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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,实验小学 唐云,Unit 5 Look at the monkeys,热身复习:,唱一唱,说一说,回归教材:,看图问答,读读写写,看图写话,趣味操练:,巩固拓展:,归纳小结,:,退 出,唱一唱,说一说,试一试,找一找,猜一猜,非,洲狮,练一练,找朋友,小结,情景对话,看图问答,Lets listen,drinking water,fighting,climbing,swinging,sleeping,Lets say,Lets talk,Lets try,Ask and answer,What are the elephants doing?,What are the monkeys doing?,They are drinking water.,They are swinging.,Look,ask and answer,What are they doing?,They are.,找 一 找,The lions are,fighting.,The monkeys,are swinging.,Pair work,What are the elephants doing?,They are drinking.,No.,Yes.,They are walking.,Ask and write,A,monkeys,elephants,tigers,lions,giraffes,monkeys,sleeping,running,B,monkeys,elephants,tigers,lions,giraffes,running,walking,drinking water,What are the elephants doing?,Theyre.,Lets find out,hjhj,Find out the differences between the pictures.,Look and match,She is singing.,She is watching TV.,They are playing football.,They are flying the kite.,荡秋千,作业,do,are,They,the,swinging,他们在干什么?,他们在打架,。,袋鼠在睡觉,。,她们在爬树,他在游泳,What,are,they do,ing,?,They,are fight,ing,kangaroos,are,sleep,ing,They,are,climb,ing,trees,He,is,swim,ming,1 Look _the monkeys,A in B on C at,he _ drinking water.,A is B am C are,Do you see _rabbits?,A a B any C much,4 The rabbit _ fly.,A have B can C cant,I see _elephant,A some B an C two,What do you see?I see two _,A elephant B elephants,7 what _it doing?,A is B are C am,They _ swinging,A is B are C am,9 _ are fighting.A He B She C They,-,What are they doing?,They are.,小,结,Lets,talk,1.What is Mr.Wang doing?,2.Is Mrs.Wang cleaning the room?,3.Is Lucy reading a book or doing some sports?,4.Do the,Wangs,have a dog?,5.What is the dog doing?,A BUSY FAMILY,Its busy day at the,Wangs,house.Mr.Wang is mending his bike.,Mrs.Wang,is writing a letter.Lucy is reading a book.Peter is doing some sports.,Even the dog is busy.Its running after(,追,)a cat.Poor(,可怜的,)cat!,The,Wangs,are busy,but theyre having fun(,乐趣,).,Reading comprehension,Its September.Its fine.Mr.Green and his family are in the park.They are having a good,time.Mr.and Mrs.Green are looking at some fish in the lake.Tom,their son,is looking at a plane in the sky.Mary,their daughter,is walking behind her parents.She is looking at fish in the lake,too.,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(,T,)误(,F,)。,()l.Its a fine day today.,()2.Mr.Green and his students are in the park.,()3.Torn is looking at a plane in the sky.,()4.Mary is sitting behind her parents.,()5.Mary is looking at the fish in the lake,too.,1.T,2.F,3.T,4.F,5.T,()1.The bird is singing.,()2.The cat is walking.,()3.The rabbit is jumping.,()4.The lion is running.,()5.The duck is swimming,.,非洲狮,非洲狮广泛分布于非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的草原上,,,被人们誉为“兽,中之王”,这不是因为它的凶猛和巨大,而是因为它那洪亮的吼声和威,武的雄姿。它们黄褐色的皮毛同天然背景浑然一体,因此,即使在白,天如果不仔细辨认也很难发现它。猫科动物大都喜欢独处,然而狮子,则不然,它喜欢结群,每群230只不等。狮子白天休息,凌晨、黄昏、,或晚上捕猎。由于狮子没有长途追击的耐力,所以一般采取伏击的方式,捕获猎物。它们主要的食物有羚羊和斑马,有时也袭击野猪,偶尔还会,吃河马、鸵鸟等。,英文名:,lion,分类地位:食肉目,猫科。,


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