安徽省中考英语 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 八上 第8讲 课件

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安徽省中考英语 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 八上 第8讲 课件_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,八年级上册,第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石,1,第,8,讲,Unit 3Unit 4,话题,本讲涉及了“描述和比较人物的个性特征、讨论你的城镇”等相关话题。,2,要点梳理,过关,3,4,5,6,7,8,重点词汇过关,单词拼写,根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。,1I cant hear you clearly.Could you speak more l,oudly,(大声地)?,2Its n,ecessary,(必要的)for us to learn English.,3My parents are b,oth,(两者都)teachers.,4His story was funny and made us all l,augh,(大笑),5“No pains,no gains”is my favorite s,aying,(格言),6There were no s,eats,(座位)on the bus,so she had to stand there.,9,7I have two t,ickets,(票)to the basketball match.,8Taking a plane is more c,omfortable,(舒适的)than taking a train.,9These skirts all look nice.I cant decide which one to c hoose (选择),10Go over your homework c,arefully,(仔细地)before you hand it in.,11They were p,oor,(穷的)then,but they hoped to live a rich life.,12Julia Hand sang the most b,eautifully,(漂亮)at the concert.,13Linda was the w,inner,(获胜者)for the most exciting performer.,10,高频考点,精讲,考点,1,辨析win与beat,Well,everyone wants to win.好吧,每个人都想赢。Unit 3 P18,win,赢得;获得,后接比赛、奖品、荣誉或战争等名词,不能接参赛的选手,They won the baseball game.,他们在棒球赛中获胜了。,beat,打败;战胜,后接战胜的对手,,beat sb.,意为“战胜某人,赢了某人”,He always beats me in tennis.,他打网球总是赢我。,【拓展】,win,、,beat,的反义词为,lose,,常用搭配:,lose to sb.“,输给某人”。,11,考点,2,辨析be similar to,take after,look like与be like,My best friend is similar to Larry because shes less hard,-,working than me.我最好的朋友与劳拉相似,因为她不如我努力。Unit 3 P22,be similar to,某物为某人所熟知;与,相似,用法广泛,一般用在相似的物品和情景的对比上,His teaching style is similar to that of most of the teachers.,他的教学风格和大多数教师很相似。,12,take after,外貌长得像,行为、性格等像,一般用在有血缘关系的亲子之间,Mary really takes after her mother.,玛丽的确长得像她妈妈。,look like,看起来像,多指视觉上的相似,既可指人也可指物,只指外表看上去像,The man looks like our headmaster.,那个人看起来像我们的校长。,be like,相似,指“品德、性格”等相似,What is he like,?他是个什么样的人?,13,考点,3,How do you like.?句型,How do you like it so far?到目前为止,你觉得它怎么样?Unit4 P26,【透析】How do/does 主语like.?What do/does 主语 think of.?此句型是用来询问对方对某事物或某人的印象、评价、看法的,意为“某人觉得怎样?”如:How do you like your new math teacher?What do you think of your new math teacher?你觉得你的新数学老师怎么样?She is very humorous.她很幽默。,14,考点,4,辨析give,offer,provide与supply,And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true.而且关于它们(节目)的一个很棒的事情是它们给人们提供了一种实现他们梦想的方式。Unit 4 P29,give,给;赠送,give sb.sth.,give sth.to sb.,Could you give me some suggestions,?你能给我一些建议吗?,offer,主动提出,(,给予,),offer sb.sth.,offer sth.to sb.,If you offer me a trip to Hefei,,,I will be very thankful.,如果你请我去合肥旅行,我会非常感激。,15,provide,指有远见,为应付意外、紧急情况等做好充分准备而“供给、提供”,provide sb.with sth.,provide sth.for sb.,The company provided my brother with a car.,公司给我哥哥提供了一辆汽车。,supply,供给,补充,(,物资,),supply sb.with sth.,supply sth.to sb.,Local schools supply many of the volunteers to the organization.,当地学校向这个组织提供了很多志愿者。,关联语法链接,语法,1,:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成与用法 见,P162,和,P168,语法,2,:比较级和最高级的不规则变化 见,P162,和,P168,16,考点即时,运用,1.,语法,22017,攀枝花中考,Which is _clothes store in the town?,Dream Clothes.Its _than Blue Moon.,A,the best,;,better,B,the worst,;,the worse,C,best,;,better,D,worst,;,better,2,考点,4 This student is very polite,,,and he often _the old his own seat on the bus.,A,offers,B,passes,C,provides,D,gives,3,考点,4The hospital has promised to _ the free medical care for this poor child.,A,share,B,give,C,offer,D,provide,A,A,D,17,4考点1Mary,_ all the other students and got the first prize in the oral English competition last week.,Awon Blost Cbeat Dforgot,5考点3_do you think of the TV program called,Running Man,?,Its very interesting.I love watching it.,AHow BWhat CWhere DWhich,6考点3How do you like your new job?,_I like it.,AIts great BTerrible,CI cant stand it DI have no idea,7语法12017恩施中考改编Among these children,Jim has_life and he lives_,Athe most happy;most happily,Bthe happiest;most happily,Cthe happiest;happiest,Dthe most happy;happiest,C,B,A,B,18,8考点1Grace is so smart that she,_this game every time we play.,Awins Bloses Cbeats Dmisses,9考点2Alex is really outgoing,and he_his father.,Alooks like Btakes after,Cis similar to Dlooks after,10考点4Peter,what will you_to your father for his birthday?,I havent decided yet.,Agive Bprovide,Cintroduce Doffer,A,B,A,19,话题写作,指导,话题,3,:人物介绍,考情分析,人物介绍是各地中考记叙文中常见的一种写作类型,内容可以是介绍自己,也可以是介绍别人。从全国近3年“人物介绍”相关话题书面表达的命题来看,主要有以下两种命题角度:自我介绍、自荐信或介绍某人的外貌、性格、爱好、理想以及日常生活中的优缺点等;介绍某人的性格爱好、发生在两个人之间的故事以及作者的感受。如:2017怀化;2017海南;2017荆州;2017遵义;2016重庆A;2016无锡;2016黄冈;2016资阳;2016宁波;2016巴中;2015达州;2015绵阳等。,分析安徽中考近10年真题可知,安徽近10年没有考过这类话题作文,预测18年很有可能考到。,20,常用短语句型,【积累背诵】,基本信息:,1,be born in.,出生于地点,/,时间,(,年、月,),2,come/be from.,来自,外貌:,1,be of medium height,中等身高,2,be of medium build,中等身材,3,take after sb.,像某人,性格、品质:,1,be active in.,在,积极,2,get on well with sb.,与某人相处很好,3,be friendly to sb.,对某人友好,4,be strict with sb./in sth.,对某人,/,某事要求严格,21,5,be ready to do sth.,乐于做某事,6,help sb.with sth.,帮助某人做某事,7,talk/communicate with sb.,与某人谈话,/,交流,兴趣爱好:,1prefer to.喜欢,2enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事,3be interested in.对感兴趣,4be fond of 喜欢,5care about.关心,6be good at/do well in.擅长,其他:,1regard.as.把看作,2learn from.向学习,22,【基础写作运用】,1我叫李磊。我十六岁。,My name is Li Lei.Im sixteen(years old),2我个子矮/高,留着长发。,Im short /high with long hair.,3所有体育活动中,


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