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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Reading,Electricity,Lets discuss!,What does the word “energy” mean?,Where does the boys energy come from?,Where does the robots energy come from?,Im a robot. My,energy,comes from electricity.,Im a boy. My,energy,comes,from food.,power and ability to do a lot of work or activities,We are going to talk about,-electricity,What kinds of things need electricity,in our daily life,?,Brainstorming,READING,Before you read,Do you know how electricity comes to our homes?,power station,make electricity,cable,wire,light bulb,READING,A. How do people produce electricity?,There are three ways of producing electricity. Write correct in the blanks.,solar power water power wind,power,w,ind power,w,ater power,s,olar power,Look at the,photos,and the,title, and answer these questions.,What did the girl buy?,What do you think the story may talk about?,Where electricity comes from,What electricity is like,What we use electricity for,How can we use electricity safely,B. Before you read,Batteries.,a,b c,C1 Circle the correct answers to complete the sentences.,If you,reply,to a question, you _ it.,ask B. answer,A,foolish,person usually does _ things.,harmful B. silly,When my computer is,connected,to the Internet, the Internet _ my computer and the other computers in the world together.,joins B. carries,A,B,B,4. If you ask someone to wait for a,moment, you will come back in _.,A. a long time B. a short time,5.,Batteries,provide toy cars with _.,A. electricity,B. heat,B,A,Electricity all around,C2 Complete the passage below with words form the box.,Electricity is like water,(1),_ . It flows from the (2)_ to our homes.,The light ,TVs and computers in our homes are (3,)_the power station though (4) _.,Electricity is very important to us. We need it at home, at work and in school. Could (5)_ live in a world without electricity .,in a way,power station,connected to,wires,anyone,anyone connected to in a way power station wires,Ask and answer in groups,1.Whats the girl going to buy?,2. What does electricity give us?,3. How does electricity come into homes?,She is going to buy a packet of sweets.,Electricity gives us power.,Electricity comes into homes through thin,wires, just as water through pipes.,Find these sentences in the story on P73. Write the name of the person or thing that pronounce in italics,(斜体),refer to.,1.,I, m going to buy some sweets. (Lines 1-2),2.Can,you,get,me,a packet of electricity, please?,(Lines 4-5),3.,She,ll look foolish. (Lines 8),4.I,t,s like water, in a way. (Lines 11-12),5.,They,are connected to a power station. (Lines 16),Daisy,Electricity,D1,Benny.,Daisy,Cables,D2,How does electricity get to Bennys flat? Choose the correct words in the box to label the diagram(,图解,) below.,wire,cable,power station,cable power station wire,Look at the picture and retell how the electricity comes into your home?,People,produce,electricity in a power station. After that, the electricity,travels through,cables under the street. The cables,are connected to,thin wires. Electricity,comes into,homes through those thin wires.,Discussion,Who looks foolish in the end? Why?,Discuss with your classmates.,Find out the,useful phrases,and,expressions,.,一盒,成盒装的,流经,流过,在某种程度上,与,相连接,片刻之后,看起来傻乎乎的,a packet of,in packet,s,flow through,in a way,be connect,ed,to,a moment later,look foolish,Language Points,sweet,adj.,甜的,n.,糖果,c.n, sweets,甜品,u.n,e.g.,这些糖果给你。,There are some sweets for you.,e.g.,冰淇淋是我最喜欢的甜品。,Ice cream is my,favourite,sweet.,Can you,get,me,a packet of,electricity, please?,get,v.,得到,get,sb.sth,. =,get,sth,.,for,sb.,为某人取某物,e.g. Can you get me the book?,=Can you get _?,e.g. Can I get you a drink?,=_?,the book for me,Can I get a drink for you?,Language Points,选词填空:,get / take / bring,Please,bring,your homework,here,. We will check the answers together.,Can you,get,me a cup of coffee?,This is your brothers letter.,Take,it to him.,get,去取来,take,拿走,bring,拿来,Language Points,_,_,_,a packet of,一盒,+,c.n,(pl.) /,u.n,e.g. a packet of eggs,a packet of milk,in packets,盒装的,in +,c.n/u.n,e.g. in peace,和平,in tens,以十为计,十进制,in pieces,破碎地,in surprise,惊奇地,Language Points,Shell,look foolish,.,foolish=stupid=silly,愚蠢的,反:,wise=smart=clever,聪明的,look,sound,smell,taste,feel,联系动词,+,形容词,You mustnt do that.,must,情态动词,必须,一定,mustnt= must not,不允许,禁止,e.g.,你不准在这里吸烟。,You mustnt smoke here.,Language Points,like,v. & prep.,v.,喜欢,e.g.,我喜欢这本书。,I like this book.,prep.,像,be like = look like,e.g.,他看起来像他的爸爸。,He looks like his father.,in a way,在某种程度,/,意义上,Its,like,water,in a way,.,Language Points,in a way,in the way,by the way,on the way to,in this way,,,can you tell me where the station is?,在某种程度上,挡路,顺便问一下,去,的路上,用这种方式,By the way,These wires,are connected to,cables under the street.,be connected to,与,连接,e.g.,电缆与发电厂相连。,The cables are connected to the power station.,e.g.,这根电线和电视机相连。,This wire is connected to the television.,Language Points,Exercise 1:,根据句意和所给的首字母填空。,He never r_ to my letters or e-mails.,I want to c_ the wire to the TV.,It is f _ of you to make fun of others.,Dont leave the lights on it wastes,e _.,5. You can invite a_ to your,birthday party.,replies,connect,foolish,electricity,anyone,在某种程度上说,这是一部好电影。,_ _ _, it is a good movie.,2.,不一会儿,男孩的妈妈回来了。,_ _ _, the boys mum came back.,3.,你能去超市买包盐吗?,Can you buy _ _ _ salt from the supermarket?,4.,这部手机已经连接到电脑上。,The phone _ _ _ the computer.,Exercise 2:,根据中文意思完成句子。,In a way,A moment later,a packet of,was connected to,Exercises,1.,在某种程度上,电像水一样流动。,_ _ _,,,electricity _ like water.,2.,你能帮我买一盒果汁吗?,Can you _ me _ _ _ juice?,3.You cant buy electricity _ _. (,盒装的,),In a way,flows,get/ buy,a packet of,in packets,


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