新版PEP小学四年级上册Unit 5 dinner's ready 课件

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新版PEP小学四年级上册Unit 5 dinner's ready 课件_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5 Dinners ready,Part A Lets talk,BOOK 3,Look and say quickly,(快看快说),Id like some,rice.,Id like some,fish.,Id like some,rice,and,fish.,Dinner Menu,(菜单),Id like some,(and).,Dinner Menu,What would you like?,Id like some,(and).,Dinner Menu,What would you like?,Listen and number,(听录音,给图片排序),()()(),Watch and answer,(观看视频,回答问题),?,What would you like?,Question:,What does Mike say?,Mike,would like,some _ and _ for dinner.,Id like some soup,and bread,please.,soup,s-ou-p,Watch again and answer,What would you like for dinner?,?,Question:,What does his father say?,His father would like,some _ and _ for dinner.,Some fish and,vegetables,please.,vegetable,vege-ta-ble,Dinner Menu,Lets chant,(说唱歌谣),What would you like?,What would you like?,Soup and bread,fish and vegetables.,Dinner is ready.,Open your eyes!,Listen and imitate,(听录音,模仿读),请注意语音、语调哦!,Read the dialogue,(朗读对话),Act the dialogue,(表演对话),1.Make a survey,(做调查),.,Dinner Menu,组长同学,首先提问并负责记录,,组员同学,按顺序轮流问答,,最后,组员一起询问组长。,2.Make the menu,(制作菜单),.,请根据你们小组的调查结果,,选择相应的食物图片并贴好,,合作完成组内的,Dinner Menu.,Dinner Menu,2.Make the menu,(制作菜单),.,请根据你们小组的调查结果,,选择相应的食物图片并贴好,,合作完成组内的,Dinner Menu.,Dinner Menu,健康饮食,幸福生活,。,Healthy food,,,happy life!,Tips,1.Listen and repeat the dialogue.,(听录音,读对话。),2.Try to make a healthy menu.,(尝试运用今天所学的句型,询问,家人或朋友,制作一份健康菜单。),Homework,Wish you have a happy dinner!,Thank you!,


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