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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,*,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Anatomy and physiology,Acute and chronic pharyngitis,Acute and chronic tonsillitis,Tonsillectomy,Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology,Clinical otolaryngology,Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery,The Laryngoscope,咽,pharynx n.,swallow v.,nasopharynx,oropharynx,laryngopharynx,nasopharynx,nasopharynx,nasal septal,pharyngeal opening,pharyngeal recess,adenoid,inferior turbinate,middle turbinate,superior turbinate,nasopharynx,oropharynx,oropharynx,uvula,tonsil,glossopalatine arch,pharyngopalatine arch,laryngopharynx,laryngopharynx,postcricoid space,pyriform sinus,vallecula epiglottica,retropharyngeal space,Waldeyers tonsillar ring,pharyngeal lymphoid ring,Waldeyers lymphatic ring,adenoids,present at birth,physiological enlargement at 6,atrophy from 10-20,deep clefts,no crypts,Tonsil,Sides of oropharynx between palatoglossal,and palatopharyngeal arches,long, branched crypts,swallowing,speechbreathingventilationimmuneprotection,Acute Pharyngitis,Virus,Bacterium,Environment,etiology,acute pharyngitis,Virus,Bacterium,Environment,etiology,acute pharyngitis,Coxackie virus,adenovirus,rhinovirus,close contact,Virus,Bacterium,Environment,etiology,acute pharyngitis,acute septic pharyngitis,Group A streptococcus,Virus,Bacterium,Environment,etiology,acute pharyngitis,various irritation,clinical features,Children prodrome or concomitant,Adults acute rhinitis, acute tonsillitis,mealses, scarlet fever, influenza,Symptoms and Signs,acute,pharyngalgia,asystematic,self-healable,Redness,Purulence,Edema,white punctate exudate,Diagnosis,contagious diseases,general diseases,throat swab,Treatment,local: warm saline gargles, Dobell solution,systemic: bed rest, plenty of fluids, warm saline gargles, antibiotics,Chinese traditional medicine,Chronic Pharyngitis,Chronic Pharyngitis,local,general,etiology,chronic pharyngitis,local,general,etiology,chronic pharyngitis,local,general,etiology,chronic pharyngitis,symptoms,variable,asystematic,discomfort or pain in the throat,foreign body sensation in throat,tiredness of voice,cough,signs,simple catarrhal pharyngitis,signs,hypertrophic pharyngitis,城门失火,殃及池鱼。,Diagnosis,chronic pharyngitis,difficult,treatment,aetiological factor: to be sought and eradicated.,warm saline gargles,Chinese traditional medicine: bamboo leaves,case study,Simon is a 29-year-old unemployed actor who has noted a feeling of a lump in the throat for the past 6 months. He says, It feels like a pill has got stuck and points to the area just below his larynx. His symptoms come and go. Although food has never become stuck, he says that he sometimes finds it,difficult to swallow his saliva. His grandfather died of carcinoma of the lung recently, and he admits that he is afraid that he has cancer. Examination is normal throughout.,1 What is the most likely diagnosis?,2 What other features should be sought on direct,enquiry?,3 Should any investigations be organized? If so, what?,case study,Simon is a 29-year-old unemployed actor who has noted a feeling of a lump in the throat for the past 6 months. He says, It feels like a pill has got stuck and points to the area just below his larynx. His symptoms come and go. Although food has never become stuck, he says that he sometimes finds it,difficult to swallow his saliva. His grandfather died of carcinoma of the lung recently, and he admits that he is afraid that he has cancer. Examination is normal throughout.,1 What is the most likely diagnosis?,2 What other features should be sought on direct,enquiry?,3 Should any investigations be organized? If so, what?,case study,Simon is a 29-year-old unemployed actor who has noted a feeling of a lump in the throat for the past 6 months. He says, It feels like a pill has got stuck and points to the area just below his larynx. His symptoms come and go. Although food has never become stuck, he says that he sometimes finds it,difficult to swallow his saliva. His grandfather died of carcinoma of the lung recently, and he admits that he is afraid that he has cancer. Examination is normal throughout.,1 What is the most likely diagnosis?,2 What other features should be sought on direct,enquiry?,3 Should any investigations be organized? If so, what?,咽: 鼻咽, 口咽, 喉咽,咽隐窝,咽淋巴环,咽旁间隙, 咽后隙,会厌谷,Acute Tonsillitis,Acute Tonsillitis,etiology,Beta hemolytic streptococcus,anaerobic bacterium,mild infectious!,symptoms,sore throat,difficulty in swallowing refuse to eat,fever 38-40 degree,earache either referred or acute otitis media,constitutional symptoms headache, malaise,signs,hyperaemia,purulence,diagnosis,sore throat,difficulty in swallowing,pyrexia,general malaise,diagnosis,halitosis,lymphadenopathy,exudative inflammation,enlargement of the tonsils,treatment,bed rest, plenty of fluids,analgesics: aspirin or paracetamol,antimicrobial therapy,complications,chronic tonsillitis,peritonsillar abscess,parapharyngeal abscess,cervical abscess,complications,acute otitis media,rheumatic fever,acute glomerulonephritis: rare these days,subacute bacterial endocarditis,peritonsillar abscess,peritonsillar abscess,quinsy,features,tonsil is pushed medially,displacement of uvula,more unwell,trismus,treatment,antibiotics+steroids,I & D,Johnny Appleseed,“Type a quote here.”,retropharyngeal abscess,infants,stiff neck,palpable neck pain,fever,difficulty swallowing,stridor,enlarged cervical lymph node,retropharyngeal abscess,Chronic Tonsillitis,Chronic Tonsillitis,Diagnosis,recurrent history,Tonsillectomy,indications,absolute indications,suspected malignancy,as part of another procedure,child with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome,indications,relative indications,recurrent acute tonsillitis,chronic tonsillitis,previous quinsy(once or twice previously),febrile convulsions,post operation,bleeding,extremely painful,referred otalgia is common,1 Positioning the patient,2 Inserting a BoyleDavis gag,3 Dissecting the tonsils,4 Haemostasis,SURGICAL STEPS,1 Positioning the patient,2 Inserting a BoyleDavis gag,3 Dissecting the tonsils,4 Haemostasis,SURGICAL STEPS,1 Positioning the patient,2 Inserting a BoyleDavis gag,3 Dissecting the tonsils,4 Haemostasis,SURGICAL STEPS,1 Positioning the patient,2 Inserting a BoyleDavis gag,3 Dissecting the tonsils,4 Haemostasis,SURGICAL STEPS,best,single,choice,18 years old student, sore throat and lethargy PE:bilateral tonsils II degree with white membrane, cervical lymp nodes,a acute pharyngitis,b acute laryngitis,c acute laryngopharyngitis,d acute tonsillitis,e quinsy,f grandular fever,best,single,choice,21 years old man, emergency, left pain in throat, otalgia. PE: trismus, left tonsil shifted to median.,a acute pharyngitis,b acute laryngitis,c acute laryngopharyngitis,d acute tonsillitis,e quinsy,f grandular fever,best,single,choice,5 years old girl, sore throat for 3 days, increasing earache. PE: hyperemia in oropharynx, pus on the surface of tonsils,a acute pharyngitis,b acute laryngitis,c acute laryngopharyngitis,d acute tonsillitis,e quinsy,f grandular fever,Johnny Appleseed,“Type a quote here.”,


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