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Mosul,in a matter of hours,the forces of Isis destroyed the work of centuries.And when they took the ancient trading city of Palmyra,it was feared that exactly the same would happen.(70),(下面你将对照原文再听一遍录音),录像原文,:,Ive always felt at home in the past.For after all,what is the present except an endless chain of memories?Some of them are translated into stone.We are all the inheritors of those memories,and we look after them as best we can.All this so we can pass on their,revelation,to the future.But every so often something comes along to shake them from our grip.In Mosul,in a matter of hours,the forces of Isis destroyed the work of centuries.And when they took the ancient trading city of Palmyra,it was feared that exactly the same would happen.(70),现在请准备录音。,Now read as the speaker in the video.,PART A,正在录音:,录像原文:,Ive always felt at home in the past.For afterall,whatis the present except an endless chainof memories?Some of them are translated into stone.We are all the inheritorsof those memories,and we lookafter them as best we can.All this/so we can passon their,revelation,revle()n to the future.But every so often/something comes along to shake them from our grip.In Mosul,in a matter of hours,the forces of Isis destroyed the work of centuries.And when they took the ancient trading city of Palmyra,it was feared that exactly the same would happen.,注:,为重音符号,,/,为停顿符号,,为连读符号,为升调符号,为降调符号,,为黑体单词音标。,分析,:模仿朗读如同视频配音,除了语音语调到位,还需做到节奏韵律相似,完整流畅朗读。,参考译文:,我总能在过去找到归家的感觉,毕竟,没有那连绵不断的过往记忆,有些记忆被镌刻在石头上,我们都是这些记忆的继承者,并尽可能地看顾好这些遗产。只有这样,我们才能将古人的启示传到未来,但有些事总会时不时地发生,动摇着我们的继承权。在摩苏尔,仅用几个小时,伊斯兰国就毁掉了数百年来的杰作。而当他们夺下巴尔米拉这座古老的贸易之城时,人们担心同样的暴行也会在此上演。,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,PART B,:,Role Play,情景介绍(,27,),角色:,你是,Mary,。,任务:,(,1,)与同学,Tom,谈论教学乐趣的话题;,(,2,)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。,生词:,educational institution,辅导机构,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,(1)Please get ready to ask the first question in English.,中文呈现:,你喜欢教学吗,?,(准备时间,20),提问,:,_(,录音时间,10),回答,:(电脑回答,请记录关键词),_ _,_,1.Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips.,Do you like teaching,?,Yeah,I like teaching very much.I like staying with children and they are so cute,.I design many activities and games for my class,and the students in my class are very active.So,I like this part-time job very much.,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,(2)Please get ready to ask the second question in English.,中文呈现:,你将来想当老师吗?,(准备时间,20),提问:,_,(,录音时间,10,),回答:(电脑回答,请记录关键词),_,Do you want to be a teacher in the future,?,Yes,I want,to be a teacher.It was my dream when I was very little.,I want to pass my knowledge to my students.When I see the eagerness of learning from my students eyes,I would like to teach them more.And when they make progress,I will feel proud of them.,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,(3)Please get ready to ask the third question in English.,中文呈现:教学给你带来了什么?(准备时间,20),提问:,_(,录音时间,10),回答:(电脑回答,请记录关键词),_,What does teaching bring you?,Firstly,it brings me happiness.,When I stay with my students,I always feel very pleasant.,I can also learn a lot from my students.For example,they are very positive.Some of them always try their best in study.,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,(1)Please get ready to answer the first question.,提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词),(准备时间,10),_,回答:,_,(录音时间,10,),(2)Please get ready to answer the second question.,提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词),(准备时间,10),_,回答:,_,(录音时间,10),2.Please get ready to answer five questions in English.,Which subject did Tom teach the children?,English.,How many students were there in Toms class?,15.,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,(3)Please get ready to answer the third question.,提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词),(准备时间,10),_,回答:,_,(,录音时间,10,),(4)Please get ready to answer the fourth question.,提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词),(准备时间,10),_,回答:,_,(录音时间,10),What did Tom design for his class?,Many activities and games.,What was Toms dream when he was very little?,His dream was to be a teacher.,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,广东高考英语听说考试模拟题,ppt14,(5)Please get ready to answer the fifth question


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