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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 5,Do you want to watch a game show?,Self check,1).A:what do you think of soap operas?,B:I cant stand them.,2).A:What show do you want to watch,tonight?,B:I want to watch the talent show.,1 Write questions and answers using,the words in brackets.,3).A:What do you expect to learn from,the game show?,B:I expect to learn interesting information.,4).A:What do you hope to watch,tomorrow?,B:I hope to watch the news.,5).A:Do you plan to watch the action,movie?,B:No,I plan to watch the comedy.,They waste time.,They are relaxing.,Exciting.,I can learn a lot from them.,They make me relaxed.,Tell it like it is,Legal Report,CCTV News,News in 30 Minutes,Man and Nature,Chinese Cooking,Around China,Sports news,Lucky52,Animal World,Culture China,人与自然,中国饮食,新闻联播,今日说法,中国各地,新闻,30,分,实话实说,幸运,52,动物世界,中国文化,体育新闻,Look,Match and Talk,连词成句,1.talk,think,you,what,of,do,shows,2.mind,I,dont,them,3.,she,of,think,what,does,soap,operas,What do you think of talk shows?,I dont mind them.,What does she think of soap operas?,4.cant,it,stand,I,5.wear,you,do,to,sunglasses,like,6.does,like,wallet,not,she,the,I cant stand it.,Do you like to wear sunglasses?,She doesnt like the wallet.,单项选择,1,Your hands are very dirty.Please go and have a wash with _.,A.a soap B.soaps C.soap,此题考察,soap,的用法,soap,为不可数名词,故不能选,A,或,B,。答案为,C,。,2.-_ do you think of the movie?-Its very interesting.I like it.,A.Why B.Which C.HowD.What,此题考察句型,What do you think of.?,故答案为,D,。,3.Its too hot in the classroom.We cant _,it.We,all _ up and go out of the classroom.,A.mind;stand B.stand;stand,C.sit;stand,此题考察的是,stand,的两个词义。句意是,“,教室里太热了。我们不能忍受。我们都站起来走出了教室,”,。故答案为,B,。,4.How about _ out for a walk?,A.to go B.going C.go D.goes,about,为介词,后应接动名词,故答案为,B,。,5.-Who is our teacher talking _?,-Mr.Zhang.,A./B.of C.at D.to,此题句意为“我们的老师在跟谁交谈”。“与某人交谈”应用,talk to sb.,或,talk with sb.,故答案为,D,。,6.There is a _ building next to the supermarket.,A.15 meter tall B.15 meters high,C.15-meter-high D.15-meters-high,依据上文讲解,此题答案为,C,。,7._ on the farm is better than _ classes at school.,A.To work;having B.Working;having,C.Work;have D.Work;to have,此题动词短语充当句子的主语,故用动名词的形式,答案为,B,。,8.Thanks for _ me to your party.,A.ask B.to ask C.asking D.asks,for,为介词,其后的动词要用动名词的形式,故答案应为,C,。,9.We want to play soccer.Please _ us soon.,A.join in B.join C.take part in,join in,多指“参加正在进行的活动”,join,多指“参加并成为其中的一个成员”,take part in,多指“参加活动”由题意可知是“加入并成为我们中的一员”,故答案为,B,。,10.She agrees _ her husband almost(,几乎,)_ everything.,A.with;to B.with;in C.to;with D.to;in,此题考察的是,agree,与不同的介词连用的不同用法,此句意思是,“,她几乎每一件事都同意她丈夫的意见。,”,“,同意某人,”,用,“,agree with sb.,”,“,同意某事,”,用,“,agree to,sth,.,”,故答案为,A,。,1).-What _ you think of soap operas?,-I _ stand _.,2).-What _ your classmates think of sports shows?,-They _ mind _.,3).-What _ she think of my new shirt?,-She _ like _.,4).-What_ Tony think of the food?,-He likes _.,5).-What _ they,think of the cat?,-They love _.,do,cant,them,do,dont,them,does,doesnt,it,does,it,do,it,中央电视台新闻,晚间新闻,世界报道,天气预报,体育新闻,实话实说,肥皂剧,中国好声音,情景喜剧,人与自然,Sports News,CCTV News,Evening Report,Worlds Report,Weather Report,Soap Opera,Sitcom,Tell it like it is,The Voice of China,Man and Nature,根据汉语,补全英语句子。,1,、,“,你觉得游戏节目怎样?,”“,我忍受不了那些东西。,”,_do you_ _ game shows?“,“I _ _them.,2,、那是个仅,5,岁的男孩,但他会写字、会看书。,That is only_ _ boy,but he can write and _.,3,、晚饭后散步对健康有益。,_ _ _after supper is good for_.,4,、他们对每样东西的看法如何?,_did they _ _everything?,What,think of,cant stand,a five-year-old,read,Taking a walk,health,What,think of,5,、他们中的一些答案使我们大感意外。,_ _their answers _ us.6,、我家乡的每个人都很友好。,_ in my hometown _ very _.7,、我们喜欢在课堂上用英语问问题。,We enjoy_ _ _ _ in class.8,、你介意把这件事告诉他好吗?,Would you_ _ him about this?,Some of,surprised,Everyone,is,friendly,asking questions with English,mind telling,1,他们不能忍受太阳镜。你的看法呢?,They cant stand the _.Whats your _?,2 Tina,对运动节目不在乎。,Tina _ _ _ _,3 Tony,认为谈话节目怎么样?他很喜爱它。,What _Tony think of _ _?He _it.,4,谢谢你帮助我。,_ _ _ helping me.,sunglasses,idea,cant stand sports shows,does,talk show,loves,Thank you for,5,你怎样认为连续剧?我受不了。,_ do you _ _ _ _?,I _ _ _.,6,他不喜欢情景喜剧。,He _ _ _.,7 Evan,对围巾不在乎。,Evan _ mind the _.,8.,你去哪里度假了?我参观了博物馆。你的假期怎么样?事实上。相当不错。,_ did you go _ _?I _ _.,_ _ your vacation?_ _,it _ _ _.,What,think of soap operas,cant stand them,doesnt like sitcoms,doesnt,scarf,Where,on vacation,visited museum,How was,In fact,was pretty good,9.,我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧。,My,brother_Sports,World,_,my sister likes,_,.,10.,我可以问你一些问题吗?,May I_ you_ questions?,11.,我不能忍受老人没有权利打扮漂亮的观念。,I cant,_,the idea that old people have,to be,_,.,12.,我们的教室是多彩的。,My classroom,_,.,likes,and,sitcoms,ask,some,stand,beautiful,is colorful,


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