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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中国象棋,Chinese Chess,目录,contents,1,、简介,(introduction),2,、历史起源,(the historical origins),3,、走棋,(playing chess),4,、棋子和棋盘,(chess pieces and board),5,、关于胜、负、和,(,win,loss,and draw),6,、残局,(mess),7,、关于象棋的歇后语,(about the allegorical of chess),8,、象棋是一种有趣的娱乐游戏,(an interesting entertainment game),1,、简介,(introduction),Xiangqi,is a two-player Chinese board game in the same family as Western chess.The present-day form of,Xiangqi,originated in China and is therefore commonly called Chinese chess in English.The first character Xiang here has the meaning image or representational,hence,Xiangqi,can be literally translated as representational chess.The game is sometimes called elephant chess after an alternative meaning of Xiang as elephant.,2,、历史起源,(the historical origins),The Chinese chess military occasion of chess.It has a long history,originated in Shanxi Qinxian.Warring States period,has been officially recorded on the chess,visible far in the Warring States era(,战国时期,),chess has been popular in the aristocracy off.,。,3,、走棋,(playing chess),Rooks,(,车),The Rook moves as an orthodox Rook.,Knights(,马,),The Knight moves one point orthogonally followed by one point outward-diagonally.It may not leap over occupied points.,Cannons(,炮,),The Cannon moves differently when it moves to capture than when it moves passively.The Cannon moves passively as an orthodox Rook,。,The Cannon moves to capture as an orthodox Rook which is required to hop over a single screen,Elephants,(象),The Elephant moves exactly two points diagonally.It may not leap over occupied points.Also,Elephants are confined to their home side of the river,。,Mandarins,(士),The Mandarin(or Guard)moves one point diagonally.It may never leave the palace.The symbols on red and black,Mandrians,differ,but their moves are the same,4,、棋子和棋盘,(chess pieces and board),1,、棋子活动的场所,叫做,棋盘,,在长方形的平面上,绘有九条平行的竖线和十条平行的横线相交组成,共九十个交叉点,棋子就摆在这些交叉点上。中间第五、第六两横线之间未画竖线的空白地带,称为,河界,,整个棋盘就以,河界,分为相等的两部分;两方将帅坐镇、画有,米,字方格的地方,叫做,九宫,。,Pieces,Each player has the following pieces:,2 Rooks (R)(or chariots),(车),2 Knights (N)(or horses),(马),2 Elephants(M)(or bishops or ministers),(象),2 Mandarins (G)(or advisors or assistants or guards),(士),1 King (K)(or generals),(将或帅),2 Cannons (C),(炮),5 Pawns (P)(or soldiers),(卒或兵),5,、关于胜、负、和,(,win,loss,and draw),game one of the following conditions,the side loses,the other win,:,1,、,one of the king to be eaten by each other pawn,;,2,、,ones own issued to concede the request,;,3,、,ones own sides move beyond the step limit,;,6,、残局,(mess),mess is down to the final stage of incomplete chess game,。,The mess is the foundation of chess.Very important to learn the pieces.,Practical mess can simplify the situation under what circumstances to enter the case wins or cases and continue to maintain a complicated situation,whether it is the case of victory,for example,or to maintain the complexity of the situation need to master the skills of the mess,otherwise a draw and not,to win at win no less than indiscriminately against the child resulting in defeat!.,Learn practical mess is look at the situation of an important part,。,残局,7,、关于象棋的歇后语,About the allegorical of chess.,小卒过河,-,顶大车,小卒,-,一去不回头,重炮将,无子垫,马回头,不如驴,一盘象棋下三天,棋逢对手,象棋斗胜,-,纸上谈兵,豆腐板上下象棋,-,无路可走,围棋盘里摆象棋,不对路数,马跳窝心,-,不死也昏,双车难破,-,士相全,单车挂炮,-,瞎胡闹,8,、象棋是一种有趣的娱乐游戏,(an interesting entertainment game),learning and research Chess,it is benefit to development intellectual of young people.Also can cultivate the mind and the elderly adult business war of brain.,Three great benefits,1,exercise the brain,and develop the intelligence.Culture of observation and analysis capabilities.,2,you can mold the sentiment of the people,to exercise psychological quality,develop peoples patience.,3,increase the accuracy of the judge things,an increase of the degree of understanding of things overall situation.,Chinese Chess(,Xiangqi,):It is suitable for all age groups.It is genius work of native Chinese board games,containing the traditional Chinese philosophies of duality and mutual influence.It has strict rules and a complete system.It is both brain training and entertaining.,friends,let us work together to nourishing the heart by chess,chess as our friend.,Let us find a lot of fun in the chess world.,Thank you.,


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