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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,*,7B Unit8 Pets,期末复习,1,Comic strip&welcome to the unit,2,给某人拿来,四处游动,在某人的膝盖上,教某人做某事,用,喂,与,玩,手里拿着东西,Useful Phrases,bring sb sth=bring sth to sb,swim around,on ones knees,teach sb to do sth,feed(with)sth=feed sth to,play with,hold sth in ones hand,3,知识巩固训练,I.,根据汉语意思完成句子,1.,在美国,许多老人把宠物当成他们的家庭成员。,Many old people regard their _ _ their family members in America.,2.,不要对你的父母无礼。,Dont _ _ _ your parents.,pets as,be rude to,4,3.,我们经常给兔子喂胡萝卜。,We often _ rabbits _carrots.,4.,丹尼尔经常教我们唱英文歌。,Daniel often _ us _ _ English songs.,5.,看!他的手里正拿着一把伞。,Look!He is _ an umbrella _ his hand.,6.,那名警察经常注视着来来往往的人。,The policeman often _people _ and_.,feed with,teaches to sing,holding in,watches,come go,5,II.,单项填空,I spend 10 minutes watching the goldfish swim _ in the tank.,to B.from C.around D.at,2.The old man likes _the children _ games.,watch,pay B.watching,play,C.watch,playing D.watching,to play,3.Are they watching the girls_?,Yes.And they watch the girls _every day.,dance,to dance B.dancing,dance,C.to dance,dancing D.dancing,to dance,6,用所给词的适当形式填空,1.There are two _(mouse)in the box.,2.Look!A cat is standing on _(he)knees.,3.I like _ (watch)it swim around.,4.She wants to _(teach)us_(dance).,5.English is very important.,We should _(study)it well.,6.Ill_(bring)you some seafood.,mice,his,watching,teach,to dance,study,bring,7,Reading,POEMS,8,最聪明的动物,追逐,精彩的把戏,用棍子建营地,照顾,直到最后,喂养,温柔的抚摸,the cleverst animal,run after,wonderful tricks,build camps out of sticks,look after,till the end,feed sb./sth.,a gentle touch,9,知识巩固训练,根据汉语提示完成句子,The road is about ten metres _(,宽,).,The boy _(,藏,)it behind the door just now.,Go on until you reach the _(,终点,).,Dont make _(,麻烦,),。,He put a _(,棍,)into the ground to mark the point.,He _(,摸,)me on my head just now.,We work hard to _(,建设,)our country.,wide,hid,end,trouble,stick,touched,build,10,II.,根据汉语意思完成句子,我的狗经常追赶他的猫。,My dog often _ _ her cat.,2.,他经常开那个女孩的玩笑。,He often _ _ _ that girl.,3.,我们一定会赢得这场篮球赛。,We _ _ _ win the basketball match.,runs after,plays tricks on,are sure to,11,Grammar,12,PartA Using adjectives,说明事物或人的性质或特征的词称,为形容词!,13,Work out the rule 1,形容词在,名词前面,be,动词后面,14,Work out the rule 2,We use adjectives after _,linking verbs,连系动词,15,已,学,过,的,连,系,动,词,be,感官系动词:,sound smell look,feel taste,四变两不变,become,get,turn,go,keep,stay,似乎,seem,16,Work out the rule 3,make sb/sth+,adj.,使得某人或某物,find sb./sth+,adj.,发现某人或某物,It is+,adj.+to do,sth,做某事,Sb.+be+,adj.+to do,sth,某人做某事,.,17,PartB Indefinite pronouns,不定代词,指代不明确或没必要提及的人或物,的代词称为不定代词。,18,-thing,-body,-one,some-,something,somebody,someone,any-,anything,anybody,anyone,every-,everything,everybody,everyone,no-,nothing,nobody,no one,Indefinite Pronouns,19,1.,肯定句中用,_,否定句和一般疑问句中,_,somebody/something,anybody/anything,2.something,还可以表示婉转亲切语气的疑问句中,表示说话人的邀请,提议或请求,希望对方作出肯定回答。,Would you like,something,to drink?,Would you please give me,something,to eat?,20,Pay attention!,1.,不定代词作主语后面谓语用,单数,2.,形容词修饰不定代词都放在其,后面,21,Listen!_ is knocking at the door.,Is there _ in the room now?,_ would like to do it.Its so hard.,-Who is in the classroom?,-_.(,没有人),Since _ is here,lets begin our lesson.,Someone/Somebody,anybody,Nobody,No one/Nobody,Someone/somebody,anyone/anybody,no one/nobody/everyone,everybody,22,1.Is there _ interesting in todays newspaper?,2.I have _ new to tell you,3.You are all right.There is _ wrong,with you.,4.If you do _ wrong,you should say Sorry.,5.There is _ in Millies bag.Its empty.,something,anything,nothing,anything,something,nothing,something,nothing,23,改错,1.There is someone knock at the,door now.,2.Nobody are at home.You dont need to go home now.,3.Is there wrong anything with your bicycle?,knocking,is,anything wrong,24,4.I am sure everything are OK with,your son.,5.I think there is no one call you at,the moment.,6.I have serious something to tell,you.,is,calling,something serious,25,Integrated skills,26,短语翻译,in the sun,look after,pick them up,grow up,once a day,10 centimetres long,make some noise,walk a dog,brush her fur,在太阳下,照顾,把他们捡起来,长大,一天一次,10,厘米长,制造一些噪音,遛狗,刷她的毛,27,知识巩固训练,I.,根据汉语提示完成句子,Lucy often _(,刷,)her teeth after meals.,He_(,称重,)himself yesterday.,There is going to be a _(,报告,)in the hall.,brushes,weighed,report/talk,28,II.,根据汉语意思完成句子,我的父亲需要多锻炼来减肥。,My father needs to do more exercise to _ _.,2.,莉莉正在树下和凯特谈话。,Lily is _ _Kate under the tree.,3.,妈妈叫我们不要发出任何噪音。,Mother asked us not to _ _ _.,lose weight,talking to,make any noise,29,4.,请整理好你的课桌。,Please _ _ your desk.,5.,我经常帮助妈妈打扫房子。,I often help my mother _ _ _.,6.,孩子们正在阳光下快乐地做着游戏。,The children are playing games happily,_ _ _.,clean up,clean the house,in the sun,30,III.,单项填空,My mother is ill in hospital.I have to _ my grandparents at home.,look out B.look after,C.look up D.look at,2.Please talk about something about your _life.,each day B.eachday,C.every day D.everyday,31,Task,32,短语翻译,like doing sth,in a basket,look like,lie on the bed,take good care of,喜欢做某事,在篮子里,看起来像,躺在床上,好好照顾,33,知识巩固训练,根据汉语提示完成句子,The old woman put all the vegetables in th


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