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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,18 Oddities In Yunnan,雲南十八怪,Eggs sold in bundles,People in the Longling County of baoshan area are used to tying up eggs,and into a bar with rice straw and selling them in bars in the market,老乡们为了便于买主携带所购买的鸡蛋,又不被碰坏,便以竹篾或麦草贴着蛋壳编,每个都隔开,十个为一串,可以挂在墙上,想吃的时候便吃几个拿几个。,First,鸡蛋用草串着卖,Young Girls Called“Old Lady”,A custom that has developed over the recent year with Xia guan and Chu xiong people is the“Old Lady”custom.Unmarried girls,aged between fourteen and eighteen years,are called“Old Lady”.This is said to wish her good health by promoting intimacy and goodwill,姑娘被叫做老太:姑娘被叫做老太:云南方言里傣族发音是泰族,而且一般会叫老泰。外地方闹不清怎么回事见到对着傣族小铺少(傣语:姑娘)老泰 老泰,以为是内地人老太太的那个意思。,Second,Pies Called“Ear Piece”,Ear piece is one of Yunnans special-flavor foods.,大理粑粑叫饵块:云南产大稻米,特香糯,把大米蒸熟舂打后,揉制成长条形的半成品,可炒吃、煮吃、蒸着吃,颜色白如雪,像内地做的白米粑,当地称饵块。,Third,Good appearance and the ash blocking mudguard,少数民族妇女在绣花,鞋后面,用布巧做鞋,曳,上面绣花精心点,缀。有美观还有防泥,的作用。,Fill a pair of shoes behind,Fourth,新鞋后面补一块,Baby go out with man,The mountais in yunnan are steep and high,A man with a baby on his back is safe and reliable.whats,it shows a mans character,Fifth,The weather is like that of eternal spring in most regions of Yunnan.Kunming,as the capital of the province,has a state of ecstasy as“climate remains like that of February and March,and flowers throughout the year”.There fore,Kunming is named as“Spring City”in China,Girls Wear Flowers in all Seasons,四季鲜花开不败:,云南,的立体气候和四季充足的阳光,使被称为“,植物王国,”的云南四季鲜花常开。,Sixth,Hardworking and honest countrymen weave everyday necessities,such as shoes,fans,hats,baskets and cooker covers with bamboo and paddy stems,云南竹林较多,因此许多用具都以竹子为原料,而锅盖就形似于内地的斗笠,只是顶略小一点,便于抓拿,而且用此做锅盖,透气保温,做出来的饭更加清香。,摘下斗笠当锅盖,Straw Hats Used as Cooker Covers,Seventh,Rainy Here but Sunny There,Yunnan possesses a plateau climate as changeable as a kids face,since rain and wind come and go without one knowing.A popular saying goes like this,“Weather varies within a circumference of ten lis(Li is a Chinese unit of half a kilometer)and winter comes once it rains.”Even in the same area,one often sees rain here and sees sunshine in another place.,Eighth,形容云南特殊的地理位置与十里不同天的多变气候的。相差十里便会,这边下雨那边晒有不同的天气景象,而同一座山的两面也是一面艳阳天,一面雨倾盆。,这边下雨那边晒,Trains Go Abroad not Inland,ninth,Green Vegetables Called Bitter Vegetables,Thin green featherlike overlapping vegetables,like vanilla,are grown in the southern part of the province.Its name comes form old old customs but not from its taste,tenth,薄绿羽毛重叠的蔬菜,像香草,在该省的南部种植。它的名字来自旧习俗而不是从它的味道,Eleventh,:,Granny climbing faster than the monkey,Many mountain valleys of Yunnan,the local women from childhood to old age are extremely hard-working.Hiking,farming firewood are accustomed to do so long,strong body,such as the ground climb,老太爬山比猴快,:云南多高山深谷,当地的妇女们自幼勤劳无比,爬山越岭、种地砍柴都习以为常,因此练就了一身矫健的身板与脚劲,七八十岁的老人登山往往如履平地。,当地人抽烟所用的烟袋像内地的吹火筒,只不过吹火筒是往外吹,而它是往里火筒能当水烟袋吸,烟气经过水过滤,可以减低焦油的浓度,味道,更加清凉香醇,。,Twelfth,竹筒能当水烟袋,Bamboo Used as Smoking Pipe,A smoking bag is also called“tobacco Tube”which is a typical local smoking utensil used mostly in Yunnan,Guizhou and Sichuan provinces,Tea leaves Sold in Piles,The Jinpo minority group in Luxi county of Dehong prefecture,sells tealeaves by piles instead of using scales,.,花生蚕豆数堆卖:旧时滇省民风纯善,喜欢以物易物,耻言商品交易,故花生蚕豆等物品都数堆卖,花生蚕豆数堆卖。人心就是秤一杆。,Thirteenth,The Same Dress for Four Seasons,云南地区气候多变,夏天不热冬天不寒,白天和晚上的温差较大,可以说是冷热瞬,四季服装同穿戴变,在街上四季服饰随处可见,长的、短的、厚的、薄的,颜色艳丽,绚丽多彩。,The weather in most parts of Yunnan is always like that of spring,so the alternation of seasons is not obvious.This means people dress themselves without distinct seasonal characteristics.,四季服装同穿戴,Fourteenth,Monks can fall in love,云南与几个信奉,佛教,的东南亚国家接壤,而这些佛教国家的男子上寺庙当和尚就像内地上学读书或服兵役一样,到时还可以还俗结婚生子,受其影响,边民也穿,和尚,服谈恋爱。,Fifteenth,Automobiles Move faster than Trains,火车没有汽车快,由于有许多的高山峡谷,所以云南境内的铁路坡度很大、弯道较多,使得火车的速度特慢,形成了火车没有汽车快的独特景观。,Automobiles Move Faster than Trains,The speed of a train is much slower than that of an automobile on the narrow railways across certain precipitous relieves in Yunnan.,Sixteenth,Toes Show Outsides,Some people from the mountainous areas wear straw shoes with holes all year round since the four seasons are mild,云南到处崇山峻岭,行路较不方便,爬山跑路多了会有较多的脚汗,于是就做成浅底浅帮鞋,露出脚趾,能够感到更加凉爽。,脚趾常年,都在外,Seventeenth,Three mosquitoes make up a dish,There are non-poisonous mosquitoes with long legs in Yunnan.They look so big at the first glance that outsiders say,“three mosquitoes make up a dish”for fun.,云南的许多地区,天气较为炎热,终年蚊蝇不绝,特别是野地与牲畜圈里的蚊子个头都比较大,所以夸张说个蚊子一盘菜。,Eighteenth,Thank you!,内工大采矿,12-1,班,


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