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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit One,Friendship,In my opinion,friendship is one of the most,precious,(珍贵的),things we have ,which can make people happy and successful,. Firstly, we can lead a happy life if we have some friends to share feelings ,for joy that is shared will be doubled and,sorrow,(悲伤),shared will be,reduced,(减少),.,Secondly, the company of friends can help us win success. We can,benefit,(从,中受益),a great deal from our friendship. Moreover, friendship has influence,(影响),on our,personalities,(个性),. To win friendship we should have a pleasant,(令人满意的),manner.,.,To keep the friendship we,ought to,(,=should,),be self disciplined(,自律,) and learn to be,considerate,(体贴,考虑周到的),. If everybody has friends and knows how to keep friendship, society will be in harmony(,和谐),.,谚语导读:,A life without a friend is a life without the sun.,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,没有朋友的生活犹如没有阳光的生命。,患难见真情。,A good friend,loyal,patient,wise,brave,honest,kind,caring,warm-hearted,good- tempered,easy-going,responsible,reliable,smart,Brainstorming,What,qualities(,品质,),should a good friend have?,Warming up,selfless,considerate,humorous,Does a friend always have to be a person? Tell us about your unusual friends.,Anne,Annes diary,Kitty,Best friend,Reading Annes Best Friend,1.,survey,2. add up,3. upset,4. ignore,5. calm down,6. have got to,调查,合计,使不安,( v. ),心烦意乱,(adj.),不理睬,忽视,平静下来,不得不,关心,7. be concerned about,8.,walk the dog,9. loose,10. go through,11. set down,12. a series of,13. on purpose,14. face to face,遛狗,松散的,经历、经受,记下、放下,一连串的、一系列、一套,故意,面对面地,Anne Frank,1929,Born in Germany,1933,Moved to Amsterdam,From 1940,Hidden in a building for two years, writing diary,1944,Discovered and was killed the next year,Her diary was published after the war,1. The story mainly tells us that_,A Annes best friend was a girl called Kitty,B Anne set down what had happened in her diary,C Anne kept diaries in her hiding place and she treated her diary as her best friend,2. According to Anne ,a best friend is a person_,A who would not laugh at you,B whom you could tell everything to,C who understands what you have gone through,Fast-reading,3. Anne was crazy about everything with nature because_,A she loved nature but she couldnt see it face to face,B the thunders always frightened her so much,C the moonlight and the flowers had attracted her much,4. She didnt dare to open the window when the moon was bright .Thats because_,A they might be discovered,B her family might be disturbed,C it was very cold,D a thief might get into the room,Information about Annes family,Nationality,_,Address,Amsterdam in the _,Situation,They had to _ for nearly twenty-five months.,Period,During _,Reason,If they didn,t, they would be caught by the _.,Result,Finally all her family were discovered.,German Nazis,Jewish,Netherlands,hide,away,World,War,II,Join the correct parts of the sentences,1 Anne kept a diary because,2 She felt very lonely because,3 They had to hide because,4 Anne named her diary Kitty because,5 They were finally caught because,A she couldnt meet her friends.,B Jews were caught by Nazis and put away.,C she could tell everything to it.,D they were discovered.,E she thought it was her best friend.,Careful-reading,Answer the following questions:,Why did Anne made her diary her best friend?,2. Why did she stay awake on purpose until very late one evening?,3.,Why did Anne no longer just like looking at nature out of the window?,Because she wanted to have a good look at the bright moon.,Because she could tell everything to her diary, like her deepest feelings and thoughts.,Because,she did not want to be a “prisoner” in the hiding place any longer. She wanted to live a normal life again.,During World War II, Anne and her family had to,away because they were_.They had hidden away for nearly_ months_they were_.During that time, Anne was very_and the only true_was her_, so she kept a diary every day so that she could tell_to it.,After being indoors for so long, she was very_,about everything to do with _.Sometimes she stayed_on_until half,eleven in _ to have a good_ at the_ .,hide,Jewish,25,before,discovered,lonely,friend,diary,everything,crazy,nature,awake,purpose,past,order,look,moon,Summary,Form a group to discuss the situation:,Activity,What will you take? Why?,How will you spend the 3 months?,Suppose you and your group members have to hide yourselves for 3 months. During the three months, you will be offered the basic food,(基本食物), water and clothes. Your group can take 5 things with you.,1 I wonder,if,its,because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long,that,Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.,我不知道这是不是因为我长时间无法出门的缘故,使我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都那样狂热。,2.,it,was,the,first,time,in a year and a half,that,Id,seen,the night face to face.,这是我一年半以来第一次观察夜晚,3,I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut.,我一直等到要关窗了才下楼。,Homework:,Tick out sentences that are difficult for you.,2. Do the exercises on your exercise book.,


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