语言学简明教程Chapter 7

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,The,penguin,swallowed,the,fish,.,Det,.Noun Verb.,Det,.noun,NP,NP NP,sentence,John,gave,Mary,the,book.,noun verb noun,det,noun,NP,VP,1,Chapter 7 Meaning,Semantics is the study of the linguistic meaning conveyed by words,phrases and sentences.,broadly speaking(non-linguistically),Life is meaningful./Thats the meaning of life.,(the significance of something),narrowly speaking(linguistically),What does the word“supermarket”mean?,What is meaning?,What is semantics?,2,7.2 Word Meaning,Qs:,1)What is the smallest unit that can distinguish meaning?,2)What is the smallest unit that can carry meaning?,3)Are phonemes meaningful in themselves?,4)How can we define a word?(How many rules for that?),5)How can word meanings be classified?,Word meaning,connotation,(,内涵意义,):,pig,refers to“dirty”“lazy”“fat”,denotation,(,本义,外延意义),:,pig,domestic or wild animal with short legs,cloven hooves and a broad blunt snout,3,How are words and meaning related?,When we name an object,it is our thought or reference that link the symbol and the actual object,the referent together.For example,if we use desk to refer to the object like a table that we sit at and work,there is definitely a process that we use our thought to connect the symbol and the object although we dont realize it.,(by Ogden&Richards),4,Ogden and Richards:semantic triangle,Symbol/form,word/phrase/sentence,Referent/object in the,world of experience,Thought/reference/concept,(,思想,/,相关,/,概念,),5,More explanation:,The symbol or form refers to the linguistic elements(words and phrases);,The referent refers to the object in the world of experience;,The symbol or a word signifies things by virtue of the concept associated with the form of the word in the minds of the speaker;and the concept looked at from this point of view is the meaning of the word.,6,7.3 How Are Word Meanings Related?,Major sense relations,:,1),Synonymy(,同义关系,),2),Antonymy,(,反义关系,),3),Polysemy,(,一词多义关系,),4),Homonymy(,同音同形异义关系,),5),Hyponymy(,上下义关系,),7,Synonymy,Synonymy,refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning.Words that are close in meaning are called,synonyms.,1)Dialectal synonyms-synonyms used in different regional dialects,e.g.autumn-fall,biscuit-cracker,petrol gasoline,2)Stylistic synonyms-synonyms differing in style,e.g.kid,child,offspring;start,begin,commence;,8,Antonymy,Gradable antonyms(,分级反义词,),-there are often intermediate forms between the two members of a pair,e.g.,old-young,hot-cold,tall-short,Complementary antonyms(,互补反义词,),-the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other,e.g.,alive-dead,male-female,Relational opposites(,关系对立反义词,),-exhibits the reversal of the relationship between the two items,e.g.,husband-wife,father-son,doctor-patient,buy-sell,let-rent,employer-employee,give-receive,above-below,Reversives,(,可逆性反义词,),-refer to the verbs denoting a,reversive,process.,e.g.advance-retreat,enter-leave,9,Gradable antonyms,Gradable antonyms -there are often intermediate forms between the two members of a pair,e.g.,old-young,hot-cold,tall-short,10,Complementary antonyms,Complementary antonyms -the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other,e.g.,alive-dead,male-female,11,Polysemy,Polysemy,-the same one word may have more than one meaning,e.g.“table”may mean:,A piece of furniture,All the people seated at a table,The food that is put on a table,Orderly arrangement of facts,figures,etc.,(The word table here is,polysemous,.),12,Homonymy,Homonymy,-the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form,e.g.different words are identical in,sound,or,spelling,or in both.,Homophone(,同声异义词,),-when two words are identical in sound,e.g.,rain-reign(,统治,),night/knight(,骑士,),Homograph(,同形异义词,),-when two words are identical in spelling,e.g.,tear(n.,眼泪,)-tear(v.),lead(n.,铅,)-lead(v.),Complete homonym,-when two words are identical in both sound and spelling,e.g.,bank,watch,13,Hyponymy,Hyponymy-the sense relation between a more general,more inclusive word and a more specific word.,Superordinate,(,上义词,):,the word which is more general in meaning.,Hyponyms,(,下义词,):,the word which is more specific in meaning.,Co-hyponyms,(,同级下义词,):,hyponyms of the same,superordinate,.,E.g.,Superordinate,:flower,Hyponyms:rose,tulip,lily,chrysanthemum,peony,narcissus,Superordinate,:furniture,Hyponyms:bed,table,desk,dresser,wardrobe,sofa,14,7.4 How Is word meaning Analyzed?,Componential analysis(,语义成分分析,),-a way to analyze lexical meaning.The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components,called semantic features.For example,Man:+concrete,+animate,+human,+adult,+male,Boy:+concrete,+animate,+human,-adult,+male,Woman:+concrete,+animate,+human,+adult,-male,Girl:+concrete,+animate,+human,-adult,-male,15,My son saw that gasoline can explode.,My son saw that gasoline can explode.,16,7.5 Sentence Meaning,My,son,saw,that,gasoline,can,explode,.,My,son,saw,that,gasoline,can,explode,.,


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