【新概念二】lesson 19 Mina桑(精品)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Lesson 19 Sold out,票已售完,NCE2,grammar keys,情态动词(modal verb 1),常用的情态动词有:can,could,may,might,must,ought to,can表示现在或将来的情况,主要表示:,(1)能力(指的是某人或某物所具备的一种能力或特征),Can you play the piano?,Can the money speak?,(2)可能性,Can I help you?,I can call you tomorrow.,(3)有时会,不经常如此,Boys can be very naughty.,It can be windy in fall in this area.,(4)(用于否定句以及疑问句)可能,That cant be David.He had gone to Britain yesterday.,You cant be hungry.We have just finished the lunch.,(5)表示“准许(做某事)”,可以与may互换,You can smoke in the hall.,They can call the police.,could 的用法:,(1)作为can 的过去式,表示过去的情况,可表示能力、可能性。,(2)用来代替can,说明现在的情况,婉转地提出请求、想法、建议等,Could you please show me the pictures?,I could do it now if you want me to.,You could write a letter to the President.,1,用于疑问句以及否定句表示惊讶,不相信等。,Could that be true?,How could you be so heartless?,(3)用于虚拟条件句,I could have helped you out if you had asked me earlier.,Why didnt you apply for the job?You could have got it.,(4)can+不定式的完成形式,可以用来谈过去的情况,表示“那时(不)可能”,He could not have been more than twenty.,表示“本来可以”或“差点就”,You could have sent a message.,提出婉转的批评,You could have been more considerate.,2,1,2,3,may的用法,(1)用来提出问题,“可不可以”,May I play here?,May I come in?,(2)用于陈述句,表示“可以”或“不可以”,You may keep this book for two weeks.,(3)表示“可能”,Her friend may have gone abroad.,(4)表示祝愿,May you be happy every day!,May you good health and everything goes well.,(6)用于某些成语中,may as well 不妨:,You may as well take a message to him for me.,may.but 或许.但是:,Peking may have changed a lot recent years,but its still a cultural city.,may well.很可能.,Tinas appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize her.,1,2,3,might的用法,(1)用作may的过去式,(2)用来代替may,谈现在的情况。口气比may更婉转,表示“可以”,Might I use your pen?,表示“可能”、“或许”,She might believe what you said.,(3)用于虚拟条件句,If you didnt mind,we might go there,(4)表示轻微的埋怨或批评,You might tell me if you are going to be late.,1,2,must的用法,(1)表示“必须”,多指现在或将来的情况,You must give up smoking.,You must not be late for school.,(2)表示推想,You must feel tired after such a long journey.,(3)表示“应当做某事”可以 ought to互换,You must consider it seriously.,ought to 的用法,(1)应该,应当,You ought to read this novel,so interesting.,(2)表示揣测,He ought to be there by now.,New words and expressions 生词和短语,hurry v.匆忙,ticket office 售票处,pity n.令人遗憾的事,exclaim v.大声说,return v.退回,sadly adv.悲哀地,丧气地,hurry,in a hurry,no hurry,hurry up,在匆忙中她忘记留下她的地址了。,exclaim,exclaim against,exclaim at,他见到礼物很高兴的叫了起来。,词根“claim”,reclaim,acclaim,proclaim,declare,announce,publish,proclaim区别,都含有“明确声明宣布”的意思,declare 经常用于正式场合,指“清楚有力公开让人知道”,announce 指“人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众”,publish 指“通过口头或书面的方式让公众都知道,但主要 是后者”。,proclaim 用公共或正式的场合,特别指“重大的事情,着重”庄严地向广大群众宣布。,pity,what a pity,天气这样恶劣,真遗憾。,pitiful,opp?,sadly,sad,sorrow,miserable,悲惨的;痛苦的;低劣的;卑鄙的,The play may begin at any moment,I said.,It may have begun already,Susan answered.,I hurried to the ticket office.May I have two tickets,please?I asked.,Im sorry,weve sold out,the girl said.,What a pity!Susan exclaimed.,Just then,a man hurried to the ticket office.,Can I return these two tickets?he asked.,Certainly,the girl said.,I went back to the ticket office at once.,Could I have those two tickets please?I asked.,Certainly,the girl said,but theyre for next,Wednesdays,performance.Do you still want them?,I might as well have them,I said sadly.,in return 作为报答,in return for作为.的报答,sadly痛苦可大可小,sorrowfully(较正式的),unhappily(不高兴地;不幸福地),MUA,THANK YOU,WELCOME TO PUT CHANNEL NEXT TIME,


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