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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 2 Phonetics,Definition to phonetics,Phonetics,is the scientific study of the characteristics of human speech sounds and provides methods for their description,classification and transcription or notation.,2.1,Three branches of phonetics,:,The speech sound can be studied in three different ways,thus in phonetics there are three main branches:,articulatory phonetics,(发音语音学),acoustic phonetics,(声学语音学),and auditory phonetics,(听觉语音学),.,2.2 The organs of speech,Speech sounds are produced by the organs of speech.The speech organs are contained in three areas of the body,the,chest,the,throat,and the,head,.,2.3 English speech sounds,English speech sounds include two categories:vowels and consonants.,Vowels,(,元音,)are the speech sounds produced without any obstruction of the airstreams.The passage of air is continuous and frictionless.,There are 21 English vowels,13 monophthongs(pure vowels 单元音)and,8 diphthongs(combined vowels复合元音),Consonants,(,辅音,)are speech sounds with some obstruction of the airstreams There are 22 consonants in all,which can be classified into voiced sounds and voiceless sounds.,When the vocal cords vibrate,the sound produced is a,voiced,sound(,浊辅音,).,When the vocal cords do not vibrate,the sound produced is a,voiceless,sound(,清辅音,),2.4,phoneme(,音位,):,phoneme,is a phonological unit,the smallest and abstract collection of phonetic features which can distinguish meanings.,For example,pit/bit,differing only in the initial sound;,pet/pit,differing only in the vowel.,音位的变化规律具有一定的语法功能,如,s,这个音位,(,1)表示所有格(Deb,s,camera),(2)表示三单(Deb speak,s,English),(3)表复数(two book,s,),音位,s,在不同的语言环境里,会产生一定的音位和词形变化(free variations),(1)在清辅音后念s (lips,thinks),(2)在浊辅音及原音后念z(dogs),(3)在摩擦音后念iz(closes,watches),Phonemic stylistic features is particularly evident in the poetry,I came,I saw,I conquered.(ai and k 两个音位重复出现三次,有强烈的感染力),2.5 Stress(,重音,),Stress is the degree of loudness given to some phonemes.,(1),强调某个单词或是某种涵义,I saw him(as opposed to you saw him).,I saw him(as opposed to heard him).,I saw him(as opposed to I,saw,her).,(2)区别拼写相同或发音相同而意思不同的单词的重要手段,import,v.,import,n,billow,n.,_below,prep.,(3)表示惊讶,愤怒,恐惧,喜悦等情感和态度,Really!Bill and Jane?(,nd 表示惊讶,怀疑,),2.6 Pause(,停顿,),Appropriate pause can increase the concentration of sentence sentiment.Pause can be divided into structural pause and emotional pause,.,Main functions,:,First,reflecting the mental state of thinking or hesitating,。,Second,creating suspense and heightening the atmosphere,。,voiced pause,m ,:,m,等音就是常见的有声停顿,silent pause,句末停顿 I like English.,从句末尾的停顿 When he comes,I will tell him.,词尾的停顿 as a rule,两词之间交界处的停顿 a name.,therefore,the different forms of pauses have different styles,Evening must usher night,3,night urge the morrow,2,month follow month with woe,3,and year wake year to sorrow.,3,-Shelley,Adonais,2.7 Tempo(语速),English tempo,except the regular speed,is divided into seven main forms,respectively,to reflect the territory of the two language situation,1),the monosyllabic(单音节)word,i)clipped syllables(紧张的快速音节),fresh new,le,mon(le是一个快速音节),ii)drawled syllables(松弛的延长发音的慢速音节),of,all,the Japanese visitors(a即是一个延长发音时间的慢速音节),iii)held syllables(松弛的迟缓发音的慢速音节),the,h,ouse(h 即是一个迟缓发音的慢速音节),2),polysyllabic(多音节)phrases and sentences,i)快速和特快速,ii)慢速和特慢速,iii)渐快速,iiii)减慢速,for example,Why didnt you tell me about that yesterday?,Its too late now!,(快速说出表示生气和批评,慢速则表示失望和痛苦),Thank You!,


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