[精选]chapter 4新闻报道6076

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,News,编译,两个多小时的演出让观众余兴未尽,演出结束时,观众报以长时间的热烈掌声。,The audience gave the performers long and warm applauses when the two-hour opera was over.,中国移动还表示,3,月,15,日之前他们每天大约收到,4000,条关于垃圾短信的投诉。根据该公司最近的一项报告显示,上述投诉量已减少到每天,2000,条,但是该公司没有透露具体下降情况。,China Mobile said it had received about 4,000 complaints each day over spam messages before March 15.A statement from the company reported the number of daily complaints has now decreased to 2,000,but did not provide details on the reduction.,spam message,“垃圾短信,”,spam:unwanted e-mail(usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk)“,垃圾邮件”,生活中很多,unwanted,信息都可以被称作“,spam”,。,“猪肉罐头”,Spam.V.,“发送垃圾邮件”,E.g.,垃圾邮件是最遭人痛恨的因特网产物。,Spam is the most hated product of the Internet.,如今,杂货铺里都不怎么卖猪肉罐头了。,Nowadays,you can not easily find spam in a grocery.,Answers to chapter 4,据报道,it is reported,据,报道,according to a report by.,援引,的报道,:was quoted as saying,据,统计,according to statistics released by,透露,:disclosed/revealed that,据,证实,as confirmed,新华社,Xinhua News Agency,在,讲这番话的,:made the remark when,中国与俄罗斯在联合国共同向裁军谈判会议全体会议提交草案,建议制定新的国际条约,禁止使用太空武器。,China and Russia submitted to a UN-sponsored disarmament conference a joint proposal for an international treaty to ban the deployment of weapons in outer space.,这里,太空武器表达为“,weapons in outer space”,简化说法为“,space arms”,,部署太空武器表达为“,deployment of weapons in outer space”,。,在今年春晚,由众多影视和娱乐明星表演的诗歌朗诵节目,温暖,2008,鼓舞了民族士气,歌颂了雪灾赈灾义举。,An epic-Warm 2008-praising disaster-relief efforts,was penned by leading poets to boost national morale.It was expressively recited and movingly performed by famous artists,TV anchors and entertainment stars in Spring Festival evening gala on China Central Television(CCTV)on Wednesday night.,Gala,一词作名词用时,意为“欢庆,特别演出,表示欢庆的演出”,She starred at a fund-raising gala.,她是筹款义演中的主角。,gala adj.,“欢庆的;欢乐的”,a gala night,中央气象台发布暴雪橙色预警,预计周五(,1,日)晚到周六(,2,日)我国中部、东部、南部地区将有新一轮强降雪。,The National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert,saying snow and sleet will sweep across central,eastern and southern regions from Friday night through Saturday.,橙色预警表达为,orange alert,为暴雪预警信号里面强度第二的警报。暴雪预警信号分五级,由弱到强分别用绿色,green,、蓝色,blue,、黄色,yellow,、橙色,orange,、红色,red,表示。,alert,警报,警惕,恐怖威胁预警,terror alert,华东师范大学体育与健康学院副院长李小英介绍说,硕博连读通常要花,6,年时间,刘翔的情况比较特殊,他只要修完课程,学习年限并不是最关键的问题。李小英介绍说因为刘翔忙于比赛和训练,华师大将特意安排老师去莘庄训练基地为他授课。,硕博连读,successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study,单独授课,face-to-face lessons,保研,postgraduate recommendation,研究生入学考试为,postgraduate qualification exam,Li Xiaoying,vice-president of the School of Sports and Health Care(SSHC)at East China Normal University,said The successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study will usually take six years,but the time is not a problem for Liu Xiang as long as he can finish and pass all the courses,because he is a special student.”“We know Liu has to spend most of his time in the training base.So we will send his teachers the Shanghai Xinzhuang training base to give him lessons individually,Li added.,胡锦涛指出,台湾任何政党,只要承认两岸同属一个中国,我们都愿意同他们交流对话、协商谈判,什么问题都可以谈。我们愿以最大诚意、尽最大努力实现两岸和平统一,绝不允许任何人以任何名义任何方式把台湾从祖国分割出去。,The mainland is ready to hold exchanges,dialogue,consultations and negotiations with any political party in Taiwan on any issue as long as it recognizes that both sides of the Straits belong to one and the same China,Hu said.,He also vowed to make every effort with the utmost sincerity to achieve peaceful reunification.We will never allow anyone to separate Taiwan from the motherland in any name,or by any means.,“粮价涨,百价涨,”国家发展改革委员会副主任朱之鑫说。因此,在预测中国的物价趋势的时候,他认为中国的物价会维持在一个高位,但消费者物价指数增长会放缓。,The rise of foodstuff prices may lead all the other commodities to follow suit,“,跟着做,随之,NDRC Vice-Minister Zhu Zhixin said.He made a cautious forecast that Chinas price level would remain high and that the growth rate would slow down.,截至,9,月底,全国基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险参保人数分别达到,19676,万人、,18896,万人、,11473,万人、,11530,万人和,7327,万人。,The number of Chinese covered by insurance against old age,medical problems,unemployment,work injuries and childbirth reached 196.76 million,188.96 million,114.73 million,115.3 million and 73.27 million,respectively,by the end of last month(September).,基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险和生育保险可以说“,insurance against old age,medical problems,unemployment,work injuries and childbirth”,养老保险“,endowment insurance”,医疗保险“,medicalinsurance”,,,失业保险“,unemployment insurance”,,,工伤保险“,work injury insurance”,,,生育保险“,childbirth insurance”,。,交通协管员由北京市公安局公安交通管理局招录和管理。他们的年龄大多在四五十岁。虽然他们的工作看似简单,但是他们为维护首都的交通秩序做出了很大的贡献。在绿灯亮的,90,秒内,有交通协管员的时候,,40,辆车可以通过十字路口,没有交通协管员的时候只能通过,15,辆。,The traffic police assistants are recruited and managed by Beijing Traffic Management Bureau.They mostly age in their 40s and 50s and as simple as their job may seem,these people are playing a major role in maintaining the capitals traffic order.,During the green light,which lasts about 90 seconds,about 40 vehicles can pass the crossroad with an assistant keeping the order.Without the


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