data from“,A dictionary of Modern Chinese,”(2005),the author finds that nouns that can be used in this construction are restricted in number and have the following properties:(1)having to do with b


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