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服,/,务,/,教,/,师 免,/,费,/,馈,/,赠,返回菜单,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,RJ,英语,必修,5,导读,话题美文,感悟,教材原文,预学,语言知识,Period,单元预习课,天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。及时对有需要帮助的人实施急救是非常重要的。另外,准备好急救药箱或防灾准备药箱是极其重要的一步。那如何准备呢?快来寻我答案吧!,Many accidents happen at your house or nearby in the yard or garden areas.,Learning basic first aid will help you remain relaxed in an emergency when most people would,panic.Injuries,happen when you least expect,them.So,therefore having access to a first aid kit is a priority.,But you would be surprised how many parents dont actually have a first aid kit readily at,hand.Do,you have one?I know when I was at home we had bandages in one draw in the kitchen,,,plasters in the bathroom along with all sorts of other medications(,药物,)scattered around the house.,I firmly believe that you should have a number of first aid kits in the house in prominent areas like the kitchen,,,bathroom,,,garage and,shed.Also,a first aid kit in your car is,vital.I,actually have a blanket and waterproofs in my car as well.,A basic first aid kit should contain items that can be used to treat simple injuries whilst also preventing or reducing the chance of,infection.A,beginners first aid kit should include plasters and dressings along with,antibiotics(,n,.,药,抗生素;抗生学,),,,smoothing creams(,润肤膏,),,,handy wipes,,,eyewash cup,,,thermometer(,温度计;体温计,)and a pair of,scissors.Put,all these items in a suitable container with a first aid label on the outside.,You can create your own list of items depending on where you live and what activity takes place,there.It,is a good idea to write a list of what you have in your first aid kit box and stick onto the,lid.So,you can always make sure the contents are complete.You can also add to the list as your basic knowledge of first aid improves.,1,priority,n,优先考虑的事,2,have access to,可以使用,/,利用,3,a first aid kit,急救药箱,4,plaster,n,膏药;创可贴,5,scatter,n,分散,1,What will help us remain relaxed when meeting on emergency,?,(no more than five words),_,_,2,What items should a basic first aid kit contain,?,(no more than 15 words),_,_,【,答案,】,1.Learning basic first aid.,2,plasters,;,antibiotics,,,smoothing creams,,,handy wipes,,,eyewash up,;,thermometer and a pair of scissors.,第,1,步识记,核心单词,.,根据所给词性和汉语提示写出下列单词,1,_,n,橱柜;衣柜,2,_,n,皮;皮肤,3,_,n,器官,4,_,n,屏障;障碍,(,物,),5,_,n,毒药;,v,t,.,毒害;使中毒,6,_,n,液体,7,_,n,辐射;射线,8,_,ad,v,.,轻微地;温和地,9,_,n,(,生物,),组织,10,_,adj,.,难以忍受的;不能容忍的,11,_,n,绷带,12,_,n,症状;征兆,13,_,n,壶;罐,14,_,adj,.,潮湿的,15,_,n,女衬衫,【,答案,】,1.cupboard,2.skin,3.organ,4.barrier 5,poison,6.liquid,7.radiation,8.mildly,9.tissue 10,unbearable,11.bandage,12.symptom,13.kettle,14.damp,15.blouse,.,将单词与所给英语释义连线,1,Temporary,A,be unable to breathe,2,choke B,for a short time,3,complex C,become greater in volume,,,thickness or force,4,swell D,complicated;not simple,5,squeeze E,cause to flow in a,continuous stream,6,pour F,press something hard,7,aid G,necessary or essential in order for,sth.to,succeed or exist,8,variety H,food,,,etc.that,is sent to help those,in difficult situation,9,vital I,several different sorts of the same,thing,10,injury J,hurt,,,damage,,,harm,【,答案,】,15,BADCF,610,EHIGJ,第,2,步掌握,高频短语,.,根据所给汉语提示写出下列短语,1,_,实施急救,2,_,生病,3,_,受伤,4,_,各种各样的,5,_,电休克,6,_,榨出;挤出,7,_,反复;多次,8,_,在适当的位置,【,答案,】,1.give/offer first aid to sb.,2.fall ill,3.get injured,4.a variety of,5.electric shock,6.squeeze out 7,over and over again,8.in place,.,用以上短语的适当形式填空,1,My mother used to be in good health,,,but she_ suddenly yesterday.,2,She fell off her bike and her right leg_,3,What a pity,!,I,couldnt_the,patient.,4,The journalist asked him the same question_,5,She likes to have everything_,【,答案,】,1.fell ill,2.got injured,3.give/offer first aid to,4.over and over again,5.in place,第,3,步背诵,重点句型,.,背诵下列教材中出现的句型,,,体会黑体部分的用法,1,Often the illness or injury is not serious,,,but there are other times when giving first aid quickly can save lives.,这种病或伤害通常不严重,但有一些时候,迅速急救会挽救人的性命。,2,If possible,,,discuss what kind of first aid you should give in these situations.,如果可能,讨论一下在这些情形下你应该实施什么形式的急救。,3,So as you can imagine,,,if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.,因此你可以想象得到,如果你的皮肤烧伤了就可能非常严重。,4,There are three types of,burns.Burns,are called first,,,second or third degree burns,,,depending on which layers of the skin are burned.,根据皮肤烧伤的程度而有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。,5,Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.,除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。,从四个选项中选择最佳答案,1,Which of the following is NOT the function of the skin according to the text?,A,It protects you against disease,,,poisons and the suns harmful rays.,B,It helps the heart beat.,C,It can keep you warm or cool.,D,It prevents your body from losing water and gives the sense of touch.,2,Which of the following first aid treatment is RIGHT according to the text?,A,Take clothing off the burned area even though it is stuck to the burn.,B,Do not put cold water on second degree burns.,C,If burns are on the face,,,the victim should sit up.,D,If the injuries are second degree burns,,,it is unnecessary to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.,3,If someo


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