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from famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piagets“genetic epistemology”.This theory reveals cognitive laws in the process of learning.On the basis of the theory of Piaget,many experts developed constructivism from many different angles.At the end of the 1950s and early 1960,American famous psychologist J.S.Bruner put forward the“learner-centered”theory,then he encouraged“discovery(1970)”,the knowledge isnt instilled to students by teachers.Its discovered and constructed by students through teachers guidance,instead.,1.The constructivist teaching approaches.,1.1 Main contents,Constructivist learning theory emphasizes“learner-centred”.It requires students who were the passive recipents of the external stimulation to be the active constructors of the knowledge.It also requires teachers who were initiators to be the helpers.That means teachers should use new models and approaches in teaching process.Therefore,constructivism theory is the basis of the“learner-centred”pedagogics.,Learning isnt the simple transmission from the teachers to the students.Learners must build their own knowledge,it cant be given to them,and that new knowledge builds on current knowledge.Learning is a search for meaning.Therefore,learning must start with the issue around which students are actively trying to construct meaning.,The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning,not just memorize the“right”answers and regurgitate someone elses meaning.The only valuable way to measure learning is to make the assessment part of the learning process,ensuring it provides students with information on the quality of their learning.,1.2 Learning environment,(1)Context The context in learning environment must help the learners construct the contents theyve learnt.,(2)Interaction It should be throughout the learning process.(3)Communication It is the essential means for each learner to promote the process of learning.,(4)construction of meaning Its the final goal of teaching process.Helping students construct meaning is helping them understanding deeply the internal relationships of what they learned.,1.3 Several teaching models,(1)Contextual teaching The constructivism emphasizes that knowledge is reconstructed in different contexts.Learning is the process of constructing the knowledge actively.The teachers can set different contexts according to different teaching contents.Contextual teaching can not only stimulate the interest of learners,but also can make learners learn actively.,(2)Cooperative learning Cooperative learning is to make the students learn in team.In the teaching process,cooperation aims at accomplishing the meaning construction of what the learners have learnt and mobilizing every learners enthusiasm.,(3)interactive teaching Teachers design effective questions,then learners discuss in teams,and teachers give them some guidance.After they answer the questions,teachers give the effective feedback.,2.The teaching methods on English writing under the guidance of constructivism,2.1 Arousing the students interests,The teaching on English writing under the guidance of constructivism emphasizes meaningful construction,the process of writing,the group writing task and the interaction between teachers and students.,In the writing class,teachers should use novel introduction to attract the students attention and make the students receive the knowledge actively.Teachers should lead students to explore and use the various resources which is beneficial to themselves.In choosing study materials,teachers can guide students to collect extracurricular materials,read English novels,listen to English songs,through which they can be familiar with the usage of different words.Teachers can also create real scenes,then students act different roles.From the plays,students will have interests in writing.,2.2 The process of teaching,According to certain teaching contents and the features of the students experiential foundation,teachers should design the


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