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,高中英语课件,(金戈铁骑 整理制作,),Section Using Language,But she didnt turn up.,可她没有出现。,1,turn up,出现;到场;开大,(,水、电、煤气、音量等,),典例,He promised t,o come,but he hasnt turned up yet.,他承诺了要来,,但是还没有到场。,This job turned up just when I needed it.,我正需要时,这份工作恰好出现了。,Turn up the radio so that I can hear it better.,把收音机开大声点,这样我能听得更清楚。,拓展,turn down,关小,(,水、电、煤气、音量等,);拒绝,turn on/o,ff,打开,/关闭,turn to sb./sth.forsth.,向某人,/物请求某物,turn in 上交;归还,turn out,结果是;证明是,运用,用 turn 构成的短语的适当形式填空,Many people _ as guests at the meeting,yesterday.,Finally,the experiment _ to be a great,success.,The little girl _ her mother for comfort.,He tried to join the army but was _,because of his poor health.,turned up,turned out,turned down,turned to,She said she would be there at seven oclock,and he thought,she would keep her word.,她说她会在七点到达,他(李方)认为她会,守信用的。,2,keep ones word,(,keep ones promise,),守信用;履行诺,言,遵守诺言,典例,He often fails to keep his word.他经常不守信用。,拓展,break ones word,break ones prom,ise,毁约;失信,,食言,have a word with sb.,与某人谈话,have words with sb.,与某人吵架,in a/one word,简言之,总之,in other words(,that is to say)换句话说,You can trust him.He is a man who always_,(守信用),Can I _(谈话)you after the meeting?,运用,完成句子,Dont _(失信),otherwise no,one will trust you.,_(总之),English is an important language.It,is necessary for us to learn and master English.,_(换句话说),he finally found the,way to the secret island.,keeps his word,break your word/promise,In a word,In other words,have a word with,Well,he was not going to hold his breath for her to,apologize.,他不想屏住呼吸等她来道歉。,3,hold ones breath,屏息;屏气,典例,I held my breath and sank under the water.,我屏住呼吸,沉入水中。,拓展,catch ones breath(,因恐惧、震惊等,)一时停止呼吸,,屏息;歇口气,take/draw a deep breath,深呼吸,lose ones breath,喘不过气来,out of breath,上气不接下气,运用,完成句子,The race was so close that everyone was _,(屏息)at the finish.,holding his breath,I was _(上气不接下气)after getting on,the bus.,out of breath,I almost _(喘不过气来)after a fast,running.,lose my breath,When you are angry,you can _(深呼吸),and calm down.,take/draw a deep breath,4,apologize,vi.,道歉;辩白,典例,You must apologize to your sister for your rudeness.,你太粗鲁了,必须向你,姐姐道歉。,拓展,apologize to sb.f,or(doing)sth.,为,(,做,)某事向某人道歉,apology,n,道歉,accept/refuse an apology,接受,/拒绝道歉,运用,完成句子,apologized to my best friend for,I _(向我最好的朋友道歉),being late for the important appointment.To my surprise,she,_(拒绝了我的道歉),refused my apology,He would drown his sadness in coffee.,他要用咖啡来解愁。,5,drown,vt,.&,vi,.,淹没;溺死;淹死,典例,The flood drowned the whole village.,洪水把,整个村庄淹没了。,Two children drowned after falling into the river.,两个小孩掉进河里后淹死了。,拓展,drown.in,淹没;,浸泡在,中;用,驱散、消除,(,忧愁等,),drown sadness/sorrow in drink,借酒消愁,运用,完成句子,It is no use trying to _(借,酒消愁,),_(一个快淹死的人)will catch at a,straw.,drown sadness/sorrow in drink,A drowning man,As Li Fang set off for home,he thought.,李方动身往家走,,心里想,6,set off,出发;动身;使爆炸,典例,After we had finished eating,he proposed to set off,immediately.我们吃完饭后,他建议立即动身。,The villagers set off fireworks to celebrate the successful,completion of the power station.,村民们燃放爆竹来庆祝发电站的竣工。,拓展,set off for.,动身前往,set out 动身;出发,set out to do sth.,打算,/着手做某事,set about,sth./doing sth.,着手做某事,set aside,留出;不理会,set down,记下;写下,We _(开始)doing our task at once with,great enthusiasm.,I will _(写下)the story as it is told to me.,运用,完成句子,set out,set aside,I _(动身前往)the company earlier in,order to avoid the heavy traffic.,He _(打算)to write a book about how to,get the needed information on the Internet.,I tried to _(留出)a bit of money every,month.,set about,set down,set off for,I dont want them to remind me of her.,我不想因它们想起,她来。,7,remind.of.,使,想起,典例,The photo reminds me of my college.,这张照,片使我想起我的大学。,拓展,remind sb.to do sth.,提醒某,人去做某事,remind sb.that.,提醒某人,;使某人想,起,运用,完成句子,The man _(使我想起)my father.,The sight of the watch _(提醒我)I,was late.,I _(提醒他)attend the lecture on time,this evening.,reminds me of,reminded me that,remind him to,She would never forgive him.,她将永远也不会原谅他了。,8,forgive,vt.,原谅;饶恕,典例,You should learn to forgive those who have hurt you.,你应该学会原谅伤害过你的人。,拓展,forgive sb.for(do,ing)sth.,原谅某人,(,做,),某事,运用,完成句子,He cannot _(原谅自,己)not letting his,mother see him for the last glance.,forgive himself for,1,It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was,waiting for Li Fang to leavehe wiped the table,then sat down,and turned on the TVjust what Li Fang needed,!显,然,咖啡,店的老板在等待李方离开,他擦好桌子,然后坐下来,打开,电视,这正是李方想要的。,点拨,该句是一个 it 作形式主语的,复合句,真正的主语是,由 that 引导的主语从句。主语从句放在句子开头往往显得头重,脚轻,通常借助 it 作形式主语使句子平衡,把真正的主语从句,放在句尾。it 作形式主语的常见句型有:,Itbe,adj,.(possible/likely/necessary/important.)that.,Itbe,n,.(time/ones duty/a pity/a shame.)that.,Itbe,v,.-ed(reported/known.)that.,It appears/seems/proves/happens.that.,运用,完成句子,It was obvious that,_(显然)the driver couldnt control his car.,_(据报道)the number of missing,people in the earthquake reached 3,000.,_(看起来)he has recovered from illness.,_(那是个好消息)our school won,the competition.,It was reported that,It was good news that,It appears/seems that,2,There was Hu Jin waving at him and calling.,那是,胡瑾,在向他招手,叫他,点拨,(1)这是一个完全倒装句。副词 there,here 放句首,,且主语为名词时,需要完全倒装。“there谓语动词主语,其他”的,完全倒装结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。,there


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